Agent of Heaven

Chapter 190 Deal with Tai Ah

Chapter 190 Deal with Tai Ah
In the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, under the ginseng fruit tree of the spiritual root of heaven and earth.

Zhen Yuanzi sat cross-legged, and four figures floated in front of him.It was Jiang Xiaoyue, Kui Mulang, Nezha, Yang Jian and four others.

Streams of deep and mysterious earth-yellow magic power continuously poured into the bodies of the four people, and the wounds on their bodies began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.The internal injuries suffered are also recovering at an extremely fast speed.

After an unknown amount of time, Si floating in the air finally landed and sat on the four futons under the ginseng fruit tree.Zhen Yuanzi finally withdrew the khaki mana, closed his eyes and sat up in meditation.

A ray of light flickered, and Mu Feng's figure appeared under the ginseng fruit tree. He looked at Zhen Yuanzi and asked anxiously, "Master, how are their injuries?"

Zhen Yuanzi supported his long beard and said, "Nezha and Kui Mulang are fine. Miss Xiaoyue has overdrawn her mana. It's fine to recuperate and gain momentum here. It's just Yang Jian..." Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed, looked at Yang Jian and said, "His injuries are too serious. Long Yuan and Tai Ah, two of the strongest magic soldiers in the world, passed through his chest. Whether it is physical or Primordial spirit, both suffered great trauma. If he hadn't practiced eight or nine profound arts, his physical strength was far stronger than that of ordinary people, I am afraid that his soul would have been scattered by this time. Although I have the power of the earth to extend my life, but But it can't be cured. What's more... What's more, Tai'a sword energy is attached to an extremely tyrannical turbid air, and with my current ability, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get rid of it."

Mu Feng looked at Yang Jian who was sitting on the futon, his face was already lifeless.Suddenly, he slowly knelt down in front of Zhen Yuanzi: "Master, please advise, who else can save Brother Yang Jian, I will definitely go to find him."

Zhen Yuanzi sighed: "I really want to know that among the Three Realms, apart from the six Hunyuan Saints who don't care about world affairs, only the Tathagata of the Great Leiyin Temple Buddha."

"Thank you, Master. This disciple will go to the Great Leiyin Temple in Xitian and ask the Tathagata Buddha for rescue. I also hope that Master will save Second Brother Yang's life temporarily during this period of time."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "You can go at ease, although you can't cure Yang Jian as a teacher, it is not difficult to hang his life with the spiritual roots of heaven and earth."

Mu Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words, so he stood up, used the heaven and earth escape method, and went west.

Looking at Mu Feng's back in this way, he said with a smile: "Whether it's in the previous life or in this life, you are so righteous and never willing to treat people around you badly."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and flicked it, and an ancient book appeared on the ground. The khaki light on the pages of the book kept flickering. It was the book from the ground that subdued the two swords of Tai'a and Longyuan!
On the pages of the book from the ground, there are two villains bound by earth-yellow light. From their appearance, it can be seen very clearly that they are Tai'a and Longyuan.

Zhen Yuanzi's long and narrow eyes radiated a cold light, and said coldly to Tai'a: "Tai'a, are you guilty?"

But Tai A had no color at all, he laughed and asked back: "Dare to ask Great Immortal Zhenyuan, what is my fault?"

"Slaying heavenly soldiers and generals, slaughtering mortal cities, what do you have to argue about these two crimes?"

Tai A suddenly laughed, he laughed maniacally, as if there was something very funny, after a while, he raised his head, with tears in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "Zhen Yuanzi! Don't you know who it is? Are you forcing us to come to this point? It’s you! It’s you sanctimonious immortals. What’s the difference between you and the Yaozu? It’s just that the Yaozu enslaves humans and other races, while you enslave us. It's just trying to fight for a living space for us Qi Ling, why am I guilty?"

Tai'a's words are so convincing that it seems impossible to refute them.

Zhen Yuanzi waved the whisk, and a khaki-yellow light pushed Tai Ah to his knees on the book on the ground. He couldn't move anymore, and the crazy expression on his face was quickly replaced by pain.

"Stop making more sophistry. Your remarks can be used to deceive others, but they are really useless to the old! As a vassal of the family, there is no destiny to take power and monopolize a world. This is the way of heaven that has existed forever since the birth of heaven and earth. You cannot change it, and no one else can change it."

Tai'a exerted all his strength and sword energy all over his body, trying to defeat the force of the earth pressing on him, but it seemed to be in vain, he shouted hysterically: "Zhen Yuanzi, you are deceiving people too much! What kind of shit! God, I want to go against the sky!"

Zhenyuan Daxian said: "Now my disciple has gone to the west to invite the Tathagata Buddha. As soon as the Buddha comes, he can purify all the turbid qi in your body, so that you can no longer cause trouble with other weapon spirits."

When Tai Ah heard Tathagata's name, he showed a very frightened expression and said: "No, don't let Tathagata come over! I don't want to see him, you can't treat me like this."

Zhen Yuanzi sneered, "Now I know I'm afraid, but it's too late."

Tai A said: "No! I don't want to see Tathagata! I can tell you a secret in exchange, you don't want me to see Tathagata!"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "No matter what secrets you have, I'm not interested."

Tai A said: "Please don't let Tathagata come here, he is not a good person! He is simply a..." At this point, he stopped suddenly.

Zhen Yuanzi said: "What do you want to say about Tathagata? Why don't you continue talking?"

Tai'a showed a strange smile: "Sure enough, in fact, you have already doubted the Tathagata, right? You want to get information from me?"

Zhen Yuanzi sneered and said, "Do you think you can escape now? Do you still have the right to bargain with me?"

Tai A said: "There is no deep hatred between us and you! Our conflicts can be reconciled. Besides, Yin Long and I can be saved, and we can even about this, you and I cooperate, and you let me go? How about that?" ?
Zhen Yuanzi said: "I am the knife and you are the fish! It is impossible for me to let you go like this. But if you tell me what you know, I may not hand you over to Tathagata."

Tai'a took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and finally said the shocking words: "The instigator of the demon world's counterattack against the heaven world this time is Tathagata!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "If the Tathagata is his Buddha in the Western Paradise, why do you want to plot against the Heavenly Court? Could it be that he wants to be the Jade Emperor."

Tai A said: "Of course Tathagata does not want to be the Jade Emperor. Although the position of Jade Emperor is nominally the Lord of the Three Realms, he is actually just a puppet! Tathagata plotted against the Heavenly Court secretly, but he just wanted to start a new battle of conferring the gods, and renew the battle of the gods. Establish the order of the Three Realms!

After hearing the shocking words, Zhen Yuanzi didn't seem to show any expression of astonishment, he said slowly: "Is there any evidence for what you said?"

Tai A said: "Where do you need any evidence? Who is behind the demon clan? There are too many people in the Three Realms who know clearly, and I am afraid that you are one of them, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan! You just don't know Sakyamuni's ambition. !"

Zhen Yuanzi murmured: "You take away the sword energy and turbid energy from Yang Jian's body first, and heal his injuries. We will talk about other things in detail later." Walked out of the book from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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