Agent of Heaven

Chapter 188 Fierce Battle

Chapter 188 Fierce Battle

Holding a three-pointed and two-edged spear, Yang Jian came in the form of a streamer, and stood in front of Tai'a, like a god descending into the world, looking majestic and majestic.

But Tai Ah just smiled strangely and said: "Yang Jian, you dare to stop me? Where is Ying Long?"

Yang Jian was furious when he heard the words: "Monster, how dare you be so presumptuous, don't take your grandpa Zhenjun seriously, look at the gun!" The three-pointed and two-edged gun in his hand swept upwards, and charged at Tai'a with a sharp edge that pierced the sky come!

Tai'a jumped back, and the sword energy in his hand condensed into a sharp sword, which collided with the three-pointed and two-edged spear.In an instant, the surrounding air fluctuated violently because of the powerful mana collision of the two.

One is the god of war in the heavenly world, who became famous in the first battle, and the official worships Xianshang Erlangjun;This encounter is really a match between an opponent and a good talent!The three-pointed and double-edged spear here is like a dragon flying over the river, and the boundless sword is like a frightening dragon swimming there!The sky is dim and the earth is dark, and the sun and the moon are dark.The skyscrapers were smashed into ruins, and all the luxury and money disappeared.After a fight, they stood still for seventy or eighty rounds, and it was still a tie.

Yang Jian took a step back dragging the three-pointed and two-edged spear, already feeling a little out of breath. They had consumed a lot of mana just now after a fight.But Tai'a no matter how much mana he consumes, the black turbidity floating around him will quickly replenish him, and instead he becomes more courageous as he fights.

Seeing that Tai'a was powerful, Nezha also jumped out, holding a pointed spear in his hand, wrapping his arms around the Huntian silk, and stepped on the circle of heaven and earth, shouting loudly: "Second brother, don't panic, I'll help you!"

Unexpectedly, before he got close to Tai'a, he saw Long Yuan standing in front of him with a calm face, and said with a smile: "I have heard about the reputation of the third prince for a long time, so I dare to enlighten you today!"

Nezha straightened his spear and stabbed at Long Yuan's throat.Unexpectedly, when Long Yuan raised his thick eyebrows, he heard a sword cry, like a dragon chant.

When Nezha heard this, his head sank, and he almost fell off the Hot Wheels!Opening his mouth, he spit out a big mouthful of blood with a wow.

"What kind of sorcery are you doing?" Third Prince Nezha asked angrily, clutching his chest.

Long Yuan said with a smile: "Hearing the sound of my sword's cry, I only received a slight injury. It seems that Nezha's third prince really deserves his reputation!"

Nezha said angrily: "Change!" Immediately, he turned into a superhuman being and attacked Longyuan.

Knowing that Nezha is powerful, Long Yuan didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, so he gathered his sword energy and transformed into a long sword in his hand, fighting Nezha.It also entered a stalemate for a while, and the outcome was hard to tell.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a slender figure walking towards the center of the auction stage, holding the Chun Jun sword in his hand.If it wasn't Jiang Xiaoyue, who else could it be?

Seeing this, Tai'a was furious, and threw the sharp blade transformed from the sword energy in his hand, towards Jiang Xiaoyue.

At this time, another yellow streamer came flying, holding a long knife, smashing the sword energy thrown by Tai'a, but it was Kui Mulang who had been waiting for a long time!
Kui Mulang said: "Miss Xiaoyue, hurry up and go back to Wuzhuang Temple!"

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded when she heard the words, and with luck, she flew in the direction of Wuzhuang Temple.

Seeing this, Tai'a was furious, and knew that Jiang Xiaoyue could not be allowed to go back to Wuzhuang Temple, where Zhen Yuanzi was sitting in the town, and if Chun Junjian got there, he might find it difficult to find the Five Gods Sword and recast Xuanyuan again.Immediately, he exerted all his strength, transformed himself, and revealed his real body. It was an ancient bronze sword more than three feet long, stabbing at Jiang Xiaoyue with boundless turbidity.

Both Yang Jian and Kui Mulang knew that the Tai'a sword was powerful, and if they let it get close, Jiang Xiaoyue might really lose her soul.Then together with luck mana, it turned into a barrier, blocking Jiang Xiaoyue.

But only heard a sound of shattering, and the Tai'a sword had already passed through the barrier and rushed towards Jiang Xiaoyue.

At this critical moment, Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes flickered with clarity, and densely packed strange characters began to climb up her fair face.An aura of disdain for the world emanated.

"Tai'a!" Jiang Xiaoyue punched out, and all the red lights condensed into a fist shadow, and rushed towards Tai'a sword.

The boxing shadow and Tai'a sword collided together, only to see that the surrounding space was like a mirror, and dense cracks began to appear.

The shadow of the fist dissipated suddenly, Tai'a sword also flew upside down and landed, turning back into a human form again.

"The power of the great witch! You! You are actually a witch!" Tai'a looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with an unbelievable look.

The clear and bright color in Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes has become more and more intense, and there are faint traces of red light in it.She was expressionless, as if she had lost her mind, and punched Tai'a again.

Wherever the fist light passed, the bustling streets were all turned into nothingness.

A clear sword light descended from the sky and collided with Jiang Xiaoyue's fist light, and the two canceled each other out.

Long Yuan's figure appeared in front of Tai'a, he frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "You are not an ordinary witch, you actually have that person's aura on you!"

Tai A said: "It seems that our old enemy is about to move again! Brother Long Yuan, you and I join forces, quickly kill this woman, and she must not be kept!"

Long Yuan nodded, that is, transformed into a six-inch long sword, looking at its pattern, the female seven stars, engraved with the shape of the Big Dipper, and the male Long Yuan, which depicts the appearance of a dragon diving into the abyss.It is the body of the ancient god sword Longyuan.

Tai'a also turned into the original Tai'a sword, and the two swords merged, carrying sword energy all over the sky, and flew towards Jiang Xiaoyue together.

When Jiang Xiaoyue saw the two peerless swords flying towards her like fleeting shadows, she couldn't help showing a look of horror in her eyes, but she had no intention of retreating at all.The dense and strange words had already covered half of her face, and behind her, the phantom of an ancient demon god began to appear vaguely, but she couldn't see her appearance clearly.

The phantom of the demon god roared at the flying two swords, and then flew forward!

Long Yuantai's two swords are so powerful, any one of them can kill demons and immortals.Now that the two swords are combined, the power has more than doubled.A faint golden color can already be seen in the surrounding sword energy, and there is a hint of the breath of Xuanyuan Shenjian in the past.

The phantom of the demon god was still too weak after all, and was strangled by the second sword in a short while, turning into a cloud of black air and dissipating.

However, the two divine swords are still stabbing towards Jiang Xiaoyue unabated. Not only do they want to seize the Pure Jun Sword, but they also want to kill Jiang Xiaoyue here!

Yang Jian was shocked when he saw this, and he used the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu to transform into a giant ten feet in size, with three pointed and two blades across his chest, standing in front of the two divine swords.

The Bajiu Xuan Gong was created by Yuanshi Tianzun. Practicing this skill can not only change in 72 ways, but also make the body like black iron, invulnerable to swords and guns.So Yang Jian tried to block the two divine swords with his body.

But after all, he underestimated the power of the two divine swords. In just an instant, the three-pointed and double-edged spear was chopped into two pieces!Two divine swords passed between Yang Jian's chest and abdomen!

Yang Jian's tall body turned into the size of a mortal, and he fell to the ground, life and death unknown.

"Second Brother!" Nezha and Yang Jian have been called brothers since the Battle of the Gods, and it has been thousands of years.The two of them are naturally very kind, like brothers.At this time, seeing Yang Jian being strangled by these two divine swords, his eyes were about to burst.As soon as all the magic weapons with three heads and six arms came out, they smashed towards Er Jian.

Nezha's magic treasures were given by his master Taiyi Zhenren.Daoist Taiyi is one of the Twelve Golden Immortals in ancient times, so the magic weapon he refined naturally gave different reactions.But it can't compare with the two most powerful swords in the world.In just a split second, Huntian Ling was turned into a sky full of debris in the sword energy, the circle of heaven and earth was cut into two pieces, and the fire-pointed spear was cut into four pieces!
After destroying all of Nezha's magic weapons, the second sword was still unabated, and came straight for Jiang Xiaoyue's head.

Seeing this, Kui Mulang shouted: "Xiaoyue, go!" After speaking, he spit out a grain of inner alchemy from his mouth and threw it at Erjian.

Kui Mulang's inner alchemy contained more than half of his monster power cultivation. When he was in Baoxiang Kingdom, Monkey King cheated him of his inner alchemy before easily defeating him.

However, this inner alchemy was still not enough to look at in front of the second sword, and the majestic sword energy danced wildly, directly twisting Kui Mulang's inner alchemy into powder.

Kui Mulang yelled, vomited blood, and fell to the ground.It is already a serious injury.

At this time, the two swords of Tai Ah and Long Yuan had already arrived in front of Jiang Xiaoyue, only a foot away from her!
(End of this chapter)

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