Agent of Heaven

Chapter 203 The Jade Emperor Arrives!

Chapter 203 The Jade Emperor Arrives!

It is April day on earth.

The figures of Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue appeared behind the villa.

Looking at the small building that I haven't seen for a long time, a warm feeling welled up in my heart, Mu Feng smiled and said: "I'm finally back again, it feels so good to have a home."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Yes!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "So you admit that you belong to my family."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and pinched the soft flesh on Mu Feng's waist, but she didn't open her mouth to refute.

Mu Feng was very happy, really, he might not have been this happy for a long time.There is no other reason, but the conditions put forward by Tai'a and Longyuan are not as harsh as he imagined.I just hope that after recasting the Xuanyuan Sword, he can find a place for Qi Ling.

It's just a shelter, the requirements of the spirits are really that simple!Mu Feng naturally agreed without hesitation.It is difficult to open up a world, but if you can have the Xuanyuan Sword in your hand, and with the help of Zhen Yuanzi and others, it will naturally be much easier.Besides, now that there is a big help like the monkey to help him, even if Tai'a is unwilling to surrender, he and others are fully capable of defeating him head-on.

Mu Feng was proudly walking to the door of the house, but found a person squatting at the door of the villa!

The man was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, with three strands of long beard, his face was upright, and the sky was full.Seeing Mu Feng and the others coming, he immediately stood up from the ground and put on a very dignified face: "Who is coming? Why are you not polite when you see me?"

Mu Feng carefully counted this person, and then said: "Which dynasty did you come from?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Looking at the dress, I guess it looks like Tang Dynasty. What's the relationship between Li Shimin and you?"

The middle-aged man said angrily: "Presumptuous! I am the great sage, the benevolent, the Jade Emperor, the great heavenly god, the mysterious heavenly god"

Mu Feng said: "Is there an abbreviation?"

The middle-aged man said: "Jade Emperor!"

Mu Feng said: "Why do you always come down, shouldn't you stay in Yaochi now? Could it be that the sky has fallen?"

The Jade Emperor said angrily: "What a fall! I... I just came down... to understand the people's sentiments!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "That's the one who escaped by himself!"

The Jade Emperor said angrily: "Presumptuous! Do you know where Mu Feng is? He is my agent in the world! I will order him to take you down now!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I am Mu Feng! But I don't want to take myself down!"

Hearing the words, the Jade Emperor became a little stunned for a moment. He knew that he had come to Mu Feng's territory. Although he was the leader, he still had to rely on others, so he became more polite: "It turns out that it is Mu Qing's family. I want to settle down in the human world." A few days."

Mu Feng said: "Okay! You can stay as long as you want."

The Jade Emperor said: "That's very good, Qing family, you can prepare a palace for me!"

Mu Feng pointed to the villa in front of him and said: "There is no palace, just this house, I can't live in it!"

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath, as if he was suppressing something. After a long time, he smiled and said: "I came here to understand the people's sentiments. I should live in a simple and simple way. It's because Mu Qing's family thought carefully."

Mu Feng said: "Thank you for your compliment!" After speaking, he opened the door of the villa.

The Jade Emperor came in, looked around, nodded and said: "Although it is much smaller, the decoration is quite unique!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's okay."

The Jade Emperor said: "I'm a little tired here, so let's take a rest and wait until you step back."

Mu Feng sat on the sofa and said with a smile, "If you're sleepy, there's a room upstairs, so go to bed by yourself."

The Jade Emperor took another deep breath and said, "You can all step back!"

Mu Feng said: "Where are you going?"

The Jade Emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a dark face: "You can go anywhere, just don't stay in my bedroom!"

Mu Feng said: "This is not your bedroom, this is my home!"

The Jade Emperor said angrily: "Presumptuous, do you want me, the majestic Lord of the Three Realms, to live with you?"

Others may be afraid of the Jade Emperor, but Mu Feng is not. He smiled directly: "If you always don't want to live with me, you can just fall asleep on the lawn outside. You can use the world as a quilt, and the whole human world It can be your palace!"

The Jade Emperor was furious when he heard the words: "You thief, how dare you deceive me like this!"

Mu Feng waved his hand directly, and the door of the villa opened in response: "Your Majesty, go slowly, I will not send you off!" Besides, I am also a good young man who grew up under the red flag, and I must not be a slave to such a feudal king.

Well, in fact, Mu Feng's previous life was Ying Long, and his allegiance was to Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, who is the real sage king. Compared with him, he naturally felt more and more unhappy with this Jade Emperor!In addition, my good friends, whether it is Kuimu wolf, old pig, or monkey, are more or less contradictory to this old Jade Emperor.Naturally, he didn't take it seriously.

The Jade Emperor took a few steps back, and after standing still, his face changed a few times and he said: "Forget it, I will have fun with the people once."

Mu Feng laughed angrily at the Jade Emperor's cheekiness: "Yes, thank you."

Suddenly, a stream of light flew from a distance, came to the villa area and shouted: "Brother Mu Feng! I heard from Laozhu that the human world is very interesting, and my grandson also wants to come to your place to have a look!"

Mu Feng looked, but the monkey was standing outside the door.

"Hey! Brother Monkey is here, okay, I'll take you out to play tomorrow!" Mu Feng immediately stood up and greeted him: "By the way, I have an acquaintance of yours here..." He turned his head After looking at it, he found that the Jade Emperor had disappeared: "Hey, where is the person!"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and pointed under the table. It turned out that the Jade Emperor was hiding under the table trembling.

The monkey smiled and said: "Old Jade Emperor, come out, this is not Lingxiao Palace, and my old grandson is not here to make trouble, what are you so afraid of doing!"

Only then did the Jade Emperor earn money from under the table, and he forced himself to calm down and said: "Nonsense... nonsense! How can I be afraid of you, a monkey!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Old Jade Emperor!"

The Jade Emperor said angrily: "Presumptuous! No big or small!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I only have one room upstairs, which one of you will live in?"

The monkey grinned and looked at the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor took a few steps back and said, "You live! You live!"

The monkey went upstairs satisfied.

The Jade Emperor sat on the sofa with a sad face. Ever since Monkey King appeared, he had completely lost his domineering posture.

Mu Feng handed over a cigarette and said, "Oh, it's really hard to see you, so let me have one!"

The Jade Emperor took the cigarette, and the scholar Mu Feng lit it up. He took a puff and said without a teacher: "Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite! What's more, I am the master of the Three Realms. I treated you like that just now. Don't mind... I also have my own reasons for many things." His melancholy eyes are very similar to Tony Leung in Infernal Affairs.

After a while, Nezha, Yang Jian, Kui Mulang, and Lao Zhu walked in again.

The old pig laughed when he saw the Jade Emperor: "I have seen the Great Tianzun."

Kui Mulang snorted coldly, but ignored Jade Emperor, and went back to his room, probably he was still complaining that Jade Emperor broke up his relationship with the fairies of Pixiang Temple.

Nezha bowed and said, "I have seen the Great Heavenly Lord!" Then, without waiting for the Jade Emperor to nod, he went back to his room and closed the door!
Yang Jian looked at the Jade Emperor and was silent for a long time.

The Jade Emperor said: "You..."

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyue came to the Jade Emperor with a quilt in her arms and said, "This is your quilt. I will wrong you to sleep on the sofa in the future."

Yang Jian stepped forward and grabbed the quilt and said, "I'll sleep on the sofa." He pointed to his room and said, " can sleep in my room from now on."

"Hey!" The Jade Emperor sighed, but he didn't dare to look at Yang Jian, and just walked into the room.The back of the Lord of the Three Realms was a little hunched at this moment, as if he was a stubborn old man who did something wrong but dared not admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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