Agent of Heaven

Chapter 186 The Auction Storm

Chapter 186 The Auction Storm

The Waldorf Astoria Hotel has a long history, and those who can enter and exit here are either those who can control currency and business tycoons or the heads of political leaders who hold great power.Over time, some major events will choose to be held here.For example, in 1946, after the Second World War, the four victorious countries, Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and France, signed the "World Peace Agreement" here. In 2000, 146 countries joined together in the The fabled Declaration of the New Millennium was thus signed.

Therefore, the Waldorf Astoria is nicknamed "Little United Nations"!But now, a seemingly ordinary auction is being held in the small United Nations.

But since it is an auction that can be held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, how can it be really ordinary?All the wealthy businessmen from all over the world gathered on the field.If the net worth is less than ten figures, you may not be able to enter the gate of this auction.And among these wealthy businessmen, about [-]% are Chinese people with black hair and yellow skin!I would like to have nothing else, because all the items auctioned in this auction are historical relics and treasures that originally belonged to the Huaxia Kingdom.

These Chinese businessmen, in today's prosperous and powerful country, are trying to take back the Chinese cultural relics scattered overseas through various methods.

Jiang Xiaoyue and the others came here under the pretense of rich Chinese businessmen, but their replacement identities were the four vice presidents of the largest Wang consortium in China, so they were naturally arranged in one of the most high-end private rooms, quietly Looking at the auction that just started below.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel." Although the host of the auction was a white man, he was actually wearing a Tang suit.And after he said the word in English, he would repeat it in Chinese immediately.As if afraid that the Chinese rich and powerful sitting in the audience would not understand.

"I am very honored to host today's auction, because none of the things auctioned today are priceless. Everyone, your bids today will also be recorded in history. Because what we auction today, all It comes from an ancient country with thousands of years of civilization—Chinese cultural relics!" The host said here, and said a little playfully: "Thousands of years of civilization? I'm afraid you will feel incredible. This is the first time I heard I also feel that the Chinese people must be bragging! Because I know that the greatest United States in the world today is only a few hundred years old. They actually claim to be thousands of years old! It was not until I saw these cultural relics that I realized that what the Chinese people said What I said is absolutely worthy of the name!" Having said this, he waved his hand and said: "The following is the first auction item of today! The dragon head of one of the twelve bronze statues of the Chinese Zodiac in the Old Summer Palace of the Manchu Qing Empire! "

A red-yellow dragon head was pushed onto the auction stage, and more than a dozen beams of lights shone on it at the same time, shining brightly for a moment. The dragon head, which was originally carved finely, was now even more lifelike.

The host shouted excitedly with the microphone. It was useless for him to do so this time. Instead, he shouted directly to the audience in Chinese: "Have you all seen it? The dragon head! The dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation. The dragon head It is also the most precious existence among the bronze statues of the twelve zodiac signs! At the French auction a few years ago, the mouse capital was sold for a sky-high price of 1400 million euros. Now, the dragon head, which is far more valuable than the mouse head, appeared here ! What are you waiting for? The starting price is 1000 million, and each increase must not be less than 100 million euros! The auction begins!"

There were continuous calls below, which represented the dragon head of the Huaxia Totem, which was quickly fired to a high price of 5000 million euros.But still improving at the far end.

Yang Jian frowned, and looked at the rich merchants in the auction house who kept asking for prices: "This is just a bronze statue. After this price, I'm afraid it will not be much more expensive than gold of equal weight. Why did they so crazy?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "There is something called national integrity, the crystallization of the wisdom of these ancestors. Of course, our Chinese descendants don't want them to be exiled in other places forever."

Kui Mulang swept over those who kept asking for bids: "I can see that the group of foreigners below are determined to eat us Chinese people. They know that no matter what the price is, we will bid with them to the end, so they are all now Start driving up the price desperately!"

Nezha said angrily: "It's disgusting! Let me go down and teach them a lesson!" After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the door of the box.

Yang Jian quickly grabbed Nezha and said, "You forgot! We have a mission to come here this time, don't be impulsive and miss a big deal!"

Nezha went back sullenly, still mouth full and said: "If Tai'a hadn't been watching and would show up at any time, I would definitely not let this group of ghosts who take advantage of others continue to be arrogant!"

Jiang Xiaoyue sighed: "When it comes to national dignity, the Huaxia people will not give up no matter what!"

Sure enough, the price of the dragon head below has been fired up to 9000 million euros, but it seems that there is still no downward trend, but the price is getting more and more intense.

"Ninety-three million!"

"9000 two million!"

"Ninety-three million!"

"[-] million euros!" The asking price went straight to [-] million euros, and the field fell into silence for a while.[-] million euros, if converted into RMB, it is about [-].No matter how rich the net worth is, this will not be a small sum, so now they cannot help them to think carefully.

The host exclaimed excitedly: "Now the price of the dragon head has reached [-] million euros! This price is extremely rare in any auction in the world! The bidder is Mr. Bonaparte from France! I am here Let me introduce Mr. Bonaparte, he is a French nobleman and a lover of Sinology! Let us remember his name!" He vaguely glanced at the seats where the Chinese people gathered and said: "If you don't bid again, The dragon head is about to be taken away by this Monsieur Bonaparte!"

Those Chinese wealthy businessmen seemed to be a little bit impatient. [-] million euros would not be a small amount for anyone, but for the sake of national dignity, some people finally couldn't help it.

A gray-haired old overseas Chinese stood up tremblingly from his seat and shouted: "5000 million euros!" There seemed to be tears in his eyes, not for the heartache of money, but just to get through this kind of money. It is heartbreaking to find a way to get back the national treasure that originally belonged to their own country.

The host and the wealthy European businessmen around him seemed to have seen that this was the limit of the wealthy Chinese businessmen, so they stopped threatening.

In the box, Jiang Xiaoyue shouted angrily: "Damn it! The wealth accumulated by us Chinese people is taken away by despicable means like this!"

Yang Jian pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have a solution, I can teach these foreign barbarians some lessons!"

The host on the stage shouted: "Mr. Cai from China bid 5000 million euros! Is there a higher bid than this Mr. Cai? 5000 million euros once! 5000 million euros twice, 5000 million euros [-] million euros into..."

"Wait! I'll offer [-] million euros!" Yang Jian walked out of the private room and shouted at the host below.

The audience fell into deathly silence, 50 million euros!Equivalent to [-] billion RMB!It can be piled up into a mountain if it is replaced by gold.

The host stared blankly at Yang Jian for a long time, and then called out: "This is from... from..." He lowered his head to check the list in his hand: "This is from China's No. [-] Group, Wang Vice President Yang of the Wang Group. He actually quoted a sky-high price of [-] million euros! It seems that the Wang Group really deserves its reputation!"

Yang Jian sneered at the Westerners below and said, "It's just five small goals, not just [-] million!" After speaking, he turned around and walked back to the private room.

The Westerners below all clearly saw Yang Jian's contemptuous eyes, and stamped their feet angrily, but they didn't dare to quote a higher price. If they made an offer and these Chinese people didn't want it, wouldn't they be smashing their hands? up!
The host excitedly said: "One time for [-] million euros, two times for [-] million euros, three times for [-] million euros! Deal! Congratulations to Mr. Yang from China for buying the dragon head representing China's national destiny at a sky-high price of [-] million euros!"

Prolonged applause came from the audience, many of whom were overseas Chinese who lamented the financial strength of the Wang Group.

In the private room, a dragon head covered with a red cloth was brought in, and a gentleman in a suit said to the crowd, "This is the dragon head you all want. May I ask how you choose to pay for it?"

Several people looked at Yang Jian speechlessly. Although they were looking at the name of the Wang consortium, they didn't have a huge sum of [-] million euros in their hands.

Yang Jian smiled easily and said, "Let's swipe the card!" After speaking, he took out a small green card from his pocket.The moment the British gentleman approached, a gap suddenly opened in the eyes of Yang Jian's forehead, and a ray of light shot out.

The gentleman's expression froze for a moment, and he immediately returned to normal.She took Yang Jian's card and swiped it on the credit card machine behind her, then smiled and said, "Thank you, sir." Then she turned and left.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Yang Jian and said, "You actually have [-] million euros?"

Yang Jian spread his hands and said with a smile, "I only have five yuan in my pocket for the breakfast I bought last time. Where did the five hundred million euros come from?"

Kui Mulang said: "Then how did you pay for it just now?"

Nezha had an idea and said, "I see, Brother Yang, you just used a trick on that person! So what the person saw was Brother Yang, you took out a bank card, and the transaction was successful!"

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Little Nezha is smart!" After speaking, he took out the green card just now, and it turned out to be an ordinary takeaway order card!There are also four big characters of Shaxian snacks written on it!

Jiang Xiaoyue immediately laughed and trembled.

Kui Mulang said: "That's not right, the effect of blindness on mortals will only last for three days at most. After three days, the spell will lose its effect."

Yang Jian suddenly showed a cold smile: "Do you think I will give this group of greedy Western barbarians a chance to ask us for money three days later?"

Seeing Yang Jian's murderous smile, everyone shuddered.The majestic No. [-] God of War in the heavens said these words, it seems that this group of Western barbarians are really in big trouble!

The auction is still going on, and a number of collections have been launched below, all of which have been taken back by many wealthy Chinese businessmen at high prices.Finally, under the eyes of everyone, the last collection of this auction, an ancient bronze sword, was presented on the auction stage!

Chunjun Sword was born!
(End of this chapter)

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