Agent of Heaven

Chapter 195 5 Finger Mountain

Chapter 195 Five Fingers Mountain

In addition, when Mu Feng confronted King Dawei Deming, just because of the Qi of the Zhuxian sword in Zhuxianmen, the Chunjun sword and Shengxie sword automatically flew out of Mu Feng's sleeve, defeating King Dawei Deming every step of the way. .

The pure Jun sword and the Shengxie sword are two swords combined, flying up and down in the air like two dragons, bringing light from the sword.In a short while, I saw that the six arms of the great Wedeming King had been cut off in half, and all the instruments held in his hands were also destroyed.

Naturally, Mu Feng would not let go of this rare opportunity. A clear light appeared on his head, and Ying Long's real body flew out from above his head, with a loud dragon chant, and with a flap of his wings behind his back, he created a violent explosion. The wind blew towards King David Deming.

This is not an ordinary gang wind, but a bone-penetrating dragon's breath wind that contains the power of Yinglong's water element.If it is rolled up, even a person at the level of a fairy will be blown away.

King Dawei Deming was already in a hurry to deal with the two divine swords. At this time, when he encountered a gust of wind, he was not prepared for a while, and most of his golden body was blown away immediately, leaving a bloody mess.Before he had time to react, Jian Yidian Hanxing was constantly magnified in front of his eyes, and Mu Feng directly pierced through his revelation with the Black Iron Overlord Spear.

As soon as King Dawei Deming died, the evil wind and evil energy around him immediately dissipated without a trace.Ying Long's avatar automatically returned to the clear light above Mu Feng's head, and he carried the black iron overlord spear out of Zhuxianmen, walking towards the eye of the formation.After entering the formation and looking out, he saw Monkey King Monkey holding an iron rod, breaking the bones and tendons of King Fudo Ming.

The monkey turned around and saw Mu Feng coming, and said, "My old grandson has long heard that Ying Long is the ancient god of war, and his strength is different. The reaction is different, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation!"

Mu Feng said: "Great Sage? You have already defeated King Fudo Ming, and the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is about to be broken, right?"

But the monkey shook his head and said: "How can it be so simple, the Immortal Trapping Gate, the Immortal Killing Gate, and the Exorcist Gate of the Zhuxian Sword Formation have not moved at all until now, and I don't know what happened to Bajie and the others?"

Mu Feng said: "Then let's hurry up and help!"

The two were about to move forward, but they suddenly saw the Buddha's radiance in front of them, and golden lotus springing from the ground.Sitting upright on the lotus platform, the Tathagata slowly looks beautiful from the void.

"Good, good, where do you two want to go?"

The monkey iron stick pointed at the Tathagata and said, "Tathagata, my old grandson has done a game with you today to end the karma of the past!"

The Tathagata slowly stretched out his palms, and an illusory world emerged in the palms with a radius of only one foot. Among them was a desert, and the golden cicada was walking hard in it. of ants.

"Pohou, don't you want to save your master? He is in the Buddha Kingdom in my palm, how dare you come in?" Tathagata looked at Monkey with a sneer.

The monkey's eyes showed a look of extreme fear. It is obvious that the pain of being crushed under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years made him unforgettable to this day. But Great Sage Equaling Heaven! Why don’t you dare! I can’t escape the Buddha in your palm with my current cultivation level!” After speaking, a tendon cloud in the air flew towards Tathagata’s palm !
When Mu Feng saw it, he was naturally anxious: "Be careful, Great Sage! I'll help you!" After speaking, he turned into a streamer, and followed the figure of Monkey King, and entered the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the Tathagata.

The yellow sand is flying all over the sky, stretching as far as the eye can see, but in the distance, there is a Wuzhi Mountain standing between the sky and the earth.Five huge stone pillars seemed to support the entire sky.

Mu Feng landed in the desert, saw Jin Chanzi and asked, "Master, are you okay?"

Jin Chanzi smiled wryly and said: "The poor monk has nothing to do, just a mortal body. Even if I become a Buddha, I can't get out of the palm of the Tathagata. In fact, since I became a Buddha, I have begun to miss the human world very much. I miss the picturesque scenery there. It’s just that now, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to see the human world again!”

The monkey said: "Master, don't worry, my old grandson will definitely take you out this time. Back then I was able to bring you to Lingshan, and now I can bring you back to the world!"

A Tathagata's voice came from above the sky: "One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi! In the palm of my hand, what is transformed into a thousand worlds. Poor Monkey! Have you seen the Wuzhi Mountain in the distance? If you can After crossing the Wuzhi Mountain, I will let you go back to the human world!" With the voice, a golden Buddha phantom began to condense in the sky.

Mu Feng said: "The Buddha tricked us all into the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand, what a trick!!"

Tathagata ignored Mu Feng's sarcasm, and just smiled and said: "There will be a catastrophe between the heavens and the earth, and everything has already been determined. Why should Fellow Daoist Ying Long struggle hard and insist on cause and effect! Why don't you give up the human world and live in my Western Paradise?" Practicing, you can enjoy boundless tranquility and great freedom.”

The monkey grinned, took off a shoe and threw it into the sky, cursing: "Brother Mu Feng, don't be fooled, this Xitian is really quiet and comfortable! But everyone here will say that all things are empty, and you can't laugh when you are happy." , don’t cry when you’re sad, the quiet one is actually no different from death!”

Tathagata said: "You monkey, you don't know the true meaning of my Buddha Dharma!"

The monkey's sharp eyes lit up: "My grandson can see through all kinds of monsters and ghosts. In my opinion, your so-called true meaning of Buddhism is nothing more than a pair of dung."

Tathagata said: "The monkey is presumptuous and dares to slander Buddhism!"

Jin Chanzi said: "All appearances are false! There is no difference between Buddhism and dung. Buddha, you have appearances!"

Tathagata also knew that there were many major loopholes in the Hinayana Buddhism that he fabricated, and Jin Chanzi was a genius for sophistry, so he didn't continue to entangle with the people at the moment, but just said: "You go out of this Buddha Kingdom in your palm first, and then come with me Let me talk about Buddhism!"

The monkey said: "My old grandson does a somersault for a thousand miles! Back then, none of them flew out of the Buddhist kingdom in your palm! This time I'm going to do a hundred somersaults! See if I can fly out!"

Jin Chanzi picked up the shoes that the monkey had just thrown to smash the Buddha's phantom, and said, "Wukong! How many times have I told you, don't throw things around! You don't like washing your feet and throwing shoes around!" It will pollute the environment, what if you hit a child? Even if this is a desert and there are no children, it’s not good if you hit a cactus or something..."

Mu Feng: "..."

Sun Wukong: "..."

Following the silence between the two, Jin Chanzi also realized that there was really nothing to talk about here, so he said, "I'll tell you the rest after I go out!"

The monkey immediately grabbed the golden cicada, set up a tendon cloud, and flew towards Wuzhi Mountain in the distance.Mu Feng resorted to the heaven and earth escape method and followed closely behind!
Tathagata naturally used all his mana outside, and as the monkey and Mu Feng advanced, the desert was also growing. Wuzhishan seemed to be right in front of them, but no matter how they moved forward, they couldn't really touch Wuzhishan!

(End of this chapter)

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