Agent of Heaven

Chapter 189 Book from the Ground

Chapter 189 Book from the Ground
The combination of Tai'a and Longyuan's swords already possessed a little of the divine power of the Xuanyuan Sword back then, even if it was stronger than Nezha, Yang Jian, and Kui Mulang, the three first-class generals in the heaven.Still suffered a big loss in front of these two swords!
But now the two swords are about to pierce Jiang Xiaoyue's body, and let her die forever.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaoyue would not just sit still, the light between her eyes became more and more intense, and her whole body glowed red.But in front of the monstrous sword power of Long Yuan Tai'a Second Sword, he seemed so weak and powerless.

Seeing that the sword qi had scattered all the red light, and Jiang Xiaoyue was about to die in a blink of an eye, she suddenly heard a shout from a distance: "Presumptuous!"

A huge golden dragon descended from the sky, its claws firmly pressed on Tai'a and Longyuan's two swords, making it unable to move at all.

Seeing the huge golden dragon with wings on its back, Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "You're here!" Then the light in her eyes disappeared, and she fell to the ground as if her strength had been drained.

With a strong push from Golden Dragon Claw, the two swords were repulsed and flew backwards for tens of feet. After a while of staggering, a human form appeared.

There was a flash of light on the golden dragon, and it also turned into a human form.It looked like it was Mu Feng, but he was wearing armor carved with ancient patterns.He hugged Jiang Xiaoyue in his arms and said, "I'm here!"

A smile appeared on Jiang Xiaoyue's pale face, "I know you will definitely come." After speaking, she offered the Chunjun Sword that had been in her arms with both hands, and handed it to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "You take a rest first, and they will leave it to me!" After speaking, he stood up and looked at Long Yuan and Tai Ah coldly.

Looking at Mu Feng who was wearing armor, Long Yuan said in surprise, "General, you have really successfully reincarnated!"

Mu Feng said coldly: "You still have the face to call me a general!"

Tai Ah shouted: "Ying Long! If you don't stop me from taking the Pure Jun Sword, everyone will stay safe from now on. If you insist on fighting with us, even if you recover your mana, you may not be a match for our two swords. !"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "I still want to stop you today."

Tai'a said: "Then don't talk nonsense, we have done a game today!" After speaking, sword energy shot up all over his body, breaking away the dense clouds in the sky, revealing a large blue sky.

Mu Feng lowered his head and looked around, and found that the originally bustling New York City had already reduced half of the city to ruins because of the battle between Yang Jian and the others and Shuangjian.Even the surrounding space is already a little unstable, with dense black cracks looming in the void from time to time!

"The human world here can no longer bear our battle! Let's go to the extraterritorial space to fight!" Mu Feng stretched out his hand in the air, and the space was broken, and he went to the extraterritorial void.

Long Yuan and Tai'a also turned into streamers, and followed Mu Feng to the outer void.

The void outside the territory is boundless, except for a few barren stardust, it is empty.

Standing in the void, Mu Feng radiated an inch-long golden light from his pupils, and carried the Chunjun Sword behind his back.

Both Long Yuan and Tai'a knew that Mu Feng had now recovered the strength of the Yinglong body in his previous life, and his strength should not be underestimated, so as soon as he reached the void outside his shirt, he immediately turned into his real body.The two long swords stabbed at Mu Feng with their long spears.

Mu Feng saw the ferocity of the second sword, and the sword energy contained a little golden Xuanyuan sword energy, which might be invincible.So he resorted to the method of escape from heaven and earth, and moved thousands of miles horizontally between his footsteps.

The two swords met in the air, and then quickly separated, like two dragons, chasing after Mu Feng.

A clear light emerged behind Mu Feng, and a huge phantom of a dragon began to emerge in it, and gradually solidified.

"Fellow Daoist, help me!" Finally, Mu Feng shouted.The phantom of the dragon behind him was completely solidified, breaking free from the clear light.Looking closely at this dragon, the poem says: The armor is shining and the golden scales are open, and the pearls under the beard spray colorful mist.Spread out the wings to fly thousands of miles, and cultivate a dragon in ten thousand years!

This is exactly the greatest achievement of Mu Feng's retreat this time. He has completely refined and mastered the power left by Yinglong in his previous life.This huge real body of Yinglong is the incarnation of Mu Feng's corpse.The magic power is vast and ferocious, and it is even higher than the two swords of Longyuan Tai'a.

Seeing this, Tai Ajian knew that if he was held down by Yinglong's claws, it would be difficult for the two of them to escape.At that moment, his heart suddenly turned into a stream of light and stabbed at Yinglong's real body. The sword energy and turbid energy around the sword body intertwined and amplified, and even forcibly blocked Yinglong's dragon claws!
"Yongyuan! His Yinglong real body is too powerful! I'll hold on for a while, you go and kill his real body directly!"

Hearing the words, Long Yuan made a sound of piercing through the space, and came to Mu Feng in an instant.Cut off at Mu Feng!

Mu Feng sneered and said, "I'm just waiting for you!" After speaking, he raised his sleeves!He used the spell of Qiankun in his sleeve, and directly took Longyuan in.

Seeing this, Tai Ah was not surprised but delighted: "Haha, Ying Long, aren't you too naive! I admit that Zhen Yuanzi's Qiankun in his sleeve is really powerful, but do you think that with the sharpness of Long Yuan, you really can't pierce through you?" Is that a broken sleeve?"

The universe in Wuzhuang Temple's sleeve is the supernatural power cultivated with the original mana. If it is broken by the enemy, the master will be seriously injured.Tai'a knew this well, so he laughed at Mu Feng's overreaching.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng just smiled indifferently: "Longyuan Sword is indeed sharp and unparalleled, but it is not the indestructible Xuanyuan Sword after all! Although there are not many things it can't break in this world, there are still some. Unfortunately, Jiashi Town Yuan Zi has one in his hand!"

Tai Ajian reacted when he heard the words, and exclaimed: "Not good! It's a 'book from the ground'!" After speaking, he flew towards Mu Feng regardless of the others, intending to save Long Yuan by attacking Mu Feng.

Unexpectedly, before Tai'a flew far, he heard a loud dragon chant from behind, and the huge dragon claws of Yinglong's real body fell from the sky directly, pressing him into the void, and he couldn't move for a while.

Under the suppression of Yinglong's real body, Tai'ajian was beaten back to human form after a while, he roared angrily: "Yinglong! What kind of a hero are you to rely on the magic weapon given by master to defeat us two? I don't agree!"

Mu Feng sneered and said: "You can't help but be convinced! I don't want to be a hero either!" After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and took Tai Ah into it!
After solving these two big troubles, Mu Feng turned into Liu Guang and returned to the human world.

However, Tai Ah entered the universe in Mu Feng's sleeve, and he only felt that there was an extremely majestic force of the earth flowing slowly around him, firmly reinforcing the surrounding space.

"Brother Tai! You came in too?" A beam of sword light fell from the sky, and Long Yuan returned to his original body, but his hair was disheveled, and he no longer had the slightest elegant demeanor.

Tai'a looked up, and there was a thick yellow scroll in the air, which was slowly flipping, and the incomparably majestic power of the earth was emanating from it.

Long Yuan sighed and said: "This time, I met an opponent. This earth book is the earth's fetal membrane, with extremely high defense power. It is a top-level defensive spiritual treasure. Its defense ability is no less than that of Amitabha's twelfth-grade golden lotus. But it just so happened It's my nemesis, I'm afraid you and I won't be able to get out of this world!"

But Tai'a calmed down: "Forget it! In fact, being defeated by Ying Long may not be a bad thing..." There was a strange light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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