Agent of Heaven

Chapter 212

Chapter 212
Bai Ze looked straight at Kong Xuan and said, "The purpose of coming here, I'm afraid Master Kong Xuan has already guessed it. It is only natural to propose this strategy at this time."

Kong Xuan sighed: "Bai Ze, you are indeed a rare talent in my monster race. Whether it is wisdom or eloquence, I admire Kong Xuan, but unfortunately you can't be used by me..."

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Everyone has his own ambitions, so why should Master Kong Xuan insist? When the Eastern Emperor Shenjun used the last Eastern Emperor Bell to save my remnant soul, I swore to be loyal to Crown Prince Lu Ya for the rest of my life."

Kong Xuandao: "The old man fell with the wind, and in a blink of an eye there was another murder, that's all, that's all! Bai Ze, tell me, how much strength Lu Ya has now! If I'm not wrong, there should be many people like you." The Eastern Emperor's old department is following him, I really don't understand how much charm the dead Eastern Emperor Taiyi has, and he can actually make you ancient monsters willing to let you run around for the rest of your life."

Bai Ze did not answer Kong Xuan's words about the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but directly said: "Now His Royal Highness has nine thousand demon soldiers under his command."

Kong Xuan laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Nine thousand demon soldiers? I'm afraid it's not enough for Dapeng's teeth?"

Bai Ze said slowly: "These nine thousand demon soldiers are the golden guards left behind by the Eastern Emperor Shenjun!"

Kong Xuan heard the words "Zhi Jinwei", and couldn't help standing up from the throne again, and said in a deep voice, "You mean the Zhi Jin Wei? Are you sure it's the Zhi Jin Wei under Donghuang Taiyi? There are still nine thousand left in this world?"

A series of questions came out, but Bai Ze smiled more confidently: "Yes, it is the Golden Guard, and this is the last Golden Guard in the world."

Kong Xuandao: "Nine thousand golden guards are indeed a big force, but unfortunately, there are only nine thousand! Although I believe that the elite of the golden guards can be called the number one in the Three Realms, I don't think so. These nine thousand golden guards can deal with Dapeng's million demon soldiers!"

Bai Ze said with a smile: "We still have the old demon gods, Yingzhao, and Ji Meng. Their strength is no longer inferior to any of the six great sages. With their participation, we will be able to deal with the high-end standing of the six great sages." Go up, and the distance has been shortened!"

Kong Xuandao: "Are Ji Meng and Yingzhao? It's already in my expectation that the two of them will stand on Lu Ya's side. The strength of these two people is good." It is good to be able to get these two from Kong Xuan's mouth. One word is already a good evaluation.

Although Kong Xuan acted unmoved, Bai Ze was still calm and full of confidence: "In order to make the coalition forces of you and me remain invincible under Dapeng, We still have a secret weapon in our hands."

Kong Xuandao: "What is it?"

Bai Ze said: "Zhou Tian Xingdou formation!"

Kong Xuandao: "What! Sure enough, you took away the formation map of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation!"

During the Lich War in the past, Bai Ze commanded the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, trapping the Twelve Ancestral Witches in the formation, giving the demon clan the upper hand.Although it was finally broken by the combined efforts of the twelve ancestor witches using Pangu's real body, it still deserves the reputation of being the number one defensive formation in the Three Realms.After the war ended, Zhou Tian Xingdou's formation map and the artifact Hetu Luoshu used to set up the formation disappeared together.Kong Xuan had suspected for a long time that Lu Ya and the Eastern Emperor's remnants had taken away the key to Zhou Tian's star formation, but now it seems that his guess is correct.

Bai Ze said with a smile: "If we don't take it away, then the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation will definitely fall into the hands of Sanqing, won't it be cheaper for outsiders then?"

Kong Xuan said coldly: "Do you know that after you took away the formation map and the formation eyes, all 360 five monster masters in the formation died unexpectedly? It's hard to handle."

Bai Ze said: "Sir Kong Xuan must understand the truth of one general's success and ten thousand bones' death better than us, right?"

Kong Xuan snorted coldly: "I know this truth, but I dare not do it. You guys are brave enough! You are not afraid of hurting the sky and causing karma."

Bai Ze said: "In order for the Yaozu to continue to pass on, we have already ignored these causes and effects! Besides, if it were not for our decisiveness that day, this week's Heavenly Star Dou Formation would have already fallen into the hands of the current Heavenly Court. With what can it rise again?"

Kong Xuan heard the words and said indifferently: "Although the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is powerful, even with the joint efforts of the two of us, we can't make up the 360 ​​five-way demon gods to drive the formation. I'm afraid the strength of the formation will be less than one in ten! "

Bai Ze said: "The incomplete Zhoutian Xingdou formation is also the Zhoutian Xingdou formation! Dapeng and the Six Great Sages are not the Twelve Ancestral Witches back then! Besides, even if they had the magic power of the Twelve Ancestral Witches back then, they were also in the Zhoutian Xingdou formation! Nearly half of the Star Dou Formation was lost! That mere Dapeng, how can we use the full power of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Formation?"

Kong Xuandao: "The Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation is a defensive formation. Although the prohibition is strong, as long as we deal with them and don't take the initiative to break into the formation, we have nothing to do with them. If we really fight, we can immediately In an invincible position, but still unable to turn defeat into victory. We can't afford to rely on the aura resources of the underworld! If Dapeng becomes stronger day by day, when he really completely controls the heaven, everything will become unbelievable!

Bai Ze said: "We still have the last trump card!" "

Kong Xuandao: "Who is it?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "It's Ying Long! And counting the time, he should be almost here!"

Kong Xuan said in astonishment: "You guys are able to invite Ying Long? That guy doesn't want to get in. Not long ago, he came to the underworld. I proposed that a high-ranking official and a rich salary want to keep her! But he scoffed! Are you How did you get him?"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "Show it with emotion, move it with reason!" Then he turned to look at the "outside the hall" and said: "According to the time I calculated, they should have come!

Just as he finished speaking, he saw a red sun slowly rising from the west of the underworld.

Kong Xuan looked at the red sun and said with a smile: "Little Lu Ya, when you come to my place, why don't you put on airs?"

"How dare, how dare! As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a skinny monk gradually emerge from the Hall of Ten Kings from under the blood-red sun, and the red sun behind him also automatically turned into a three-legged golden crow and entered his brain In the aftermath of the clear light,

Lu Ya took the lead in bowing to Kong Xuan, "Mr. Kong Xuan, it's been a long time!"

Kong Xuan snorted coldly: "The longer the time, the faster the heart becomes. Nothing can be like the beginning."

At this moment, I saw another person coming slowly from Yufeng from afar, and it seemed to be Mu Feng!

(End of this chapter)

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