Agent of Heaven

Chapter 196 Stronger Xuanyuan Sword Qi

Chapter 196 Stronger Xuanyuan Sword Qi

The monkey saw that the desert below was growing faster than his somersaulting cloud, so he immediately knew that the Tathagata had cast a spell.Immediately roared: "Long!" The Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand turned into the size of a thousand feet, swept down, and hit the desert!In an instant, I saw flying sand and rocks, and the sky fell apart!

Tathagata felt a dull pain in his palm, and he said in surprise: "The cultivation of this monkey has improved a lot over the years, it seems that you can't keep your hands anymore!" Then he said: "I see flowers blooming!"

The desert finally stopped growing, but it was shaken and covered with lotus flowers!Thousands of them surrounded Mu Feng and the monkey, and they could no longer see the direction of Wuzhi Mountain!

The monkey's golden eyes were wide open, and the golden cudgel in his hand swept out again, smashing the surrounding lotus flowers one after another!Open up a path.

But before the three of them had time to move forward, they saw a flash of Buddha's light, and the shattered refining unexpectedly gathered together again, trapping them firmly in it.

The monkey said furiously: "Let's see how many lotus flowers you can grow today!" The golden cudgel in his hand waved again and again, turning into an airtight stick shadow, and swept away all the lotus flowers around!
But after a while, those lotus flowers grew again!And become more lush than before!

Mu Feng saw that the monkey was about to make a move, so he quickly stopped him and said, "No, the great sage, the lotus here is not to be underestimated, let's see what I can do!"

The monkey looked at Mu Feng repeatedly and said, "Are you really breaking the lotus of Tathagata?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Small tricks, nothing worth mentioning!" After finishing speaking, a clear light appeared above his head, and Ying Long's real body flew out, turning into a size of hundreds of feet to cover the sky and block out the sun!

Wukong sighed: "This is the body of the ancient holy beast Yinglong? It's really extraordinary!"

Ying Long uttered a dragon chant in the sky, and the cold wind raged in an instant, turning all the lotus flowers into ice sculptures!Even the original yellow sand on the ground was frozen!

Mu Feng said: "Great Sage! Hurry up!"

When the monkey heard the words, he rose up with a mighty stick!Sweeping across a lotus sea, the ice lotus flowers shattered into ice cubes one after another, but they could not condense again!

Wuzhishan appeared in front of everyone again, and it was not far away now!
The monkey said: "Brother Mu Feng, what kind of clever move is this, that it is so effective that you can break the Tathagata's lotus formation in just a blink of an eye?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Actually, it's not a brilliant move. I just saw that those lotus flowers were transformed from the lotus platform where the Tathagata sat. They were sacrificed by him day and night, and a lot of Buddha's power was incorporated into them! You can smash them with your strength alone. No matter what, he will be reborn again! I turned my mana into a cold wind and blew it into the Buddha power in the lotus platform, making it cluttered, and you will not be able to regenerate if you smash him again!"

Hearing this, the monkey expressed admiration for Mu Feng, and the three of them headed towards Wuzhi Mountain together.

It didn't take long this time, and finally came not far from Wuzhi Mountain. Looking carefully, it was really high above the blue sky, and Cui Wei was steep.There are thousands of auspicious colors on it, and the rays of light are overwhelming!The five towering peaks are like flesh-red pillars!
It's just that the one in the middle still has a golden handwriting on it, which reads: "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven is here for a visit!"

When Mu Feng and Jin Chanzi saw it, they couldn't help but laugh.Only the monkey was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, "They were all ignorant back then! Don't make fun of me!"

Once again, the light of the Buddha condensed into the phantom of the Tathagata Buddha in the sky, and he said, "You pissing monkey, do you still remember this place!"

Wukong snorted coldly and said: "Don't say you remember, even after thousands of years, you can't forget it. It was you who deceived my grandson and suppressed the Five Elements Mountain to me."

Tathagata said: "Actually, today is the same as in the past, but the ones I want to suppress today are three people! You still can't pass Wuzhi Mountain..." Tathagata didn't finish speaking, but he saw an astonishing scene!
Mu Feng walked up to the middle finger of Wuxing Mountain, untied his belt, and pissed out as soon as he took a dip!
Tathagata: "..."

Jin Chanzi said: "Mu Feng benefactor, it's impolite for you to pee in other people's palms casually like this!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's this time, what are you talking about being polite? It's okay to pee in this place, I've been here once!"

The monkey laughed loudly when he heard the words, stepped forward, took off his belt, and pissed on the monkey.And with a golden cudgel, he added a line of words after Monkey King came here, "My old grandson is back!"

Jin Chanzi looked at it, sighed, and stepped forward to unbutton his pants...

Tathagata said: "Golden Cicada! You want it too!"

Jin Chanzi smiled and said, "They've all done this, if I don't do the same, wouldn't it look like I'm out of place?" After speaking, he lifted his trousers and shook them a few times!

The Tathagata smiled angrily: "Okay! You are all fine! There is another incense stick, if you can't get out, don't blame me for holding you down for 1 years!"

Sun Wukong said with a smile, "Wuzhi Mountain is close in front of us, so what's the difficulty if we want to cross it?"

Mu Feng pulled up the golden cicada, and also used the heaven and earth escape method, turned into a stream of light, and flew away with Monkey King.The few people wandered around, only to feel that the world has changed, the desert has long since disappeared, and there is a bright starry sky all around!

Wukong said: "We have been flying for such a long time, we should have already passed Wuzhi Mountain!"

Mu Feng silently pointed behind Wukong.

The monkey looked back, and saw five flesh-red pillars standing between the sky and the earth, with a puff of fresh air on them, it was Wuzhi Mountain, with writing and urine stains on it!
The monkey said in amazement: "How is it possible!"

Mu Feng said: "The Buddhist kingdom in the palm is the supreme supernatural power of the Buddhist sect, and it is so mysterious. We should have guessed it a long time ago. It is not possible to get out just by flying away!"

The monkey thought for a moment, picked up the stick and threw it towards the Five Elements Mountain, only to see a flash of golden light.Om, well, eh, bah, me, hum!Six large golden characters came out.

No matter how powerful the monkey's iron rod is, it still cannot break through the barrier composed of six characters.

"Brother Mu Feng, hurry up and help me!" the monkey shouted!
Naturally, Mu Feng would not stand by and watch, with a wave of his sleeve, Chun Jun flew out of it, the two swords of Sheng Xie, and the sword energy went straight to Xiao Han!After interweaving, it has become slightly golden yellow, with a little Xuanyuan Shenjian breath.

"Xuanyuan Sword Qi!" Mu Feng directly exerted all his strength, using these two divine swords for the first time to perform all the six forms of Yinglong at once, condensing the phantom of Xuanyuan Sword in the air!It's just that the phantom of Xuanyuan Sword this time is much more solid than before, and it is no longer transparent!

boom!With a bang, the phantom of Xuanyuan Sword collided with the Five Elements Mountain, and the world began to shake, and dense cracks began to appear in the surrounding space!Bright red bloodstains unexpectedly emerged from it!
The monkey pointed at the sky with the iron stick, and laughed loudly: "Tathagata! You are injured! Haha, you have today!" He swept the iron stick and hit the surrounding space cracks, roaring throughout the universe: "Old Tathagata, eat me again!" Sun Yibang!"

(End of this chapter)

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