Agent of Heaven

Chapter 197

Chapter 197
In the scenic spot of Lingshan Mountain in the West, Daleiyin Temple, in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Tathagata's palm suddenly cracked open, and countless blood sprayed out.Three figures also flew out of Tathagata's palm accompanied by bloody light.

The monkey iron stick pointed at Tathagata and said, "Old Tathagata, you lost!"

Tathagata showed a sad face: "Such good, good, but the poor monk has lost!" At this time, the Buddha's light behind him has been somewhat dim, and even the lotus platform he was sitting on seems to have withered.

The monkey smiled and said, "Then let my brothers and sisters go! Today we will leave Lingshan in a big way! We will never be that bloodless Buddha again!"

Tathagata closed his eyes, and the five avatars of King Ming all turned into streamers and flew back to the top of his head.The Immortal Execution Sword Formation naturally also turned into a breeze and dissipated.

The old Zhusha Monk and Ao Lie were fighting fiercely with the three Ming kings, but all of a sudden, all the Ming kings turned into streamers and disappeared, and the Zhuxian sword formation also dissipated automatically, they were very puzzled.But when they looked back and saw Jin Chanzi who had been rescued, they all showed surprised expressions, and they walked forward together and said, "Master, you have been rescued by the elder brother?"

Jin Chanzi smiled and said: "This time it's not only your big brother's credit, this brother Mu Feng also contributed a lot to this! If he hadn't used the Xuanyuan sword energy in the end, we would not be able to get out of the Tathagata's palm at this time." Buddha Kingdom!" He had vaguely changed his address to Tathagata, and no longer called him Master.

The old pig said to Mu Feng: "Xiao Feng, thank you so much this time!"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "You and I, what kind of thank you are talking about!"

The old pig laughed loudly, patted Mu Feng on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, it's okay, between you and me, you always say these words, it seems to be born! Go! Let's go back to the world and let my brothers and master together Going to see the human world that is already changing with each passing day, I can guarantee that they will be so shocked that their eyes will drop!"

Mu Feng said: "It's so good, let's all go back to the human world together!"

At that moment, the four masters and apprentices wanted to leave Lingshan and go to the human world together with Mu Feng.

However, a large lotus platform appeared in front of them, and countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and arhats sat on it, blocking the way of Mu Feng and others.

Jin Chanzi said: "You don't need to send me off..."

Leading the buddhas was a fat monk with a smiling face, with his breasts exposed, and his air was extraordinary. It was Maitreya King Buddha. He said with a smile: "Jin Chanzi, we are not here to see you off, but to stay your!"

The monkey was furious when he heard the words, turned his head and said to Tathagata, "Tathagata, you want to play tricks again?"

Tathagata said with a smile: "The poor monk never lies or plays tricks."

The monkey said: "Just now you said, as long as we walk out of your palm, let us go!"

Tathagata smiled and said: "Yes, if you want to leave, please feel free to do so, the poor monk will not stop you."

He would not personally stop them, but the many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in the Great Leiyin Temple would not let the five of them leave easily.This Tathagata really is a shameless and good plan!
King Maitreya Buddha smiled and said: "Dou Desheng Buddha, this Lingshan is not where you can come and leave whenever you want!"

Sun Wukong smashed the iron rod in his hand directly on the head: "Since we don't let go, we have to fight a bloody way! Brothers, kill!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the monkey took the lead in fighting Maitreya King Buddha.One is that the great sage Equaling Heaven has many changes, and the other is that the Buddha came from the east with boundless dharma.This one viciously wields the iron stick, that one gives out the charity bag at will.The monkey king's battle armor shines with golden light, and the bhikkhu's cassock has the light of Buddha.The two stood together, and for a while, it seemed impossible to tell the winner.

At this moment, a bhikkhuni in white floated out from among the bodhisattvas, holding a jade bottle with willow branches in it.It is the Guanshiyin Bodhisattva who saves the suffering and the suffering with great compassion!

"The monster monkey is powerful, Senior Brother Maitreya, I'll help you!" After finishing speaking, he raised the jade bottle in his hand and was about to smash it on the head of Monkey King.

When it was too late, Mu Feng waved his sleeves, and Shengxie Chunjun shot out two swords, which turned into two pale golden sword qi, strangling towards Guanyin!

The Bodhisattva was caught off guard and panicked for a while, offering sacrifices to the lotus platform under his feet, only then barely able to block the two sword qi.

Mu Feng made a sword finger with his hand, and controlled the second sword: "Kill!"

The Chunjun sword uttered a soft moan and stabbed at Guanyin's top door from top to bottom.The Shengxie sword turned into a streamer and swept down, cutting off Guanyin's legs!
Sitting on the lotus platform, Guanyin couldn't take care of her whole body, so she threw down the jade bottle in her hand and collided with Shengxie sword, making an earth-shattering sympathetic sound.

The jade bottle in Avalokitesvara's hands is of course not an ordinary thing, but it was given by his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun when he was still a disciple of Cihang Dao, and it is an innate spiritual treasure that can nourish all things in the world.It's a pity that it is porcelain after all, but when it hit the invincible Shengxie sword, it was suddenly bitten by a big hole!

Seeing that the magic weapon that had been with her for many years was also lost, Guanyin was naturally furious in her heart, wishing to have Mu Feng skinned and cramped, and the hatred in her heart had been eliminated.Immediately, he had no reservations anymore, and stepped back directly, the Buddha's light shone all over his body, showing the golden body with thousands of hands and eyes.Among the thousand hands, all kinds of magic weapons came out, and they all came to Mu Feng together!

Seeing a large group of golden light flying towards Mu Feng, he knew that Guanyin was trying his best, so naturally he would not be sloppy!A clear light emerged from the head, Yinglong's real body appeared directly, and with a sweep of the dragon's giant tail, it directly smashed the countless magic weapons sent by the Bodhisattva into fly ash!

Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara couldn't help but exclaimed in shock: "Ying Long is known as the ancient god of war, and he really deserves his reputation!"

Mu Feng said coldly: "How dare you be distracted when you are facing the enemy?" As soon as the words fell, the two swords of Chunjun released thousands of dazzling sword lights, pouring towards the golden body of Avalokitesvara like a storm Down.

Seeing that Avalokitesvara has gradually become irresistible, countless arm magic weapons have begun to be chipped into ashes by the pale golden sword energy

!Two voices came from among the group of Bodhisattvas: "Junior Brother, don't panic!"

Accompanied by the sound, two beams of Buddha's light flew out of a seven-treasure golden lotus and a pair of Wu hooks and double swords, and stabbed at Mu Feng together!

The two who made the sneak attack were naturally none other than Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva on Lingshan Mountain!Like Avalokitesvara, these two people were originally disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun who explained the teachings. Later, during the battle of conferring gods, their mana was cut off by Empress Sanxiao with the nine-curved Yellow River array. Among them, he became a Bodhisattva on the Lingshan Mountain, whose status was only below the Lord of the Whirling World, Shakyamuni Tathagata!
The Drifting Monk and the Old Pig held a demon-subduing treasure stick in one hand, and a nine-toothed rake in the other, and they were able to block the three magical weapons that flew in to attack!
The old pig scolded: "You traitorous villains who bully teachers and destroy ancestors, you are so shameless to the extreme, that even the sneak attack is done by two people together!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them also raised their weapons and fought with the two Venerable Manjusri and Samantabhadra!
(End of this chapter)

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