Agent of Heaven

Chapter 193 Monkey King

Chapter 193 Monkey King
The scenic spot of Lingshan Mountain in the west, in the Daleiyin Temple.

Jin Chanzi was wearing a white monk robe, with fluttering sleeves fluttering.He was looking at Tathagata Buddha, but there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

Mu Feng couldn't believe it, the monk standing in front of him was actually Xuanzang, the Tang monk who was said to be cowardly, incompetent, pedantic and ridiculous, and only relied on the protection of his disciples to go to the west.

This golden cicada has real bravery!
The Buddha said: "Jin Chanzi, I won't make things difficult for you. If you can walk out of my right palm, I will release Mu Feng back to the human world, and I will never interfere in the fight between monsters!" He stretched out a palm, I saw that the palm was only one foot in size, it seemed that even an ordinary person could walk out with just one step.

But there is no ordinary person in this world who can walk out of his palm.

Not to mention ordinary people!Even the top experts in the Three Realms may not be sure to get out of his hands!
At least the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, who made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace back then, was not able to go out!
Even Monkey King can't get out of the palm, so how can Tang Seng get out?There is no doubt that this is just a trap set by the Tathagata.This bet, Tang Seng will definitely lose!
Mu Feng anxiously said: "The holy monk can't do this! You can't accept this bet!"

Jin Chanzi sighed, walked towards Tathagata's palm, clasped his hands together and said, "If you don't even dare to give it a go, how can you realize and become a Buddha?"

Tathagata sneered and said, "Your Zhantan Gongde Buddha was conferred by me. What kind of Buddha do you want to become?"

Jin Chanzi said: "The Buddha is the heart, and the heart is the Buddha!" ​​After speaking, he stepped out and walked into the palm of the Tathagata.

Mu Feng let out a loud roar, and the black iron overlord gun appeared in his pocket, and he turned into a stream of light, thinking of Tathagata to attack: "Tathagata, old thief! You designed to frame my human race, take my life!"

Tathagata raised his hand, and a golden bowl flew out from his sleeve, and covered Mu Feng with the light of Buddha!

At the moment when Mu Feng was only illuminated by the Buddha's light, all the magic power in his body that was originally flowing ceaselessly stopped at this moment.Unable to move a single finger, he saw that the golden bowl was pressed down with tremendous force!
When it was too late and then soon, a nine-toothed rake flew out from the place where the bodhisattvas were listening to the lecture, and hit the golden bowl at a very fast speed. Mu Feng finally found a chance and broke free from it.

The old pig flew out from where the bodhisattvas were listening and landed in front of the Tathagata.

Tathagata sneered and said, "Purification altar envoy, don't you want to help this Mu Feng?"

The old pig said: "I don't dare, I just want to beg the Buddha to let my master and Mu Feng go..."

Another golden light flew out from among the eight hundred arhats, and a tall man nine feet tall with red hair and long beard flew out.He knelt down in front of the Tathagata and said: "Please Buddha, remember the merits of learning scriptures in the past, and let Master go. After all, Master just fell into a demon for a while..." Of course, this person is Sha Wujing, Sha Wujing, one of the four members of Journey to the West!

Tathagata sneered: "It's really a master-student relationship! It's a pity that all fates have their own number of days. Jin Chanzi has made a bet with me. If he loses today, he will re-enter reincarnation!" He pointed out, The golden bowl flew up again, and this time the Buddha's light emitted was even stronger, covering Mu Feng, Ba Jie, and Drifting Monk in it.

Now the four of them couldn't move, they could only sit and wait for death!
At this moment, I suddenly heard a wild laugh: "Hey, Tathagata, the same method may not work if you use it twice!"

Everyone looked for the reputation, and saw a monk with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth among the Buddhas, wearing cassock, sitting on a lotus platform.

Tathagata's eyes shot out a cold light like lightning: "Fighting and defeating the Buddha, is it possible that you also want to be like them?"

Dou Shengfo firmly shook his head.

Tathagata smiled and said: "It's so good. I think that among the four of you, master and apprentice, you are the only one who has some good fortune..."

"Old Tathagata, I don't think you understand what my grandson means." The monkey stood up from the lotus platform, and he stretched out his hand to tear off the cassock on his shoulders and said, "My grandson is not fighting against Buddha, It's Qi-Tian-Da-Sage!"

The bright red cassock shattered into pieces in the air, and a furious ape stood upright and jumped out, but saw him:

Wearing a golden armor is bright and majestic, and wearing a golden crown is shining brightly.

Holding a golden cudgel in one hand, and cloud shoes on one's feet are both commensurate.

A pair of strange eyes are like a star, and the ears are over the shoulders and hard.

Only when you stand upright can you change a lot, and your voice is as loud as a bell.

Finally enlightened to take off his cassock, Monkey King put on his armor again. [
The monkey swung the iron stick in its hand, with the momentum of sweeping across the prehistoric world, and roared: "Take a stick from my grandson!" Then he hit the golden bowl of the Tathagata!
The golden bowl couldn't bear the power of the golden cudgel, it shattered directly, and the ten thousand zhang Buddha's light was completely annihilated!Surprised, the surrounding Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Buddhas retreated and left their seats.

With the shattering of the golden bowl, Mu Feng regained his freedom together with Lao Zhu and Drifting Monk.Looking up, he saw the monkey standing between the sky and the earth, wearing a crown of phoenix wings and a golden chain mail.

"Great Sage! It's the Monkey King!" Mu Feng exclaimed excitedly.

Tathagata sat down and Venerable Ananda scolded: "This monkey has listened to the scriptures for thousands of years in Lingshan, how come it still hasn't changed at all? It really doesn't have any Buddha nature at all!"

The monkey picked up the golden cudgel and swung it at Ananda: "Go to hell with your female horse's Buddha nature! My old grandson only has monkey nature!"

Venerable Ananda couldn't dodge in time, and was beaten into a pulp with a stick, and has been wiped out since then!
Tathagata said angrily: "You are so presumptuous, you monkey! How dare you break my golden bowl!"

The monkey laughed strangely and said, "Tathagata, let my master go quickly! Otherwise, my old grandson will disturb your Lingshan just like the Heavenly Palace!"

Mu Feng flew up, stood shoulder to shoulder with the monkey, pointed to Tathagata and said, "Yes! If you don't let Jin Chanzi go, we will overturn your spirit mountain together!"

Tathagata sneered and said: "You guys are so bold! If you want to overthrow my spiritual mountain, you have to see how capable you are!" After finishing speaking, a Buddha's light appeared behind his head, and five figures flew out of it Come.Exactly that: King Fudo, King Jiang III, King Jundali, King Dawei Deming, King Vajra Yasha!

These five great Ming kings are the evil corpse incarnations of the Tathagata Buddha. They are all incarnations of wrath, with boundless mana and great supernatural powers!Moreover, the five of them can use the lost Zhuxian sword formation in the past. Even if a quasi-sage encounters it, I'm afraid we should avoid it, otherwise, if we are not careful, we will fall into it!

This Immortal Execution Sword Formation was originally owned by the Master Tongtian, one of the Three Qings, and it is the supreme formation of the Lord's Heavenly Dao!However, during the battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, they were allowed to mention, received, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the four great saints joined forces to destroy it!Since then, the Four Swords of Zhuxian have fallen into the hands of Chanjiao.But the Zhuxian formation map fell into the hands of the Western religion, and was later given to the Tathagata by Amitabha Buddha.The Tathagata used this to eliminate evil thoughts and become a quasi-sage!Then he replaced the Four Swords of Jade Immortals with the five Ming kings who were incarnations of evil thoughts, and barely restored the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

(End of this chapter)

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