Agent of Heaven

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

When the Chunjun sword was presented, it was wrapped with a piece of red cloth, and the host pulled the red cloth away, revealing the bronze sword inside.In this way, a peerless sword was presented in front of everyone.

Looking at its rottenness, it is rotten like a row of stars; looking at its light, it is muddy like water overflowing a pond; looking at its brokenness, rocks are like trivial stones; looking at its talents, it is radiant like ice.

Yang Jian sighed and said, "Such a divine sword is actually sold for a price, it's really a violent thing!"

The host introduced excitedly below: "Prestige ladies and gentlemen, pointing to today's last sword auction, it is also the most noble sword. It is said that the pure Jun sword was cast in the Spring and Autumn Period of China! Everyone can give it a try. You know, the Spring and Autumn Period of China has a history of more than 2000 years, and you can see that this sword is still so well preserved! This is definitely one of the most precious treasures in the entire archaeological world!

Even if you can't buy this sword, you are very lucky to be able to see it today!According to Chinese legends, this sword is: it was swept by the Rain Master, and the Thunder God struck the stick; the dragon held the furnace, and the Heavenly Emperor filled it with charcoal and cast it!

Now I announce that the last auction in this field has officially started!The ancient Chinese sword Chunjun!The starting price is 100 million euros, and each increase must not be less than [-] million euros! "

Yang Jian, Jiang Xiaoyue and others all gritted their teeth in the box, it was too much, they took away the treasures that should belong to our country by plundering.Now we are being forced to redeem it at a very high price. This kind of behavior is even worse than robbers!How dare they even call themselves the Western civilized world.Known as a first world country?

Westerners turn the world into third class, but China belongs to the third world country!It means poor and backward countries.

Nezha directly pushed open the door of the box, and said angrily, "I don't care! I'm going to snatch the Chunjun sword!"

At this moment, a long howl was suddenly heard: "You barbarians! You are too rampant!" As soon as the words fell, two people came together from the air.

One of them was dressed in black, with a stern face, and when he walked, there was a turbid air all over his body. If it wasn't Qi Lingtai who was polluted by the turbid air, who was it?
On the other hand, there is still a star crown in feather clothes, a handsome face, and a sense of righteousness around him, but there is also a glimmer of turbidity in the depths of his eyes.It was this person who yelled loudly just now!
Yang Jian hurriedly stepped forward to grab Nezha who was about to go out and said, "Don't be impulsive! Our enemy has come out!"

Kui Mulang said: "Who is that man wearing the feather suit and star crown? The aura exuding from him is not weaker than Tai'a!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I think it must be Longyuan! Let's wait and see what happens, and be ready to attack anytime!"

When the host saw someone coming from the air, he was startled at first, but then he quickly recovered his composure. It seemed that he had seen the world.He said coldly: "The two must be the masters of China's practice world! Now this pure Jun sword is all the items of the British royal family and no longer belongs to your China. If you want it, you can bid for it! If you don't have money, you still want to force it If you want to rob, don’t blame our US Central Special Events Division for using force to enforce the law! You must know that the US is the world’s police!” After he finished speaking, he waved his hand after thinking, and a dozen big white men in black suits rushed forward When they came out, they all held heavy weapons in their hands, covering the people on the auction floor and retreating quickly!
You must know that the people who can come to this auction are all celebrities in the world, no matter which one of them has something to do here, it will cause an uproar in the upper class!

Long Yuan smiled and said: "Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous!" After saying these three words, his face turned indifferent: "What originally belonged to us was taken away by you, and we want to get it back! This is It’s only right and proper!” After speaking, he stretched out two fingers, and a sword qi shot out, shooting straight at the host who was speaking!

Before the host could let out a scream, he fell to the ground. The sword energy had passed through his heart, and he was hopeless!
At this time, the people on the auction site had almost retreated. A big white man two meters away walked over, pointed at Long Yuan with a thick finger and said, "How dare you kill us American citizens! I have the right to kill you!" Shoot and kill!" After speaking, he put a bazooka on his shoulder, pointed at the position where Longyuan and Tai'a were standing, and pulled the trigger!

A rocket flew towards the two with a loud bang.Tai A laughed and said: "What is this? Mechanism? This kind of secrecy can actually develop to such a degree. It seems that we have really underestimated these mortals!"

The rocket flew in front of Tai'a, but failed to burst.Because Tai'a's protective sword energy rushed forward, cutting the rocket into remote debris in an instant, and exploded and scattered on the ground.

Naturally, the fragments from the explosion of the rockets could not cause harm to Tai'a and Yongyon, but the surrounding personnel of the US Central Secret Service were splashed and covered with injuries.

"Huaxia's practice should not be underestimated. No wonder he was able to destroy the Holy See and destroy the Ise Jingu in Japan!" The tall white man was not afraid, and he took a step forward, and the rocket debris hit him. But it couldn't cause the slightest damage.

"Oh? Is there anyone in the current Chinese cultivation world who can do such a happy thing as a lesson to the barbarians?" Long Yuan said with great interest: "Who did it? The old man really wants to meet him."

Tai A laughed and said, "Who else can be, of course it is the reincarnation of our old friend Ying Long!"

Long Yuan was pleasantly surprised: "Oh? General Yinglong has been reincarnated? Brother Tai, why didn't you mention this to me?"

Tai Ah sighed: "Although he was reincarnated, he stood on the opposite side of us!"

Hearing this, Long Yuan's expression became a little sad: "Is there really no place for us weapon spirits at this time?"

Seeing the two Huaxia cultivators chatting happily, the tall white man seemed to regard him as nothing. He was furious and tore off the shirt on his chest, revealing his fluffy chest: "Huaxia people! Don't be arrogant! I'm a mutant who has been injected with the latest American high-tech enhanced medicine, now let you natives see the power of technology!" After speaking, his skin turned dark red, he roared, and jumped Jumping more than ten meters high, he rushed towards Longyuan.

Long Yuan snorted and said, "What high technology? It turned so ugly!" After speaking, he waved his sleeves, and a beam of bright sword energy shot out, directly cutting the American mutant in half in the air!
The other U.S. Secret Service personnel showed fear when they saw this, and they also tore up their shirts and turned into mutants, but instead of attacking, they chose...turn around and run away!

These people are all working for the government with their salaries, so naturally they won't work too hard!
Tai Ajie laughed strangely: "None of them can leave!" A turbid air spread, and all the mutants exploded on the way to escape, turning into blood mist!
(End of this chapter)

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