Agent of Heaven

Chapter 199 The Arrival of Zhen Yuanzi

Chapter 199 The Arrival of Zhen Yuanzi
The ancient Buddha who burns the lamp, was called the Taoist who burns the lamp before the battle of the gods, and is the deputy leader of the interpretation!Even if the Twelve Golden Immortals sitting down by Yuanshi Tianzun saw him, they would respectfully address him as "Teacher!"

Daoist Ran Deng was also one of the many ancient great supernatural beings who sat down and listened to the lecture in Zixiao Palace before the chaos!However, when Hongjun was preaching, six futons were placed under the stage, and there were only six people who could sit on the futons and listen to the lecture and become Hunyuan saints.Although other great supernatural powers have also gained a lot of benefits in Zixiao Palace, Taoism is far from what monks can compare to today.But most of them died in the killing and calamity!

Only Taoist Ran Deng survived the two killings of the Lich War and the Conferred God War.During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, he calculated that he would have a disaster, so he knelt in front of the Yuxu Palace regardless of face, and begged his former Taoist friend Yuanshi Tianzun to accept him as his apprentice.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "You and I are of the same generation, I cannot accept you as a disciple." Then he was named the deputy leader of the mountain foot, and his status was only under Yuanshi Tianzun.However, when he commanded the immortals to break through the Ten Jue Formation, he was unfavorable, which caused the Chanjiao to suffer huge losses. Moreover, he also instructed his former savior Cao Bao to go to die. Down.He finally became a character despised by many immortals in the Middle Earth Dao.He was also gradually excluded in the teaching, and even Yuanshi Tianzun began to dislike him.

Ran Deng had no choice but to defect to the Western religion.Fortunately, the two saints Zhunti and Yingying are both shameless characters, so naturally they don't mind the shamelessness of Ran Deng.He directly converted him to become the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, the teacher of Sakyamuni Buddha, and also the ancestor of all Buddhas!

At this moment, the burning lamp was invited out by the Tathagata, and the Buddha's light illuminated the entire Lingshan Mountain, and the singing of golden cicadas broke out in a blink of an eye.

Mu Feng said: "Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, I haven't seen you for many years!" The two of them both sat down and listened to Taoist Hongjun in Zixiao Palace when the chaos was not opened in the past, so they naturally knew each other.

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp said: "Fellow Daoist Yinglong, you still have the same demeanor!"

Mu Feng said: "Fellow Daoist Ran Deng is here to prevent us from returning to the human world?"

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp said: "Fellow Taoist Yinglong, you have a predestined relationship with my Buddhism, so you should stay and understand the Dao together."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "You don't need to talk about this! Can you keep me, let's do it first and then talk about it."

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp said: "Shanzai!" He called Shanzai in his mouth, but his shot was extremely cross, and 24 Dinghai beads emerged behind him.Like shooting stars, they shot towards Mu Feng at high speed.

Mu Feng naturally called out Chunjun, and the two swords of Shengxie resisted together.The sword energy came out in a thin and thin manner, and the momentum was no longer under the Buddha's light above the sea pearl.

But those 24 Dinghai Pearls rehearsed a set of formations in the air, which was very mysterious, and after a while, Mu Feng's twin swords were trapped in it, unable to come out!
The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp suddenly shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist Yinglong, hurry up and convert!"

Mu Feng was startled by this loud shout, and lost his mind for a moment, but saw a Buddha's light in front of him. It turned out that the ancient Buddha on the lamp had already jumped in front of Mu Feng, stretched out his withered arms, and struck like lightning. On Mu Feng's chest!

Like a kite with a broken string, Mu Feng flew far away, and his whole body was enveloped by the Buddha's light, suspended in the air and unable to move at all.Even the mana on his body couldn't be mobilized at all!

Without Mu Feng's control, the two swords of Chunjun and Shengxie were naturally no match for the 24 Dinghai beads. After a while, they were knocked down from the air and stuck together in front of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp.

Ran Deng looked at the two divine swords, a greedy look flashed in his eyes, he reached out and grabbed them.

Suddenly there was a shout in the air: "Ran Deng bald donkey, take a stick from my old grandson!" It turned out that the monkey held an iron rod and threw it on the head of the ancient Buddha on Di Deng!
Ran Deng smiled and said: "Splash the monkey! Don't be presumptuous!" After speaking, the cassock on his body flew up, and then shot it down at Monkey King.

When the monkey saw a cassock flying in front of him, he waved the iron rod in his hand and wanted to pick it away!Unexpectedly, the cassock was enveloped by infinitely powerful mana, and it exuded a strong suction force!As soon as he touched it, the whole monkey was wrapped in cassock!No matter how much he moved and struggled, he couldn't get out of the cassock.

Lao Zhu, Drifting Monk, and Ao Lie all attacked from three directions with weapons in hand!He shouted in his mouth: "Quickly release my elder brother and Brother Mu Feng!"

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp sneered: "Pearls of rice grains, also emit brilliance?" 24 Dinghai pearls flew out behind him, and in just one round, all three of them were beaten to pieces!He fell to the ground, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up again.

After the ancient Buddha on the burning lamp finished cleaning up everyone, he looked at Jin Chanzi again: "Little friend Jin Chan, why did you betray my Buddhism?"

Jin Chanzi said: "I have never betrayed religion, I just abide by my heart!"

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp said: "What a stick to your heart! You only care about your own heart, and you are greedy for the right and wrong of the world of mortals! When will you be able to achieve Buddhism?"

Jin Chanzi said: "Buddha Dharma is inseparable from worldly Dharma!"

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp said: "Since persuasion is useless, let's do it!"

Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together and said with a wry smile: "The poor monk has meager magic power, how can he be worthy of fighting against the ancient Buddha?"

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp said: "Since you know you are invincible, why don't you surrender quickly!"

Jin Chanzi smiled and said: "You don't need to surrender, poor monk, because someone who can defeat you has already come! Your opponent is him!" At this time, he pointed to the distance, and saw a person holding a whisk, floating towards .

Tathagata came and said in shock: "Why is it him! Impossible, I clearly asked Jialan, the guardian, to guard the door."

Ran Deng Ancient Buddha said: "Just relying on those few protectors, I can't deal with this person at all."

Who is the one you said?That's right, he is Mu Feng's master, that is, the Great Immortal Yuan of Wuzhuangguan Town, Wanshou Mountain.He got some news from Tai'a, as well as his own speculation, and hurriedly followed Mu Feng in the direction of Xitian.

With a wave of Zhen Yuanzi's hand, Mu Feng, who was originally bound in the air by the magic power of Ran Deng, fell down.

Mu Feng hurriedly said: "Thank you, Master, for saving me. This disciple's mana is weak, so I am ashamed of Master!"

Zhen Yuanzi stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate yourself, you and the Monkey King can break through the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the Tathagata. This is already a remarkable achievement!" , Lao Zhu, Sand Monk, and Ao Lie all recovered from their injuries and recovered as before.

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp said: "Zhenyuan Daoist's book from the ground is really extraordinary!"

Zhen Yuanzi directly raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Ran Deng, you hurt my disciple! I have already had karma with you, today you and I have a match, how about understanding it?"

The ancient burning lamp Buddha stood up from the lotus platform and said: "Daoist Zhenyuan, the poor monk has long wanted to learn your brilliant skills!" 24 Dinghai beads were suspended behind him, shining brightly!
(End of this chapter)

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