Agent of Heaven

Chapter 201 I'm Eating Fried Chicken in Wuzhuang Temple

Chapter 201 I Eating Fried Chicken in Wuzhuang Temple
At this time, Longevity Hill is bright and beautiful in spring, with hundreds of flowers blooming, and there are countless purples and reds.The white clouds are still coiled on the mountainside, like a black dragon soaring, circulating endlessly.Wuzhuang Guanhu sits on the top of the mountain, and the pavilions and jade buildings are completely natural.Whether there is the sound of the disciples reciting Huang Ting in Guannei, it is exactly the atmosphere of a school of immortals.

A few streaks of light fell, revealing the figure, it was Mu Feng and Jin Chanzi's five masters and apprentices.

Jin Chanzi looked at the couplet in front of the gate of Wuzhuang Temple, "The Immortal Mansion of Immortality, a family of the same monarch as the world." Can't help but sigh: "It's really a special feeling to revisit the old place."

The monkey smiled and said, "Master, I still miss it. Could it be that we forgot that we used to steal ginseng fruit and was hanged up and beaten by my elder brother?"

The old pig said: "You plague-stricken monkey, if you hadn't toppled the ginseng fruit tree of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan in the past, how could such a magnanimous person like him argue with us because of a few fruits?"

The monkey stepped forward a few steps, stretched out his hand to pinch the old pig's ear, and said, "You idiot, how dare you say it? Isn't it all because of your greed?"

The old pig hurriedly begged for mercy, saying "Brother Monkey!" He didn't listen.

Everyone around laughed and said nothing, watching the two play.

In an instant, another ray of light fell down, revealing his figure, it was Zhen Yuanzi!
Everyone hurried forward to salute, Mu Feng said: "I have seen Master!"

But the monkey smiled and said: "Brother Zhenyuan, long time no see, I wonder how much ginseng fruit you have?" It turned out that the monkey who made a big fuss in the Wuzhuang Temple in the past was not acquainted with Zhenyuanzi, and the two got married because of their sympathy. As a brother with a different surname, according to Tathagata, Hou Zi is Mu Feng's uncle!

Great Immortal Zhenyuan smiled and said, "You Poor Monkey, you miss my life fruit every time you come here!"

Jin Chanzi said to the monkey: "Wukong, don't be rude!" Then he said to Zhen Yuanzi: "This time I have to thank the Great Immortal for saving me."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "The elder is very polite."

After Jin Chanzi saw Li, he changed his expression and said: "Not too much, I wonder if Daxian still has the ginseng fruit. We came all the way on the somersault cloud, and the air in the sky is dry. Look, my lips are peeling."

Everyone: "..."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Master is also an eminent monk, why is he still thinking about his appetite?" After a short time of contact, he has already discovered that Jin Chanzi is not as pedantic as he thought, but he did not expect him to be so pedantic. You are welcome to ask for ginseng fruit.You know, although ginseng fruit is a treasure to prolong life, it is of little use to those who have long been in the immortal class.

Jin Chanzi said: "If the poor monk wants to eat ginseng fruit, he will naturally say so. If he wants to eat it in his heart, but pretends that all things are empty, he is not deceiving himself."

"It seems that the elder's Taoism is much higher than before!" Zhen Yuanzi looked at Jin Chanzi with a little more admiration at this time.

Mu Feng called out to the inside of the mountain gate: "Qingfeng, Mingyue, come out to welcome the honored guests. Bring the golden hammers too, and I'll go beat some ginseng fruits."

Qingfeng Mingyue heard that it was Mu Feng's voice, so she rushed over quickly, but when she went out, she saw a monkey with a rough face and a thunderous mouth in the crowd, smiling at them: "Qingfeng, Mingyue, long time no see, do you miss me?" Old grandson?"

Qingfeng said: "It's not good! This fruit-stealing monkey is here again!"

Mingyue said: "Quickly, close the door and don't let him in."

Both Taoist boys knew that Hou Zi was already a good friend of their master, and they were just playing with him.After a few words of sarcasm, he naturally handed Jin Jizi to Mu Feng and asked him to beat ginseng fruit.

As soon as the people entered the door, Jiang Xiaoyue, Yang Jian, and Kui Mulang greeted them.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng with a sweet smile and said, "You..."

Mu Feng said: "I..."

Qingfeng quickly rushed to Mu Feng, snatched the golden hammer from his hand, and said with a smile: "Let me beat the ginseng fruit, and you continue to be here, you, me, and me!"

Mu Feng smiled and tapped him on the head: "You little brat!"

Qingfeng rubbed his head and said: "Don't touch your hands, what a brat, I'm your senior brother!"

But the monkey rushed up to Yang Jian in one step, and said with a smile: "Brother Yang Jian, long time no see, you and I will have a fight today, to decide the outcome!" It turned out that he still had some grudges about his defeat by Yang Jian.

Yang Jianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Will the winner be decided? Hasn't the winner and I already been won?"

The monkey bared his teeth and said, "You have Laojun's fine steel bracelet to help you, otherwise how could you beat my grandson. Today is a fair fight, do you dare to fight?"

Yang Jian snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, why don't you dare! Let me see how you have made some progress in the past thousand years?" He took out a three-pointed two-edged gun immediately.

The monkey also took out the golden cudgel from its ear, and said with a smile: "It's so good, this place is narrow, you and I will go outside and do it, don't damage my brother Zhenyuan's dojo."

Both of them turned into streamers, flew to the outside of Wuzhuang Temple, and started fighting.

Lao Zhu said to the crowd: "Don't worry about those two people, they are like this when they meet! Let's go in and eat."

Then everyone entered the main hall of Wuzhuang Temple, and the host and guest took their seats.

After a while, someone came up with various dishes, all of which were vegetarian vegetarian meals, although light, they were also delicious.

Qingfeng came over with a plate of ginseng fruit, and shared one for everyone.

The old pig looked at the ginseng fruit in his hand and couldn't bear it any longer. He swallowed it in one gulp and ate it up.Looking at the others, they all chewed slowly, savoring mouthfuls.

The old pig looked at Drifting with a smile: "Hiss! Brother Sha, what are you eating?"

Drifting said: "Ginseng fruit!"

The old pig said: "Is it delicious?"

Drifting said: "Of course it's delicious."

The old pig said: "Give me a taste?"

Drifting said, "Didn't you just eat it?"

The old pig said: "I... I ate too fast just now, and I didn't have time to taste anything. Good junior brother, give me a taste again!"

Drifting hugged the ginseng fruit directly, turned his head away, and ignored the old pig.

The old pig looked around again, only to find that Kui Mulang sitting on his left had ginseng fruit in his arms, and said with a smile, "Brother Kui Mulang, you ginseng fruit..."

Kui Mulang directly interrupted the old pig: "Don't even think about it! I left it to my family, He Miaomiao. You have eaten ginseng fruit and don't know how many ginseng fruits, so don't call me this one again!"

The old pig lay down on the table dejectedly, and everyone laughed when they saw this.

After a while, Mingyue held a red bucket again, placed it in the center of the table, and shouted: "The big dish is here!"

Everyone saw that the box in the middle was filled with golden fried chicken, and the three characters "KFC" were written on the label.It's a KFC takeaway bucket for the whole family!
Mingyue said proudly: "I begged for a long time, and Miss Xiaoyue brought it to me from the human world. I can't bear to eat it."

The old pig said excitedly: "It's better for Xiao Mingyue, my old pig likes to eat the colonel's chicken nuggets the most!" Then he reached out and picked up a bag of chicken nuggets.

Jin Chanzi looked at the old pig, coughed twice and said, "Ahem, Bajie!" He pointed to the vegetarian dishes on other plates.

The old pig put the chicken nuggets back with a mournful face, picked up a bag of French fries, smeared ketchup on it and said, "Is it okay if I eat this, is it okay if I eat this..."

So, everyone ate fried chicken and ginseng fruit in Wuzhuang temple and enjoyed it happily.

(End of this chapter)

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