Agent of Heaven

Chapter 204 Jade Emperor's Difficulties

Chapter 204 Jade Emperor's Difficulties

The night is already deep.

After Mu Feng returned to his room, he washed up happily, put on his pajamas and was about to go to bed when he heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Mu Feng opened the door.

"It's me." The Jade Emperor stood outside the door, still wearing a bright yellow dragon robe.

Mu Feng said: "What's the matter?" The Jade Emperor didn't know him very well, and he didn't like him very much. For some reason, he came to knock on the door in the middle of the night.

The Jade Emperor's expression was no longer as domineering as it was during the day, and he said with a little embarrassment, "Can you give me one of those things?"

Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he took out a Double Happiness from the cigarette case and handed it to the Jade Emperor: "You are wronged by smoking this. According to your level, you should smoke Zhonghua."

The Jade Emperor lit a cigarette and took a puff: "This one is very good. When I return to Lingxiao Palace, you should remember to pay some tribute often. Then I will ensure that your Jiangzhou will have good weather and good harvest every year."

Mu Feng smiled when he heard the words, cooperating with the Jade Emperor didn't make sense, and paying tribute to a few Double Happiness can bring good weather: "If you have something to say, come in and talk about it."

Jade Emperor walked into Mu Feng's room with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked around, looking very much like a leader who went to the countryside for inspection.He said: "You here..."

Mu Feng said: "Please sit down!" He moved out a small bench and placed it in front of the Jade Emperor.

It has to be said that the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor, his sitting posture is upright, his body is upright, and he feels like sitting on a small bench like a dragon chair in the Forbidden City.

"Your room is bigger than my room!" The Jade Emperor took a puff of cigarette, looking aggrieved.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "This is my house, so naturally my room is the biggest... But you didn't come to see me for this, did you?"

The Jade Emperor sighed, and took a deep puff of the cigarette: "Oh... Yang Jian, how are you doing in the world?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You uncle finally remembered to care about your nephew. You haven't told me what the situation in the heaven is like?"

The Jade Emperor flicked the cigarette ash and said with a smile: "What else can we do? The monsters have Tathagata's support behind them, and they are in a difficult situation all the way. Now we can only rely on Wen Zhong and the rest of the heavenly soldiers to hide in the Yaochi. They can't get in, and we can't get out either. I was really bored, so I used the Haotian mirror to come down and walk around."

Mu Feng said: "What is Haotian Mirror?"

The Jade Emperor looked at Mu Feng warily and said, "Why are you asking this?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous, I'm not a monkey, I want to grab every treasure I see. I'm just curious, you must know that the gates of the heaven and the world have already been sealed by my master, your Haotian mirror, Could it be a magic weapon that can travel through space."

The Jade Emperor nodded: "The Haotian Mirror is the only magic weapon my teacher gave me, and it can travel through the heavens and worlds without hindrance."

Mu Feng said: "Teacher? Jade Emperor, who is your teacher?"

The Jade Emperor said: "Who else can be, of course it is Daozu Hongjun."

Mu Feng said: "That's not right, I was also there when Daozu Hongjun was giving lectures, so I haven't seen you before!"

The Jade Emperor smiled and said, "It's not that I haven't seen it before, but I just haven't noticed it. I've always stood by the teacher's side."

Mu Feng was surprised and said: "The one who has been standing beside Daozu Hongjun? There is only a pair of golden boys and jade girls! Could it be that you are..."

The Jade Emperor waved his hand: "That's right, I am the boy, and the Jade Girl is my wife, the Golden Mother of Yaochi."

Mu Feng said: "Isn't your wife the Queen Mother?"

The Jade Emperor said: "Don't make trouble, the Queen Mother of the West is the head of all the female immortals in the world, and has nothing to do with me!"

Mu Feng said: "I seem to have heard Yang Jian say it, but it's been too long and I have forgotten it. But you are lucky. After working as a secretary for Daozu for a few years, you were sent down to be the master of the Three Realms."

The Jade Emperor's face became bitter when he heard the words: "What kind of master of the three realms... How bad luck have I suffered! Before I became an official, I was sent to the mortal world by the Taoist ancestors to experience 750 kalpas. 12 years. It’s hard to look back at that time.”

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Heaven will send a great mission to the people, and you must first suffer from it, toil your muscles and bones, and starve your body! Although you have suffered a little, you have become the Supreme of the Three Realms?"

The Jade Emperor's face became even more bitter: "What kind of supreme being from the Three Realms! Even people like you don't listen to me! Even..." He carefully lowered his voice when he said this: "Even that monkey dares to hit me, not to mention Those people with deep backgrounds in the Three Realms! In fact, what I can really control is the 360 ​​five-way righteous gods on the list of gods."

Mu Feng said: "It seems that you are quite pitiful too. Hey, no, you have practiced for 750 kalpas, 12 years without a kalpa, which is almost 600 million years! How did that monkey beat you?" you?"

The Jade Emperor sighed and said: "Who told you that the longer you practice, the more powerful you will become... Jin Chanzi has also passed the nine-nine-eight-one tribulation, do you think his mana is stronger now than before? Calamity is tormenting people , have you ever seen someone whose mana becomes higher after being tortured?"

Mu Feng said: "So you are really unlucky. After hundreds of millions of years of catastrophe, you have achieved your current position. But you can't really rule the three realms. If it were me, I would die of depression. "

The Jade Emperor sighed: "Speaking of which, Yang Jian is actually a good boy, I am sorry for him."

Mu Feng said: "What?"

The Jade Emperor said: "After I experienced catastrophe in the heavens and ten thousand realms and became the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, I hated the despicableness and greed of mortals. But my younger sister fell in love with a mortal!"

Mu Feng said: "You are racist!"

The Jade Emperor said: "Of course I discriminate! If your sister wants to marry a sheep, will you agree?"

Mu Feng said naturally: "Of course I don't agree!" After a while, he reacted and said: "Bah! You are the sheep!"

The Jade Emperor blew out a cigarette, and said with melancholy eyes: "But when I looked at mortals, I felt the same way you mortals looked at sheep!"

Mu Feng said: "This is really too harsh!"

The Jade Emperor said: "But what can I do? After I know, Yang Jian will run all over the place."

Mu Feng said: "So you killed his father?"

The Jade Emperor said: "After all, I am the Lord of the Three Realms, and I had no choice at that time."

Mu Feng said: "No wonder Second Brother Yang hates you! Not only did you kill his father, but you also pressed his mother under the peach mountain. If he hadn't split the mountain to save his mother..."

The Jade Emperor said coldly: "You really think that with his ability back then, he could split the mountain to save his mother. If I hadn't deliberately waterproofed him, he would have been beaten to death by the heavenly soldiers! Do you think that the real Yuding really liked him back then?" Aptitude to accept him as a disciple? That’s why I went to Yuanshi Tianzun to ask for a relationship! Later, I arranged for Yang Jian to participate in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, so that he can also have a family background and live with his mother better."

Mu Feng said: "Speaking of which, you are really bitter. But it is indeed too cruel for you to keep your sister under Taoshan for hundreds of years."

The Jade Emperor laughed and said, "What's the pressure? That's my own sister! I opened a cave in Taoshan for her to live in. Except that she was not allowed to go out, I usually waited for Yang Jian to save me. Taoshan was split open. At that time, my sister had gained a lot of weight."

(End of this chapter)

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