Agent of Heaven

Chapter 191 Lingshan

Chapter 191 Lingshan
It is said that the Western Spirit Mountain is a blessed place in the extreme west of the world, where the beauty of the world is adored, and the beauty of the sun and the moon are surpassed.In the past, Zhunti led the two saints to achieve the Dao in this mountain, and he became a saint by proving the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.Later, the Western religion became Buddhism, and the leading Taoists also transformed themselves into Amitabha Buddha. Only then did the Western world be opened up and leave this spiritual mountain.

Then after the Battle of Conferring Gods, Lao Tzu went west to Hangu Pass and turned Hu into a treasure.Just now, Sakyamuni, who was originally the reincarnation of the Taoist priest of many treasures, was enlightened and became the Tathagata Buddha of many treasures.Then the Daleiyin Temple was built on Lingshan, also known as the Liuli world.

When Mu Feng was Ying Long in his previous life, he also heard Zhun Ti guide two saints to teach the Dharma on Lingshan, so he also knew the way.I just searched all the way based on my old memories, but I couldn't find any traces of the past. After several searches, I still couldn't get in. Now I thought to myself: Could it be that the road of Lingshan has changed after a long time?It's my fault that I came too hastily, but I didn't ask Master clearly about where I came from, so let's go back and ask.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng had made a decision, and when he turned around, he saw a dilapidated scripture house standing behind him.There was a low voice of chanting: "Uncovering the truth and uncovering the truth, Paradise revealing the truth, Parasangha revealing the truth, Bodhisattva..."

Mu Feng thought to himself: This voice of chanting faintly contains the true meaning of Buddhism, presumably a great monk is chanting in it.If you ask him, you can definitely know where Lingshan is, and it will save you the trouble of going back to Wuzhuang Temple.

"May I ask which bhikkhu is chanting sutras here? Next to Mu Feng, I wonder if the master would like to meet you in person?" Mu Feng faced the dilapidated scripture house, clasping his hands together.

There was only a creak, and the tattered wooden door of the Sutra House was pushed open.A monk came out, but he saw his red lips and white teeth, and his face was like a crown of jade.It's so beautiful!
"Benefactor, the poor monk is being polite!" He returned the gift to Mu Feng, his gestures were extraordinary, and a faint Buddha's light appeared behind him.

"Is the master the reincarnation of which Arhat, or the reincarnation of the Living Buddha?" Mu Feng asked curiously when he saw this monk, who had profound Dharma and was surrounded by Buddha's light, but there was no trace of mana fluctuations all over his body.

Unexpectedly, the monk just smiled slightly: "The Buddha said, don't say it. Because I am not!"

Mu Feng became even more curious immediately. This was the first time he had seen such a person with profound cultivation but no mana!Then he asked directly: "I don't know who you are?"

The monk said: "Poor monk, golden cicada!"

"Oh, so it's Master Jin! You're Tang Seng!" Mu Feng suddenly realized that this guy is Lao Zhu's master?
Jin Chanzi smiled and said: "You can call me Xuanzang, don't call me Tang Monk, I remember that people who call me Tang Monk want to eat me..."

Mu Feng said: "Master Jinchanzi... I have admired your name for a long time. In fact, I grew up watching the stories of you learning scriptures. Some time ago, I also met your second apprentice, the Envoy of the Purification Altar Bodhisattva."

Jin Chanzi said: "Hey, you actually met Bajie?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I've seen it before, I'm quite familiar with it, but he recently returned to Lingshan."

Jin Chanzi said: "You met Bajie, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you didn't tell me, how would I know that you met Bajie? Although you looked at me sincerely, you still wanted to tell me You have seen Bajie. It is impossible for you to say that you have seen it, but I will not treat you as one of my own, and you will say that you have not seen it..."

Mu Feng: "..."

Jin Chanzi scratched his bald head with a little embarrassment: "I'm sorry, no one has spoken for a long time recently. I couldn't hold back for a while! Actually, I'm not usually so wordy. If you think I'm wordy, it's because others say I Long-winded. It’s all hearsay, not the truth. If you think I’m long-winded, it means that you are a person who easily listens to other people’s words..."

Mu Feng coughed twice, interrupting Tang Seng's eloquence, and said with a smile, "Master Jin Chanzi, actually I want to ask you about the way to Lingshan."

Jin Chanzi said: "You want to go to Xitian, you should have said earlier! I will go too, how about we go on the road together?"

Mu Feng said embarrassingly: "Why does this sound a bit weird... But if the master is willing to take me along, that would be great."

Jin Chanzi said: "Actually, it's normal that you can't find the way, because some time ago, my master closed the way to Lingshan. People who are not from our Buddhist sect generally can't get in! I forgot to explain to you For a moment, my master is the Tathagata Buddha, and I am actually his second disciple..."

Mu Feng interrupted Tang Seng and said, "Master! Then take me in quickly! I have something urgent to see the Buddha!"

Jin Chanzi scratched his bald head and said, "I can take you in, but you can't just go in like this! Because the Buddha closed the road to prevent outsiders like you from breaking in."

Mu Feng: "..." His heart is broken right now, if he knew he couldn't enter, why did I talk nonsense with you for so long!I really admire Lao Zhu and the others for being able to tolerate such a long-winded master like you!
Jin Chanzi smiled at Mu Feng: "Don't worry, although theoretically you can't enter. But I can still take you in secretly! Will you become a bug like Wukong? You will become a bug and get into my room." In the sleeve, I will secretly bring you in. No one will find out!"

Mu Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words: "It's so good!" Immediately, he turned to the side, turned into a flying insect, and buzzed into Tang Seng's sleeve.

Tang Seng looked at Mu Feng in his sleeve, and said with a slightly nostalgic look: "Now I really miss the time of learning scriptures. At that time, Wukong often wanted you to turn into a bug to save me. .Actually, Bajie will also change, but he is too lazy..."

Mu Feng said: "Master... I really have something urgent, shall we go to Lingshan first?"

Jin Chanzi blushed slightly and said, "I'm really sorry, I couldn't hold back for a while! I'll take you to Lingshan right now!" After speaking, he lifted his steps and walked towards the west.

It's strange to say that Mu Feng uses the heaven and earth escape method, no matter how long he flies, he can't see the shadow of Lingshan.And this golden cicada was only walking, and after walking a dozen steps, he saw that the surrounding scenery had undergone great changes.But see: Dingmoxiao Hanzhong, the root is connected to the Xumi vein.Qiaofeng arrangement, strange rock jagged.Under the cliff, Yaocao Qihua, purple sesame fragrance beside the winding path, the fairy ape picks the fruit and enters the peach forest, but it seems to be burned into gold;Both colorful phoenixes are paired, and Qingluan is paired.The colorful phoenixes are in pairs, singing to the sun, and the world is auspicious; the green luan is paired, dancing against the wind, which is rare in the world.See also the Huang Sensen golden tiles stacked with mandarin ducks, and the bright bright tiles covered with agate.One row to the east and one row to the west are all the palaces and pearls; in the south and north, you can't see Baoge Zhenlou.

Xiaguang is released on the Tianwang Hall, and purple flames are sprayed in front of the Dharma Hall.The pagoda of the pagoda is visible, and the fragrance of flowers in the bowl is just like the place is better than the sky, and the clouds are leisurely and the days are long.If the world of mortals does not reach the end of all fate, there will be no loss for all calamities, and the sound of thunder.

Lingshan is just around the corner!

Jin Chanzi seemed to see Mu Feng's doubts, so he explained: "Seeing the success of one's ambition, the place where one looks back is Lingshan."

(End of this chapter)

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