Agent of Heaven

Chapter 205 3 Pure Golden Crow

Chapter 205 Three-legged Golden Crow
After listening to Jade Emperor's narration, Mu Feng sighed, "So, you still have feelings for Second Brother Yang."

The Jade Emperor sighed, "This child..."

Mu Feng said: "No matter what, you still kill his father..."

The Jade Emperor sighed and took a deep puff of cigarette.

Mu Feng said: "Actually, from your point of view, I can initially understand your feelings."

The Jade Emperor said: "Really? Can you really understand me? Because of this incident, I have been scolded in the Three Realms for more than two thousand years."

Mu Feng said: "Aside from other things, even in our mortal world, everyone is mortal, and because of the gap between the rich and the poor, and the level of status, there will be idiots complaining that women can't be together. What's more, in your opinion, your sister likes It's a sheep..."

The Jade Emperor said: "It would be great if Yang Jian could understand my painstaking efforts like you do."

Mu Feng said: "Actually, I don't think he hates you that much, but he just doesn't want to recognize you as his uncle. Otherwise, you are probably sleeping on the sofa right now."

The Jade Emperor sighed and said, "It's because of this incident that I feel even more guilty." Now that he directly addressed Congzhen as me, it seemed that he had completely lost the original burden.

Mu Feng said: "As far as your old problem is concerned, it's an internal dispute in the family. Now you can make an ethics drama at [-] o'clock."

The Jade Emperor said, "What is an ethical drama at eight o'clock?"

Mu Feng said: "You don't need to know about this... In fact, the aunt of your neighborhood committee is the best at mediating and solving things like this."

The Jade Emperor said: "What is the position of the aunt of the neighborhood committee? It sounds very powerful, how many rank officials?"

Mu Feng said: "It's similar to the position you granted to Brother Hou back then, no quality!"

The Jade Emperor still sat there dejectedly, with guilt and sadness in his eyes.

Mu Feng said: "I still have to sleep, don't just hang around here, go back to sleep early! When you wake up tomorrow, it's a new beginning!"

The Jade Emperor said: "But now that I return to the room he gave me, I feel that I owe him even more!"

Mu Feng pushed Jade Emperor out the door: "Don't think too much! What you owe Yang Jian can't be made up for if you don't sleep today, go back!"

Looking at the lonely back of the Jade Emperor when he returned to the room, Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's true that every family has scriptures that are hard to recite..."

The next day, early in the morning, the light rain was like silk, moistening everything.

Everyone sits around the dining table and eats breakfast.When Jiang Xiaoyue brought the porridge, the Jade Emperor sat on the main table and said with a smile: "My dear family, let's start eating!"

The monkey glanced at the Jade Emperor coldly, then picked up a steamed bun and began to eat it.Everyone else on the table also followed suit.

The Jade Emperor showed a crying expression, because before he could react, the breakfast on the table was eaten up by everyone at a very fast speed.

"Your family is free from courtesy..." Jade Emperor said this mantra in embarrassment, and simply ignored the fact that no one saluted him at all.

Naturally, everyone would ignore this arrogant old cadre. Now that they had a rare period of free time, they all sat around the sofa and discussed where they were going to play today.

"How about going shopping?" Jiang Xiaoyue put forward first: "I haven't gone shopping for a long time! Besides, summer is coming soon, and I have to buy some new clothes!"

Kui Mulang was the first to stand up and agreed: "Okay, I'll ask Miao Miao to go with me!" He took out his mobile phone and was about to call his girlfriend.

The old pig laughed and said, "Let's go! Master is not here, Brother Monkey, I'll take you to eat at KFC, and I'll tell you, it's delicious!" Apparently he was still worried about not being able to eat chicken at Wuzhuang Temple last time. Block thing brooding.

The monkey smiled and said, "If the human world is really as fun as you say, my old grandson must go there." He held Lao Zhu's mobile phone in his hand and said, "By the way, this magic weapon is very fun. , my grandson wants one too!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "His one is Fruit 6, which is outdated now, this time I will take Brother Monkey to buy you a Fruit 7!"

The monkey patted Mu Feng's shoulder and said, "Very good! Very good! Brother Mu Feng, you are so interesting!"

Mu Feng walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked outside, "Let me see if the rain has stopped..." His words suddenly stopped, as if he had seen something incredible.

Yang Jian said: "What's wrong?"

Mu Feng said: "The sun..."

Kui Mulang said: "You don't have to be so excited when the sun comes out, do you?"

Mu Feng said: "No! It's the sun coming out from the west!"

"What!" Everyone turned pale with shock when they heard the words, and walked outside the door one after another.The light rain is still falling, but a round of red sun is rising from the west without hindrance!
There is a saying that goes, unless the sun rises in the west!It often means impossible, but today, the impossible becomes possible!
Yang Jian opened his eyes vertically on top of his head, radiating non-white light in the direction of the rising sun in the west.After a while, he screamed and fell to the ground pale.

Everyone hurried forward to help him up.

The Jade Emperor said with concern: "Are you all right?"

Beads of sweat appeared on Yang Jian's forehead, he took a breath and said, "It's okay, it's just that he was dealt with and counterattacked while spying, the one to the west is not the sun!"

Mu Feng said: "What is it other than the sun?"

Yang Jian said: "It's... the three-legged Golden Crow!"

As soon as the name was spoken, everyone fell into a deathly silence.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at everyone's dignified faces, and asked, "What is the three-legged Golden Crow? Is it scary?"

The Jade Emperor sighed and said: "The three-legged Golden Crow is an ancient mythical beast, surrounded by the intense real fire of the sun. When he appeared in the sky, it was as if there was an extra sun. There were originally ten three-legged Golden Crows, all of which were born in the past. The Heavenly Emperor of the Monster Clan, the son of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Later, there was constant friction between the liches, and the great witch Hou Yi drew his bow and killed nine of them, which led to the war of liches."

Yang Jian followed the Jade Emperor's words and said, "And the last remaining crow was Taoist Lu Ya during the Conferred God period. He later worshiped in the Western religion and became the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha!"

The monkey bared his teeth and said, "Could it be that this flat-haired bastard Lu Ya came to the human world to act as a thug for Sakyamuni and arrest the four of us, master and apprentice?"

The old pig said: "I don't know the specific situation, but in my opinion, he is not good! Otherwise, he wouldn't have appeared in this way directly."

The rain clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and two suns appeared above the sky.It made the originally cold spring become hot in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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