Agent of Heaven

Chapter 198 Burning the Lamp of the Ancient Buddha

Chapter 198 Burning the Lamp of the Ancient Buddha

Manjusri Bodhisattva rode a green lion before the bodhisattvas were suspended, and said to Mu Feng with a stick: "You evildoers, how dare you make trouble in my Lingshan!"

Puxian Bodhisattva sat on a white elephant and stood on the left side of Manjusri and wrote a poem: "The karmic barriers in the world of mortals laugh at you as an idiot, and the sky hisses at the snow in the end. When you give up your life and throw away your obsessions, when you sit on a lotus platform and become a Buddha!"

The two strike together, the two swords of Qibao Jinlian and Wugou are in full bloom at the same time, the offensive becomes more and more fierce, gradually it cannot be stopped by the old pig and the sand monk!
At this moment, Ao Lie attacked Pu Xian with a white wax gun in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Puxian Daoist, an apostate, what face do you have to speak nonsense here!"

Pu Xian sneered and said: "A mere evil dragon dares to act presumptuously in front of me!" He struck out a third-grade golden lotus and threw it at Ao Lie.

Ao Lie was just the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea in the past, with low mana, and he only used his legs when he traveled to the West, how could he be the opponent of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.The third-grade golden lotus radiated Buddha's light, and it just shattered the white wax gun in his hand in an instant, and smashed it towards his head without losing momentum.

Seeing that Ao Lie was about to end up in the end of life and death under Puxian's third-grade golden lotus.At this critical moment, I suddenly heard a burst of cicadas sounding from all around!
The third-grade golden lotus swayed in the air, and unexpectedly flew back into the hands of Puxian Bodhisattva.

"It's you! How is that possible?" Puxian Bodhisattva looked at Jin Chanzi in shock.

I saw Jin Chanzi standing floatingly in a moon-white monk's robe, but behind him there was a huge golden cicada phantom singing loudly.

Manjusri Bodhisattva said in horror: "Jin Chanzi, could it be that your mana has recovered!"

Jin Chanzi said with a smile: "Everything that exists is false!" After speaking, the cicadas hummed louder behind him, resounding through the entire Lingshan Mountain.Among the [-] arhats and [-] red passengers sitting down by the Tathagata, all those who are not well-cultivated will bleed in their ears and eyes when they hear the sound of cicadas.

Mu Feng exclaimed: "Tang Seng knows magic! Director! This is not logical!"

The Tathagata's eyes radiated a brilliant light, and he looked up at the sky, only to see that the original Buddha's light lingering above the Lingshan Mountain, and the scene of colorful clouds all over the sky disappeared!All that can be seen are dark clouds and thunder!
Tathagata said: "Jin Chanzi, among my disciples, you are the only one with the highest aptitude and the deepest cultivation. But I have never seen you make a move! Why do you make an exception today?"

Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together and said: "The poor monk is not good at killing, but he really doesn't want to do it. Today, I have no choice but to prescribe killing!"

Tathagata said: "Bhikkhu kills people, how to tell?"

Jin Chanzi said: "Speak separately, don't talk separately, can't help but talk!" After finishing speaking, Jin Chan's name became louder and louder behind her, and no other voices could be heard between heaven and earth, only endless cicadas could be heard.

The three Bodhisattvas, Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra, had no choice but to stop attacking at this time.Qi Qi used mana to protect his body, and silently said: "No eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind!" He closed his six senses.But the sound of cicadas couldn't be isolated, and it intuited into their sea of ​​consciousness, making it impossible to avoid.

Maitreya King Buddha was affected by the sound of cicadas, and his magic power was much weaker, and the original situation of suppressing Monkey King disappeared.He was also beaten on the back by a gang of monkeys, and spit out a mouthful of blood.He yelled at Jin Chanzi: "Jin Chanzi, have you forgotten what you promised to the leader Zhuangti when you joined our Western religion in the past?"

Jin Chanzi replied: "Remember, poor monk, never kill any living beings!"

King Maitreya Buddha said: "Then why do you still do this!"

Jin Chanzi smiled and said: "Do you think anyone was injured?" He pointed to the people around who were affected by the cicada's singing, and he saw that although the eight hundred arhats and the three thousand Hongchen visitors all had expressions of pain on their faces, most of them were injured. Already fainted to the ground, but no one has any real injuries!Even the stick on Maitreya King Buddha's back was hit by Monkey Sun. Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with Jin Chanzi!
Speaking of Jin Chanzi and Zhunti Taoist, there are some allusions.The golden cicada is the first golden cicada born after the creation of the world. Naturally, it has extremely high spirituality and boundless magic power.After taking shape, he is known as the Great Sage of the Golden Cicada, and lives in Beiju Luzhou, but he is a first-class monster in the world.

The Golden Cicada is extremely ferocious, he likes to slaughter living things and suck blood and souls.One day, Taoist Zhunti passed by Luzhou in Beiju, and saw that the golden cicada was devouring a mountain of life in just one breath.Taoist Zhunti felt a compassionate heart immediately, and took down the Golden Cicada to kill him.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Cicada shouted: "Why do you kill me?"

Zhunti said: "Because you slaughtered the mountains and did a lot of evil."

The Great Sage Jin Chan said: "I don't accept it! I kill people to feed my hunger. If I don't eat them, I will starve to death. I just want to survive. How can I be considered evil? But if you kill me for no reason, it is you Do evil!"

Zhunti thought for a long time, but he was speechless. He sighed immediately: "I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell." Dang even turned into a bodhi tree, let the golden cicada attach to his trunk, and lived by sucking the sap survive.

Thousands of years later, Jin Chan was finally enlightened by the fearlessness and great compassion of Taoist Zhun Ti, and transformed from the peerless demon Jin Chan to the merciful monk Jin Chanzi.

Later, Zhunti said that Jin Chanzi had a predestined relationship with Zhongtu, and asked him to worship the master of the glazed world of Zhongtu, Sakyamuni Tathagata Buddha as his teacher, and became the second disciple of Tathagata!

Jin Chanzi should be grateful for Zhun Ti's enlightenment, so he made a great wish. In this life, he will never kill a living being as a monk!
After Jin Chanzi became a disciple of the Tathagata, he lived in seclusion and practiced Buddhism with compassion.Later, he turned into Xuanzang and preached the spread of Buddhism to the east!That's why many people have actually forgotten that Jin Chanzi was once a peerless monster that made Zhunti sage helpless, the Great Sage Jin Chan!
Tathagata said: "Jin Chanzi, since you have already made a move, you can't blame me!"

Jin Chanzi was not afraid: "I don't know if the Buddha has any other advice!" These words are full of momentum, but the reality is so!With Jin Chanzi's assist, the three great Bodhisattvas and King Maitreya Buddha were all unable to make a move.Tathagata has already been injured in the fight with Mu Feng and Sun Wukong, I am afraid that in Lingshan today, no one can catch Mu Feng and the others!

Suddenly, the Tathagata stepped down from the lotus platform and bowed to the left: "Respectfully, please burn the lamp to worship the ancient Buddha!"

I saw a light appearing between the sky and the earth!Under the illumination of this lamp, the entire Lingshan became bright and extremely dazzling.After a long time, the dazzling light finally dissipated.An old monk with a sallow complexion and a torn cassock appeared.

The old monk recited: "Infinite Buddha, Infinite Life, and Infinite Light are all the same!" As soon as the words fell, a burst of Buddha's light covered the sky and covered the earth, and dispersed all the dark clouds that had gathered in the sky!
The phantom of the golden cicada behind the golden cicada was also washed away under the light, and the extremely noisy cicadas around finally stopped.

The three great Bodhisattvas, eight hundred arhats, and three thousand mortals in the Lingshan Mountain all stepped forward and saluted the old monk: "Nanwu Randeng Ancient Buddha!"

(End of this chapter)

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