Agent of Heaven

Chapter 192 Bet

Chapter 192 Bet
Besides, Jin Chanzi hid Mu Feng in his sleeve, and then walked towards Daleiyin Temple on Lingshan Mountain.Before entering the mountain gate, he saw Wufang Jiedi and [-] protectors guarding the gate.

Jin Chanzi used to be sheltered by these people on the westbound road, so he can be counted as an old acquaintance.Then he asked: "Are you guarding here today?"

"I've seen Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha! We follow the Buddha's decree to guard against foreign invasion here." Jintou Jiedi replied.

Jin Chanzi wondered: "Beware of foreign enemies? Could it be that someone dares to trespass on my Lingshan scenic spot?"

Jiedi replied: "I only know that today's Buddha calculated the heavenly secret and said that there will be a catastrophe in Lingshan today, and I don't know the rest!"

Jin Chanzi didn't ask the result, but felt something was wrong, so he walked straight into Daleiyin Temple.Entering the Mahavira Hall, I saw only the Eight Bodhisattvas, Four Vajras, Five Hundred Arrows, Three Thousand Jiedi, Eleven Dayao, and Eighteen Galas, all sitting on futons arranged in two rows, with solemn treasures.Jin Chanzi also found a seat and sat down, ready to wait for the Buddha to open the altar to give a lecture.

And the Tathagata Buddha sat on the lotus platform, opened his mouth of pity and compassion, and said to the golden cicada: "You hand over the person hidden in your sleeve, and then sit down and listen to the lecture."

Mu Feng was shocked when he heard the words, and said in his heart: This Buddha's supernatural power really deserves its reputation, and it is worthy of being the person who overwhelmed the monkey back then.I hid so secretly, but he still found out.Could it be that he knows the magic of the prophet?

Jin Chanzi knew that he couldn't hide it from Tathagata, so he shook his sleeve, and Mu Feng came out of it in a stream of light.Both of them bowed to the Buddha and confessed their crimes together.

Jin Chanzi said: "The disciple and Lingshan met this benefactor Mu Feng on the way, and learned that he came to Lingshan for help to save Erlang Xianshengzhenjun. Erlang Zhenjun is a person with great kindness and great merit. May my Buddha be merciful and help me out."

Mu Feng also prayed to the Buddha: "My master Zhen Yuanzi once said that in the three worlds, apart from the six Hunyuan leaders, only the Buddha has great supernatural powers and can save Zhenjun Erlang. I hope the Buddha is merciful, and I will be very grateful." .”

Tathagata said: "I know why you came here, and I can also tell you that Yang Jian has another chance, and his life is already safe at this time."

Mu Feng thanked him and said: "Thank you Buddha for letting me know. If I take the liberty of bothering you, I will definitely come to apologize later. Let me take my leave first!"

Tathagata said, "Wait a minute!"

Mu Feng said: "I don't know what else the Buddha ordered?"

Tathagata said: "You can't just leave like this and live in Lingshan for a while."

Mu Feng wondered: "I still have a lot of trivial matters in the human world..."

Tathagata said: "You don't have to worry about the trivial matters in the human world in the future. You have a predestined relationship with my Buddhism. Stay in the Lingshan Mountain and practice for a thousand years before returning to the human world."

Mu Feng was astonished and said: "Why did the Buddha say that? There is still Kong Xuan staring at him in hell, and the heaven has basically fallen into the hands of Dapeng! These two monster tribes may invade my human world at any time. If I stay In Lingshan, who can resist their invasion?"

Tathagata said: "Your human race in the human world is only because the sky is high and the land is thick, things are abundant and people are dense, they are more greedy and murderous, more yin and more deceitful, more deceitful and more fraudulent; they do not follow Buddhism, do not seek good karma, do not respect the three lights, do not respect Five grains; unfaithful and unfilial, unrighteous and unkind, concealing one's heart and ignorance, fighting against small scales, killing lives and killing animals. Created boundless crimes, full of sins and evils, resulting in hell, so the human race will no longer be able to control the world alone Realm. The monster clan should be prosperous, just like in ancient times, once again rule the three realms!"

Mu Feng said: "How can this be so?" Suddenly, he thought of Dapeng and Kong Xuan, and was surprised to find that although these two people ruled the demon world, they were opposed to each other.But both of them were actually King Ming under Tathagata's control... Mu Feng was terrified after thinking carefully, and exclaimed: "I understand! It's you! It's you! Duobao Tathagata, you are so ruthless! You actually want to destroy my human race!" !"

Tathagata said: "The monster clan should be prosperous, and the killing and calamity should occur again. This is the way of heaven, and the human race should respond to the calamity! Yinglong, you are an ancient holy beast. Why can't you see the way of heaven clearly? You have a destiny with my Buddhism, so stay here In the Lingshan Mountain. I will call you Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva..."

Mu Feng said angrily: "Shut up! I don't want to be a Bodhisattva! I want to go back to the human world right now! Today my gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!" He asked for the last two words "Buddha" very thickly.

Behind Duobao Tathagata, the Buddha's light was shining brightly, looking at Mu Feng, he slowly stretched out his palm.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Jin Chanzi suddenly came out, stood in front of Mu Feng, and said to Tathagata, "Master, I don't understand something!"

"Oh? What's the matter with you? I'll talk about it after I transform into the Great Wei Tianlong Bodhisattva!" Tathagata saw that Jin Chanzi was still standing still, and said in a deep voice, "Zhantan Gongde Buddha, step back first!"

Unexpectedly, instead of retreating, Jin Chanzi took a step forward and asked: "My human race is full of greed and murder, yin and deceit, and deceit and deceit. Master has already told me about it thousands of years ago." According to the master's instructions, the disciple also turned into Xuanzang to obtain the scriptures and pass them on to the world. I don't know why after so long, the human world and the human race have not changed at all. Could it be that the Tripitaka scriptures of the master have no effect?"

The Tathagata sat down and his attendant, Kasyapa, sternly said, "Jin Chanzi! How dare you slander the Buddhadharma?"

Jin Chanzi bowed his head and said, "I didn't slander Buddhism, I just don't understand, I want to ask Master to answer." After finishing speaking, he stared closely at Duobao Tathagata, as if he really wanted to get an answer from him.

Tathagata said: "Human nature is too evil and filthy, and my Dharma can no longer convert it. My Dharma should only be obtained by people with profound blessings, wisdom and perseverance. After the human race is extinct, my Dharma Be prosperous among the monster clan!"

Jin Chanzi said: "I don't agree with Master's statement. My disciples in the human world have been there before, and it is not exactly like what Master said. Human nature is good and evil, and where there is greed, there is honesty. On the contrary, I used to teach The Mahayana Buddhism that goes to the human world often makes people have no desires or desires, and the four elements are all empty. Don’t you know that people’s desires are the original heart, and if a person has no heart, even if a person becomes a Buddha, what is the difference from a stone?”

There was an imperceptible cold light in Tathagata's eyes, he looked at Jin Chanzi and said, "If you say that, you have already entered the magic way!"

Jin Chanzi suddenly raised his head, looked at Tathagata and said, "I want to make a bet with you!"

Tathagata smiled and said, "What do you want to bet on?"

Jin Chanzi said: "If you lose, let Mu Feng go back to the human world, and stop secretly helping the monster race to destroy the human race!"

Tathagata said: "What if you lose?"

Jin Chanzi said: "If I lose, I will re-enter reincarnation!"

Among the eight heavenly dragons guarding the Buddha's back, a giant white dragon flew out and shouted at Jin Chanzi: "Master, don't!"

Tathagata flicked his fingers, and a beam of Buddha light shot out, binding the white dragon.

"Okay, Jin Chanzi, I'll bet with you!" Tathagata laughed!
(End of this chapter)

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