Agent of Heaven

Chapter 194 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 194 Breaking the Formation
That Tathagata Buddha, borrowed his five avatars of the Ming Kings and the Jade Immortal Formation, and set up the Jade Immortal Sword Array in front of Mu Feng and others.But seeing the murderous aura in the formation, ghosts crying and wolves howling, and the wind blowing, there are endless dangers and endless karma.

The monkey turned the iron stick in his hand around, pointed at the Zhuxian sword formation and cursed: "Well, you West Paradise Tathagata, who is known as the Buddha of compassion, has set up such a vicious formation. You are really shameless!"

One of the incarnations of the Tathagata Buddha, King Fudoming said: "You monkey, don't use your words! Your master Jin Chanzi is still on the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of my deity. With his magic power, He definitely won’t be able to get out! If you don’t come to rescue him, I’m afraid he will be wiped out, and he won’t even have a chance to be reincarnated!”

The old pig scolded: "Shameless!"

The Tathagata treasure has a solemn appearance, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and said: "Good! If you have the ability, you can break my sword formation of killing immortals, and then enter the Buddha Kingdom in your palm, and you can save the golden cicada." After finishing speaking, his whole body appeared With a vertical movement, he directly disappeared into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Everyone stood outside the formation, only listening to the Tathagata singing in the formation, saying: How can you get rid of the disaster of killing immortals with swords and swords;Sad today, life and death are mine.The human world invites disasters and causes disasters, pierces the treasure lock of the heart, and only when you look back will you know the past.There was a storm just around the corner.How to escape this time.Only by relying on yourself can you be frustrated sooner or later!
The monkey heard the singing, and said angrily: "Listen to what he said, what kind of compassionate Buddha!" ​​After speaking, he lifted the iron rod and rushed into the Zhuxian sword formation.

The Drifting Monk and the Old Pig hurriedly grabbed the monkey.The old pig said: "I have heard people talk about this Zhuxian Sword Formation. It was owned by the former Master Tongtian. After the formation was deployed, any non-Hunyuan saint who entered the formation will be wiped out in an instant! It takes four saints to break the formation. You can do it at the same time!"

Mu Feng was surprised when he heard the words, the four Hunyuan saints shot at the same time?You know, there are only six saints in the world today!
But the monkey said: "That is the Zhuxian Sword Formation where the master of Tongtian holds the Four Zhuxian Swords! Tathagata is not a sage of Tongtian! The Four Great Ming Kings are not as good as the Zhuxian Four Swords!"

Mu Feng said: "Great Sage, don't be impulsive. Even so, this Jade Immortal Sword Formation cannot be underestimated. Let's discuss it carefully before entering it and breaking the formation!"

Sand Monk said: "It was not easy for the Four Great Saints to destroy the Zhuxian Sword Formation in the past. We really need to think about it in the long run!"

Monkey is not a reckless person, he immediately thought: "I will deal with the Fudo Mingwang who is in the main formation! Bajie will deal with Vajra Yasha Mingwang! Brother Sha will deal with Jiang III Mingwang!" Having said this, he looked at Mu Feng Said: "Your Excellency should be brother Mu Feng, I often hear Ba Jie mentioning you recently, I wonder if you can deal with that King Dawei Deming alone?"

Mu Feng nodded and said, "I will definitely do my best!"

With a wave of the iron rod in the monkey's hand, he freed the white dragon who was restrained by Tathagata's magic power. He said, "Little White Dragon, King Jundaliming will be handed over to you!"

There was a flash of brilliance on the white dragon's body, and then it turned into a human form. It turned out to be a handsome young man in a white python robe and a crown on his head.It was the former third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, who was conferred the title of Little White Dragon Guangli Bodhisattva of the Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons and Guangli Bodhisattva after following Tang Monk to learn scriptures.

Ao Lie said: "Elder brother, don't worry, I will not insult my life!"

The five of them flew into the Zhuxian sword formation together and shouted in unison: "I'll break the formation!"

Holding the Black Iron Overlord Spear in his hand, Mu Feng stepped into the Zhuxian Gate one step at a time.As soon as he entered the formation, he felt evil spirits churning, and black clouds rolled towards his face.There is a poem that says: It is neither copper nor iron nor steel. It was once hidden under Mount Sumeru.You don't need to reverse the yin and yang, how can there be no water and fire to quench the edge? "Zhuxian" benefits, "Slaying Immortal" dies, "Trapping Immortal" glows red everywhere; "Juexian" changes infinitely, and Daluo's blood stains his clothes.

Standing on Zhuxian Gate is a King Ming, with black and blue skin, white fangs, six faces, six arms and six legs, holding a sharp sword, trident, wishful stick, wheel, and seal in his hands.With a skull as a necklace, a tiger skin as a skirt, and karmic fire around his body, it is the Great Vigorous Deming King!Seeing Mu Feng approaching, he opened his eyes angrily, waved his six arms, and called towards Mu Feng!

Mu Feng sneered and said, "The Buddha's incarnation is actually so vicious and ugly?" After speaking, he raised his black iron overlord spear to meet him!
The two stood at the same place and fought for dozens of rounds, but there was no winner.

King Dawei Deming saw that Jiu Zhan Mu Feng was still standing, and said: "How can you recognize my Buddha's real body with your naked eyes! Boundless anger is a Zen machine!"

Mu Feng said: "Ridiculous!" Who knows that just as he was about to speak back, he felt a sense of danger, and hurriedly lowered his head, and felt a sword energy flying towards the back of his head, and immediately burst into a cold sweat!
This King Dawei Deming is really shameless, he actually wants to use words to lure Mu Feng into distraction, and then make a sneak attack!

Mu Feng threw the Black Iron Overlord Spear in his hand, and used the supernatural powers of Tiangang 36 Transformations, and his body turned into a size of hundreds of feet, and he stretched out his hand to grab King Dawei Deming!
King Dawei Deming was originally tall, but in front of Mu Feng's Dharma Xiangtiandi, he was as humble as a mouse!

But this mouse is definitely not easy to bully, I saw him forming seals with six hands, making various Buddhist gestures, and a huge sword aura formed in front of him!
This sword qi contains this absolutely violent aura, and it hits Mu Feng like a flood. It is the legendary Zhuxian sword qi!Although King Dawei Deming is not the Zhuxian sword, but relying on the Zhuxian formation diagram, he can barely use a ray of Zhuxian sword energy!

As soon as Zhu Xian's sword energy came out, Mu Feng quickly turned to the side in order to avoid it, turned into a flying insect, and flew towards the distance with a buzzing sound.

But who would have known that the Zhuxian Sword Qi actually had eyes, even though Mu Feng had transformed from a giant with hundreds of feet into a flying insect the size of a grain of rice, he was still firmly locked by the sword Qi!
Seeing that Zhu Xian's sword energy was about to stab Mu Feng's body!This is Zhuxian Sword Qi. Although the quality is tens of thousands of times worse than that used by Master Tongtian, it is still not something that Mu Feng can easily resist today.If he was hit by this sword energy, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die!
At this extremely critical juncture, Mu Feng suddenly felt his heart move, two long swords flew out from his sleeves, and directly released a pale yellow sword aura intertwined, offsetting the incomparable Zhuxian sword aura .

When Mu Feng saw these two swords, he was overjoyed and said, "Sheng Xie! Chun Jun!"

That's right, the two flying swords are exactly the Shengxie Sword and Chunjun Sword that Mu Feng subdued in the past!Originally, because they had gradually acquired spirituality, and the chaos caused by Tai'a, they were feared by Mu Feng, and they never dared to directly confront the enemy.But at this time, under the influence of Zhu Xian's sword energy, these two peerless swords also had the idea of ​​fighting for victory, and automatically flew out to fight with Zhu Xian's sword energy!
(End of this chapter)

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