Agent of Heaven

Chapter 206 Zen Master Wu Chao

Chapter 206 Zen Master Wu Chao
"China Central Television! China Central Television, a combined news channel!" As the hour rang, two familiar newscasters appeared on the TV as usual.

The male host said: "Recently, an extremely rare phenomenon of double-day volleys has appeared in the sky of our country. It has caused extreme panic among the general public. The temperature in the whole country has risen rapidly, and there has even been a large-scale melting of ice and snow in Liaodong."

The hostess answered: "So, what is the reason? For this reason, our station remembers to connect with Professor Yang, an expert from Beijing Normal University. Let's listen to the explanation given by the expert!"

"It's just a climate phenomenon!" A well-dressed middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses said solemnly: "Even elementary school students know that there is only one sun in our solar system! The so-called two suns appearing in the sky at the same time are just It's just an extremely rare climate phenomenon! We can explain this through science..."

The female reporter showed an expression as if she believed it was true and asked, "May I ask what caused the double-day volley?"

The expert said: "This is a rare optical phenomenon! It is because the smog on the surface of our atmosphere has accumulated to a certain extent, refracting the sunlight. Therefore, there will be two suns in the sky temporarily. !"

The female reporter showed the original expression: "Then I would like to ask the experts, how long will this phenomenon last?"

The expert thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure about the specifics, but within a week at most, this situation will definitely disappear!"

The screen switched back to the TV station, and the male host said with a serious face: "After the explanation of the experts, we already know that the double-day volley is just a strange weather phenomenon. I hope that the general public will not panic about it. And don't believe in some superstitions rumors. We should believe in science!"

"Well! I also want to believe in science!" Mu Feng raised his hand and turned off the TV.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "There is no other way, this is the most effective trump card when our Ninth Bureau encounters a large-scale mysterious incident! Find an expert and explain everything with science!"

Kui Mulang said: "How many ordinary people do you think will trust this so-called expert you have found?"

Jiang Xiaoyue rubbed her forehead and said, "How do I know? Anyway, I wouldn't believe this kind of news! What? Why don't you learn from Hou Yi and shoot that Golden Crow down?"

The old pig suddenly stood up and said, "What's wrong with Hou Yi? What's so great about Hou Yi! If he can do it, I, the old pig, can still do it!" After finishing speaking, he was about to walk out the door.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What's wrong with you, old pig, you speak so aggressively today?"

Mu Feng pulled Jiang Xiaoyue and whispered, "Chang'e!"

Jiang Xiaoyue instantly understood that she had unintentionally praised Lao Zhu's rival in love, so he was naturally unhappy.

But the monkey didn't care so much, he rushed to catch up with the old pig, squeezed his ear and said with a smile: "You idiot! If you have to die, don't go now! Don't say it's you, even if the great witch Houyi is really resurrected , I’m afraid I can’t deal with the three-legged Golden Crow like today! Don’t forget, he is Lu Ya, and he is also the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha! Today’s mana power is probably not under Shakyamuni’s!”

Mu Feng said: "No matter what, I must go and have a look. If we continue to delay, the two days and the same day will be too long, I am afraid that the world will immediately become restless! I must now Go see Lu Ya!"

The old pig said: "I'll go with you!"

The monkey said: "My grandson also wants to go and see it!"

Other people around also expressed that they would go to meet the Great Sun Tathagata for a while.

But Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "I'd better go alone. This Lu Ya suddenly appeared in the human world without a real photo, and he turned into a golden crow as soon as he appeared to cause such a big commotion. Obviously he wanted to lure us to go. Find him! I will go alone, if I fall into his trap, you can still come and save me."

The monkey said: "My old grandson will not let you be a hero alone, no matter what, I will go to Jianna Luya with you today!"

Mu Feng knew that the monkey really regarded him as a friend, so he said that, so he no longer refused, but said to the others: "You all stay, and I will go with Brother Monkey. With our skills, no matter what situation we encounter You should all be able to escape unscathed. You should stay at the villa to avoid other turmoil in the human world!"

When everyone heard the words, they had no choice but to nod their heads in agreement.Jiang Xiaoyue stepped forward, straightened Mu Feng's collar, and said with a light smile, "Come back early!"

Mu Feng smiled slightly, resorted to the heaven and earth escape method, and flew towards the sun coming out from the far west.The monkey turned somersault and turned into a streak of light to follow.

In the extremely high sky, a huge three-legged golden crow flapped its wings, surrounded by flames, emitting an extremely dazzling light, as if it were the sun.And under the Golden Crow, there is an old monk sitting.

Mu Feng approached and said to the old monk, "Mu Feng, I have met the master!"

The old monk opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Your fellow Taoist Yinglong, you are so polite."

Monkey followed closely behind Mu Feng. Seeing the old monk, he smiled strangely and said, "It really is you, Zen Master Niao! Unexpectedly, we will meet again here!"

The old monk said: "Pohou, when I read your Heart Sutra, I just hoped that you could sharpen your practice, but you have already achieved a positive result, and you are still so open-mouthed."

The monkey smiled and said, "Your Heart Sutra is almost as good as fooling people. Don't you think that my old grandson will really believe your way? In fact, even my master doesn't believe it! Zen Master Wuchao!"

It turns out that this old monk is one of the incarnations of the Great Sun Tathagata, Zen Master Wuchao!
Zen Master Wuchao said: "You are extremely ignorant, extremely ignorant, you don't know the true meaning of my scriptures, why are you here?"

Mu Feng said: "Master, why bother to ask questions knowingly, we are of course here for the two-day volley!"

Zen Master Wuchao said: "Everything in the world has a definite number. All the creatures in this world are greedy and kill more, arrogant and extravagant! The poor monk is to meet the promise of Sakyamuni, and come here to spread the word for a hundred days in the world. Suffering from the scorching drought!"

The monkey sneered and said: "You really are the helper invited by Shakyamuni! The ones who have cause and effect with him are my grandson, master and disciples, and we just did it together! Why bother those mortals in the world? "

Zen Master Wuchao was not moved at all when he heard the words, but his expression remained the same and said: "The human world deserves to suffer this calamity if it offends the Buddhadharma!"

Mu Feng's eyes were like lightning and he said: "Since the words are not speculative! Then let me come down and see what qualifications Dari Tathagata Buddha has to judge mortals in the human world!" As soon as the words fell, there were four murderous swords behind him Emerging, it is the four swords of Chunjun, Shengxie, Tai'a, and Longyuan.When these four swords appeared, the surrounding air seemed to condense and became extremely cold.

(End of this chapter)

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