Agent of Heaven

Chapter 200 Tathagata's Calculation

Chapter 200 Tathagata's Calculation

The ancient Buddha Dieng put his hands together and recited: "The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a bright mirror stand. Wipe it often, so as not to cause dust!" The Dinghai pearls behind him are connected to each other, and under the Buddha's light, it turns into a "Swastika". Hit Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi flicked his fingers lightly, and a majestic force of the earth gushed out, stopping all the 24 Dinghai pearls, and wrote a poem in his mouth: "Cultivate your body like a crane, and the two scriptures of a thousand pine trees .I came to ask, but I said, the clouds are in the blue sky, and the water is in the bottle!" He waved his sleeves, and then used the magic spell in his sleeves, trying to get the 24 Dinghai beads into his sleeves.

Ran Deng Gufo knew that Zhen Yuanzi had a powerful universe in his sleeve, and once Ding Haizhu was collected by him, he might never get it back again.At the moment, he didn't care about other things, turned into a Buddha's light and came directly in front of Zhen Yuanzi, took back the 24 Dinghai beads, waved his palms and hit Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi and Ran Deng fought in this Xitian Lingshan. Both of them were ancient great masters who sat down and listened to Taoist Hongjun since the prehistoric times.And one is the ancestor of the earth immortal, and the other is the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas. When they fight, they can see space cracks appearing continuously in the surrounding air!

You must know that this is not the fragile human world, but the glazed world of Middle-earth built by Sakyamuni Tathagata with supreme magic power, and the support of this world is still the world that Zhunti and the two sages talked about. Road place!Since there is a wave of Buddha's protection, even Mu Feng and others, Tathagata and the bodhisattva professors just now have not caused the slightest damage to the space here.

And Zhen Yuanzi and Ran Deng had just fought for more than a dozen rounds, and saw that the surrounding Middle Earth Glazed World was already crumbling, and the space was full of cracks.

Tathagata clasped his hands together and said, "Good, good, all demonic obstacles are illusions!" After finishing speaking, endless Buddha light surged from the back of his head, stabilizing the surrounding space.Those dense black cracks also began to gradually repair under the reflection of the Buddha's light.

Even so, the aftermath of the battle between Zhen Yuanzi and Ran Deng was extremely powerful.Just look at the three thousand mortals and eight hundred arhats who had just been rescued from the golden cicadas when the Tathagata sat down.After a while, more than half of it fell down!After a while, only the [-] golden arhats headed by Subduing Dragon Arhats could still stand on the lotus platform, and the rest of the Buddhist disciples were seriously injured and fell to the ground!

Seeing this rare opportunity, the monkey plucked out a hair, chewed it up, spit it out, and called out "Change!" In an instant, thousands of monkey descendants appeared in the glass world wielding sticks. clamoring to attack those bodhisattvas!
These monkeys and monkey grandchildren are nothing more than hairs. Although they are extremely numerous, they are still not taken seriously by the Bodhisattvas with great supernatural powers.

I saw Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva took out willow branches from the jade bottle, sprinkled it down, and every little dew turned into swords!It was extremely sharp, and it devoured these monkeys and grandchildren in a blink of an eye.

The air was full of scattered monkey hairs. The bodhisattvas took a closer look and were shocked to find that Mu Feng and others had lost their voices!
At this time, I heard the voice of Monkey King from afar: "When the day comes, my old grandson will definitely step on the Lingshan Mountain! Tathagata, please remember!" The voice became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared without a trace. With somersaulting cloud between them, Mu Feng and others have already gone away.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi yelled: "Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, you are an ungrateful, despicable and shameless person. The poor Taoist will no longer accompany you, so as not to contaminate you with bad luck!" Surging, a towering life fruit tree suspended above his head, radiating endless power of the earth!
And all the attacks from the Lantern Ancient Buddha were directly resolved in front of this life fruit tree!
Zhen Yuanzi also smiled slightly, resorted to the heaven and earth escape method, and disappeared on the Lingshan Mountain.

The ancient Buddha Dieng Deng looked at the back of Zhen Yuanzi going away, and said to Tathagata: "Daoist Duobao, why didn't you attack with all your strength just now? If you shot with all your strength, you would definitely be able to catch Yinglong and others when I was entangled with Jin Chanzi. People took it in one fell swoop."

Tathagata stretched out his left hand, and saw an extremely long bloodstain on it, which was the trace left when Mu Feng and Sun Wukong smashed the Buddha Kingdom in his palm. He said in his mouth: "Good, good!" Disappeared without a trace!
"Then Yinglong was born in response to the calamity. If he doesn't want to be used by us sincerely and forces him to stay, it will be a disaster instead. It's better to let him go." Tathagata closed his eyes and smiled.

The burning lamp ancient Buddha said: "But if he voted for that explanation, wouldn't he make another great enemy for my Buddhism?"

Tathagata said: "No, this Yinglong is different from Jiang Ziya, he will never devote himself to teaching. With his determination, he will probably create his own teaching!"

The burning lamp Buddha showed a thoughtful look: "Create your own sect? This is something that even you and I can't do. With the current Ying Long, can it really be done?"

Tathagata said: "This is what I see with the eyes of the Buddha. Even because of forcefully peeking at the secrets of heaven, my cultivation has suffered a lot. Otherwise, do you really think they can escape from the Buddha Kingdom in my palm?"

The ancient burning lamp Buddha said: "Even if your cultivation is damaged, they probably won't be able to escape, right? In my opinion, you let them go on purpose!"

Tathagata said with a smile: "Dengdeng Daoist Mingjian, I figured out that Yinglong must have some cause and effect with the teaching, so I let him go."

Ran Deng said: "Is there a cause and effect with Chanjiao? He has something to do with the three generations of Chanjiao's disciple, Yang Jian Nezha..." When he spoke, he saw no other expressions at all, as if he had really forgotten that he was still the same in the past. The vice-principal of elucidation!
Tathagata smiled and said: "It's okay, Yang Jian and Nezha are in the process of teaching, but they are just chess pieces. Ying Longzhai has a kind heart, and there must be a big karma between him and the vicious twelve golden immortals in the future." !"

Ran Deng said: "You want to use him to deal with Chanjiao, aren't you afraid that he will spoil your plan to rule the Three Realms with the Yaozu?"

Tathagata said: "I just want him to go and weaken the Yaozu!"

Ran Deng said: "Why is this?"

Tathagata said: "Although Kong Xuan and Dapeng have been tampered with by me, they must be backed by saints. If Empress Nuwa makes a move, maybe my calculations will be in vain. At that time The cheap monster clan got the position of the Lord of the Three Realms."

Ran Deng seemed to agree with it and nodded: "When you said that you wanted to use the Yaozu to unify the Three Realms, I didn't quite agree. Although after the Lich War, the Yaozu has gradually declined, but they have a deep foundation after all. "

Tathagata said: "So this time I have made extra arrangements!"

Ran Deng said: "Oh? What arrangement?"

Tathagata said: "If the demon clan is controlled by three forces, and they rule the three realms of man, god, and ghost respectively. And we keep stirring up their internal struggles, wouldn't it be better to control them?"

Ran Deng said: "Three forces, now Dapeng is about to conquer the heaven. Kong Xuan still controls the ghost world, so who is the third force you are talking about?"

Tathagata said with a smile: "You can't say it at this time, you can't say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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