Agent of Heaven

Chapter 202 Xuanyuan's Four Swords Gather

Chapter 202 Xuanyuan Four Swords Gather
When the banquet was over, everyone was sipping tea in their seats, only to see Monkey and Yang Jian walking in.

The monkey came to the table one step at a time, took a big gulp of the teapot, and then smiled at Yang Jian, "God Erlang, it's a pleasure to fight with you!"

Erlang Shen sat down, took a sip from his teacup, and said with a smile: "The Great Sage's ability has indeed improved a lot compared to before, fortunately, I am not idle."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "How do you two win or lose?" Who is stronger in a fair duel between Yang Jian and Monkey King? This matter has been debated on the Internet for a long time.I really saw it today, how could Jiang Xiaoyue not be curious?

Yang Jian and the monkey looked at each other and smiled, but neither of them answered.

Old Zhu laughed and said: "If they really go out to fight, I'm afraid they won't be able to tell the winner for three days and three nights. Just now they just went out to warm up. It doesn't count!"

Jiang Xiaoyue curled her lips in disappointment.

The monkey shouted: "Brother Zhenyuan, you only drink tea, it seems too light, but there is good wine, today we must get drunk, so that we can regain our freedom from Lingshan!"

Zhen Yuanzi told Qingfeng: "I still have some fruit wine in this temple, you go and get it."

Mu Feng asked Jin Chanzi, "Aren't you monks not allowed to drink alcohol?"

Jin Chanzi laughed and said, "Fruit wine is vegetarian wine, you can eat it!"

Jiang Xiaoyue asked curiously, "What kind of wine is vegetarian wine?"

The old pig said: "Let me tell you, fruit wine and rice wine are both vegetarian wines. My master's favorite food is wine. I would eat a few more glasses if I had the opportunity on the way to learn the scriptures. Since I arrived at the Lingshan Mountain, I haven't had any I've seen it."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the Lingshan Mountain only drink plain water on weekdays?"

But the old pig said: "But they don't even drink water! All the Buddhas on the Lingshan have already cultivated the immortal body, so naturally they can eat the wind and drink the dew. But those who have a deep cultivation on the Lingshan only stay on the Lingshan One avatar, the real body lives in their respective caves. Naturally, you can eat whatever you want. For example, Guanyin, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Maitreya. Their real bodies live in Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, five Longshan Yunxiao Cave, Jiugong Mountain Baihe Cave, Tushitian Maitreya Inner Courtyard.”

Mu Feng was shocked when he heard the words: "You mean that Guanyin, Manjusri, Puxian, Maitreya and others who fought against us today are just their avatars."

Everyone was silent for a moment when they heard the words, and the monkey was the first to speak: "No matter what else, as far as Guanyin is concerned, he was originally one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, a Cihang Taoist, and a true disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of Chanjiao. If a whole body of cultivation base is fully deployed, although it is not as good as the Tathagata, the difference is very limited."

Jin Chanzi said: "Furthermore, the Tathagata did not fight with us today with all his strength. If he uses the six-foot-long golden body cultivated on Lingjiu Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu, I am afraid that we will definitely not be able to fight against him."

The old pig said: "The one who really used his strength on Lingshan today is probably the ancient Buddha who burns the lamp, but his opponent is the Great Immortal Zhenyuan..."

When the topic came to this point, the surrounding atmosphere began to quiet down again.The strength of Buddhism is indeed too strong, and now that it has provoked such a formidable enemy, everyone can't help but feel a little worried.

At this time, Qingfengmingyue brought up the fruit wine, and everyone was ready to drink.

The monkey ate a few jars in one breath, and shouted: "Whoever he is, my old grandson will fight with him. I want there is nothing in the world that I can't win!"

As soon as the words fell, a clear light appeared above his head, and a golden figure emerged from it.But it was a golden body of six feet, with three heads and eight arms. He opened his mouth and said: "I once attended the meeting in the Pantao Garden, but I was only promoted to the Hall of Yan Luo. The throne in the Dragon Palace is changed for a while, and I am called the emperor in the jade realm.

The delicious wine from Yaochi is smooth, and the Tushi Jindantun is even more joyful.Natural nature is free and habitual, neither sitting in fairy mountains nor sitting in meditation.

Nuwa's colored stones are clever, and once transformed into the world.The Six Paths and Five Elements can be at ease, but the Three Teachings and Nine Streams are actually on the job.

Huo's eyes burned uncontrollably, and the golden cudgel hit the God of Plague Platform.Goodness and self-cultivation have positive results, and the reputation of fighting against the station will be passed down forever. "

Zhen Yuanzi stood up, smiled at the monkey and said, "My dear brother, congratulations on beheading the good corpse today! You have taken another step towards the Dao of Proving Hunyuan!"

The Buddha with a golden body of six feet said: "Brother, your cultivation is profound, and I am far beyond my reach!"

The old pig smiled and said: "This is your battle against the incarnation of Buddha, Brother Monkey. This is very good. Brother Monkey, your cultivation base has improved greatly. Even if Shakyamuni chases us now, we will have the strength to fight!"

Mu Feng asked curiously, "The incarnation of the Dou Conquer Buddha? Brother Monkey, haven't you been named the Dou Conquer Buddha a long time ago? Why did you just cut out the incarnation now?"

Dou defeated the Buddha and said: "In the past, the title of Buddha was conferred by the Tathagata, not by my own practice. Today, when I suddenly realized, I beheaded this corpse."

Jiang Xiaoyue wondered: "Don't you have enmity with that Tathagata? Why are you beheading the Buddha's incarnation now?"

Jin Chanzi's master and apprentice laughed when they heard the words, which made Mu Feng very puzzled.

The old pig said: "I don't blame you for not knowing, the Tathagata is not the leader of my Buddhist sect, he is just the leader of the glazed world of Middle Earth, we are not in harmony with him, it is not apostasy."

The fighting Buddha turned into a ray of light and went back to the back of the monkey's head. The monkey smiled and said, "Our Buddhist masters are Amitabha Buddha and me... Zhunti Taoist! Tathagata's Mahayana Buddhism is just a branch of it."

Seeing him hesitating when he spoke of Taoist Zhunti, Mu Feng guessed: "I have heard that Monkey is the disciple of Patriarch Bodhi who is the incarnation of Taoist Zhunti. Looking at him like this, I am afraid the rumors are true."

Jin Chanzi said: "They are cultivating emptiness, while we are cultivating perfection. The paths we pursue are different, so naturally we cannot be with them."

The old pig said: "Furthermore, the Tathagata may have a lot of calculations...and most of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Lingshan Mountain do not agree with him."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll show you two artifacts, with their help, you can gain some confidence in dealing with Tathagata and Yaozu."

The monkey's eyes lit up and said, "What a treasure, quickly take a look."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "My treasure is for Mu Feng, brother, don't worry about it."

Mu Feng said: "Leave it to me?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Exactly." After speaking, he waved his sleeve, and two fairy swords flew out of it.

One is an ancient bronze sword, looking at its pattern, it is towering and winged, like the waves of a flood.The sword energy is like a white rainbow, straight to the sky, revealing boundless arrogance!It is Natai sword!

The other is a translucent long sword. Looking at its pattern, the female is seven stars, engraved with the shape of the Big Dipper, and the male is Longyuan, which depicts the appearance of a dragon diving into the abyss.It was the Longyuan Sword!
The two divine swords circled around Mu Feng, as if they were spiritual, and then turned into flowing light and automatically slipped into Mu Feng's sleeves!

The monkey jumped up and said: "So it's these two treasures! In addition to Brother Mu Feng's victory over evil, the second pure Jun sword, and the five Xuanyuan swords, you have already got four of them together! As long as you find the Zhanlu sword You will be able to recast the Holy Sword of Xuanyuan! At that time, not to mention a Tathagata Buddha, even if you meet a saint, you will be able to retreat completely!"

Mu Feng looked at Zhen Yuanzi with a puzzled expression.

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "The cause and effect, let me tell you slowly!"

(End of this chapter)

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