Agent of Heaven

Chapter 207

Chapter 207
Zen Master Wuchao looked at the four divine swords with fierce aura, and finally opened his slightly squinted eyes completely. He sighed: "The ancient divine swords really deserve their reputation. Just looking at their momentum, they cannot be resisted by a poor monk alone. .”

Mu Feng sternly said: "Since you know that you are invincible, you should retreat quickly! Don't make any more entanglements, lest you be murdered. It's a pity for your true colors!"

But Zen Master Wuchao showed a smile: "The power of the poor monk alone is hard to resist, but it is a pity that the poor monk did not come alone."

The monkey called out the iron rod, held it in his hand and said fiercely: "If you have any helpers, just call them together and see what kind of person it is, and whether it can eat your grandpa's iron rod! "

Unexpectedly, as soon as the monkey's words fell, a loud laughter came from the sky: "You are just a monkey, how dare you be presumptuous in front of a certain family!" A charcoal black figure descended from the sky, but he was one foot tall Yu Yu, with a human body and a horse face, is holding a pitch-black spear with dragons twining around it.

"Monkey! I recognize you, Grandpa Yingzhao!" The horse-faced man waved his black gun and shot at the monkey.

The monkey raised the iron bar to meet him, but found that the opponent was extremely strong, and his jaw was hurt by a single collision. He jumped out of the battle circle with a somersault and said, "Yingzhao! Are you that ancient demon god Yingzhao?"

"It's a certain family! Monkey, are you afraid? If you are afraid, you should give up your weapons and surrender as soon as possible! The certain family thinks of Nuwa Empress's face and doesn't care about you!" Ying Zhaoma stared at him with wide eyes. monkey.

Sun Wukong was transformed from a piece of five-colored stone left over from Nuwa's repairing of the sky in the past, and Nuwa is a saint of the monster clan, so he has a very special status among the monster clan.Even if it is an ancient demon god like Yingzhao, he must be given three points.

But who is Sun Wukong?Since he was born, he was not afraid of the sky and the earth, so he naturally didn't accept Yingzhao's favor. He bared his teeth and said angrily: "Bah! You demon, today I will let you taste the power of the Great Sage Grandpa's iron rod!"

Monkey has a fiery temper, and Yingzhao is not easy to provoke, so the two started fighting when they disagreed.Both of them are first-rate masters in the Three Realms, and it will be hard to tell the winner in a short while.

Mu Feng looked at Zen Master Wuchao and said, "Your helper has been blocked by my brother Monkey." The four swords behind him were ready to strike, and the tips of the swords pointed directly at the vital parts of Zen Master Wuchao's body.

But Zen Master Wuchao said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Yinglong, why worry, the poor monk naturally has more than one helper!"

"Ying Long! Don't be rampant! The demon clan plan is here!" A big man flew from the sky, he was wearing sackcloth, and he was only wearing a heart-guard.Holding a long knife in his hand, his eyebrows are like black ink, and his face is like red clouds.

Before the voice in Mu Feng's ear disappeared, he saw a saber light approaching his eyes.What a fast knife!Simply, the four divine swords were automatically protected, and the sword energy gathered in the sky, forcibly blocked the knife.

Mu Feng took a step back, surprised and said: "You are the former No. [-] warrior of the demon clan in the heavenly realm, Ji Meng?"

Ji Meng's eyes showed a cold light and said: "It's a certain family, Xiaoer Yinglong, and I will take a knife from a certain family again!" Before he finished speaking, another sharp knife struck.

Mu Feng hurriedly manipulated the four divine swords to meet him, and when the saber energy collided with the sword energy, a loud bang was heard.The sword light was like a broken bamboo, and the surrounding sword energy exploded and returned to nothingness!There were only four swords left to confront Ji Meng's long knife directly.

Mu Feng took three steps back, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.But Ji Meng stood still, showing no signs of being injured.It's just that the long knife in his hand has been broken into pieces at this time, floating in the void.

There was cold sweat on Ji Meng's forehead, but his tone was still arrogant: "Huh, it's just relying on the edge of the Excalibur..."

Seeing that Mu Feng was injured, the monkey ignored everything else and shouted, "Fellow Daoist, help me!" A clear light appeared in the back of his head, and the incarnation of Dou Victory Buddha flew out of it, with three heads and eight arms, holding a lotus, a golden wheel, a sword, and a pagoda. Prayer beads, Qi Qi threw them at Ji Meng.

That Ji Meng fought against Mu Feng just now, although on the surface it seems that nothing happened, but the sword energy of the Xuanyuan Four Swords has actually invaded his body, and he has already injured his roots. .

At this moment, Zen Master Wuchao came forward, holding a gourd in his hand, inside the gourd there was a ray of light, more than three feet high, and on it appeared a thing, seven inches long, with eyebrows and eyes, Two white rays of light in his eyes came down from behind and nailed Dou Shengfo's head.

"Please turn around, baby!" Chan Master Wuchao shouted, and then saw a flash of light, and one of Dou Zhanfo's heads was chopped off!
Mu Feng yelled: "Not good! It's the Immortal Slayer Flying Knife! Fighting against the Buddha, step back quickly."

The monkey also knew how powerful the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife was, so he quickly put the incarnation of Dou Victory Buddha back into the clear light behind his head.

Zen Master Wuchao sneered and said, "It's too late!" He pointed the gourd at the monkey's body again, and shouted, "Please turn around, baby!" A white light shot out, and the monkey's head was cut off!
The Yingzhao monkey was decapitated, and seemed very disappointed. Seeing Zen Master Wuchao, he yelled dissatisfiedly: "Little prince, why did you kill this monkey directly! A certain family has never encountered it in nearly ten thousand years. An opponent who fought so happily!"

But Zen Master Wuchao said: "You really think that the Monkey King is so easy to die?" He pointed at Sun Wukong's body and said: "Look!"

Although Sun Wukong's head was cut off, his body was still standing, and a voice came from his abdominal cavity, calling: "Head! Head!"

The head that was chopped off by the Zhanxian Flying Knife actually flew up out of thin air as if it had a spirituality, and then flew towards Monkey King's neck.When the two are combined, they grow up.

The monkey bared his teeth and said, "Old Monk Bird, your Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife really doesn't deserve a reputation, it's much more deft than Che Chi's executioner beheading!"

Yingzhao shouted: "My dear boy! This monkey actually has the ability to decapitate and regenerate! Could he be a disciple of some Hunyuan leader?"

Monkey laughed and said: "My old grandson's skills are all learned by himself, he has no master to teach, and he is not under the sect of any leader!" Because when he left the master's school in the past, he had made an oath to his master, and he was not allowed to mention it. Shimen, so I can only lie.

"Now that we have seen the strength of the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife, please Zen Master Wuchao to try my trick!" The golden light in Mu Feng's eyes burst out, and the four divine swords behind him began to gradually merge up.

A golden broken sword appeared, with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and mountains, rivers and trees on the other side.On the hilt of the sword, there is animal husbandry and farming on the one hand, and the strategy of the world on the other.The only fly in the ointment is that the tip of this divine sword seems to be missing a section.This is because the five divine swords have not been completely assembled yet.

Xuanyuan Remnant Sword was like a stream of light, and it shot towards Zen Master Wuchao with a frightening sword energy!

Faced with this shocking sword energy, Zen Master Wuchao showed his panicked body for the first time. He tried to retreat, but no matter what, he couldn't escape the lock of this sword energy!
(End of this chapter)

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