Agent of Heaven

Chapter 213 The Wise Covenant

Chapter 213 The Wise Covenant

See that Mu Feng is wearing a battle armor, carrying a huge sword box on his back, and coming through the air in the form of a stream of light.

When Kong Xuan saw him, he laughed and said: "Congratulations to Brother Yinglong, congratulations to Brother Yinglong! The last time it was only a hundred days since we parted, brother has already beheaded the incarnation and got the four swords of Xuanyuan. Li regained his magic power when he was completely victorious in the past. It's almost here!"

Mu Feng descended from the sky, and cupped his hands at Kong Xuan: "Brother Kong Xuan has won the award, but remember that there is no Ying Long anymore, and now there is only Mu Feng!"

Kong Xuan laughed and said: "So, I'm a fool! Don't blame me, brother." Then he said to the bull-headed horse behind him, "Please go on, hold a banquet in the Hall of Ten Kings to entertain my allies of Kong Xuan!"

All the people went into the Hall of Ten Kings together and entered the banquet.

Kong Xuan sat on the main seat and toasted Mu Feng frequently.

The reason why he was so polite to Mu Feng was a long story.In the past, when Mu Feng was still Yinglong, Kong Xuan hadn't mastered the five-color divine light yet, and at that time there was a great war between Lich and Demon.Kong Xuan was chased and killed by the demon god Chi You, and he fled all the way. When he arrived at the shore of the East China Sea, Ying Long saw that he was seriously injured, and helped him repel Chi You.

Kong Xuan was able to escape because of this, but Ying Long had a karma with Chi You because of this, which indirectly led to his later death with Chi You in the battle for the deer.

Although tens of millions of years have passed since this incident, Kong Xuan is still grateful for it.So even when Mu Feng came to the underworld to help Ksitigarbha in the past, he showed mercy many times, even tied his hands and feet. Otherwise, relying on Mu Feng's magic power, he might have already been wiped out under the five-color divine light!

Now that the two sides have become allies and are no longer hostile because of the Dapeng's invasion of the underworld, Kong Xuan is very happy in his heart, so even Lu Ya, who looks down on him at all, looks a little better.

Bai Ze picked up his wine glass and said to Mu Feng: "General Ying Long, no, I should be called Mr. Mu Feng now. I often hear a Gu Gu talk about his heroism, but I have never had the chance to meet him. It is a great honor today. Let's do it first!"

Mu Feng also drank the wine in the cup, and asked suspiciously: "Brother Bai Ze, did you hear from an old friend?" There was a reason for him to ask this question. From that day on, he was appointed by the Nuwa Empress as the guardian god of the human race for generations.There is little intersection with the Yaozu.

Bai Ze smiled and said: "My old friend is not a monster race, but a human race. It was after the battle of the past, I became active, and I met him when I traveled around the world with my remnant soul. His name is Fenghou! "

Mu Feng was shocked when he heard the words: "Your Excellency actually met the prime minister?"

Speaking of this wind queen, it also has a great background. He was the prime minister appointed by Xuanyuan Huangdi when he was the holy emperor of the human race.He is a wise man who has not been seen for thousands of years. He was a military advisor during the Zhuolu battle in the past!
Bai Ze smiled and said: "In the past, we had some friendships, and we often drank tea and discussed Taoism together. Brother Feng Hou's talents and learning are what I admire the most."

Mu Feng said: "What happened to him after that?"

Bai Ze sighed and said, "Even though brother Feng Hou has the talent to master the world, it's a pity that he doesn't have the heart to cultivate the Tao, and he ended up in reincarnation."

Mu Feng also sighed when he heard the words, thinking of the days when he and Feng Hou fought together under Xuanyuan Shenghuang, he felt a little sad secretly.If there is a wind now, if you make suggestions for yourself, you will definitely be able to keep the human race in an invincible position.

Just when Mu Feng and Bai Ze were talking happily, Nine-Headed Insect suddenly came in. He didn't say hello to everyone, but just walked up to Kong Xuan and whispered something to him.

Kong Xuan didn't know what he heard, his complexion changed drastically, he threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground, and cursed angrily: "Styx man! The most unfaithful person in the Three Realms!"

Lu Ya asked, "Why is Master Kong Xuan so annoyed?"

Kong Xuan hated Lu Ya in the first place, but at this moment he was still on fire, so he snorted coldly: "The Styx Master had a word with me first, if I were the Lord of Netherworld, I should give him the territory of the former Ksitigarbha King. He will also send out the Asura clan to help me when I am in trouble. Unexpectedly, now that Dapeng just came down to fight, he hides in the sea of ​​blood and refuses to meet my messenger!"

Mu Feng pondered and said: "Minghe is cunning and greedy. He has always been unprofitable. In his calculations, Dapeng has masters gathered under him, and the soldiers are strong. Your strength alone is absolutely irresistible, so I also don't want to send troops, lest if Dapeng wins in the future, I will have another opponent for no reason!"

Kong Xuandao: "I don't know, but Minghe has millions of Asuras under him, and all of them are brave and good at fighting. If he helps, Dapeng's monster soldiers will not be afraid." Having said this, he looked at it excitedly. Xiang Mufeng said: "I think that Sect Master Styx seems to have a lot of admiration for elder brother, how about elder brother to come forward and persuade him with kind words?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said: "I have very little contact with that Styx..." The implication was that he wanted to refuse, but suddenly he saw Bai Ze standing up.

"Mr. Mu Feng, why don't I take a trip to the sea of ​​blood with you? I don't think Styx Master is not a man of old age, and we still have a little chance to convince him."

When Mu Feng heard the words, he also nodded slightly.

Kong Xuan slapped the table with a big laugh and said, "Okay! I've seen Bai Ze's eloquent talent just now! Elder brother will go with him, and surely Styx can be persuaded."

Lu Ya stood up and said, "Then the two of you will go to the sea of ​​blood first. Now the battle is about to start, and it won't wait for me! Lord Kong Xuan and I will stay in the Ten Kings Hall and prepare to practice the Star Fighting Formation that week."

At that moment, Mu Feng and Bai Ze left the banquet and flew towards the sea of ​​blood.

Just halfway there, Bai Ze pulled Mu Feng to stop: "I have something to discuss with my husband."

Mu Feng said: "But it's okay to say."

Bai Ze said: "Just now when we talked about Fenghou, he and I are best friends, and we had an agreement before us."

Mu Feng said: "Oh? What's the agreement?" Seeing Bai Ze say this, he knew that there must be a follow-up, so he asked first.

Bai Ze said: "The queen of the wind was the most wise man of the human race in the past. I discussed the art of war with him several times, but neither side could convince me to deal with it. At that time, I was still a remnant soul, unable to command the army in the human world. He is a mortal, but when he condenses his body, he has already died of old age. So I made a covenant in the afterlife. I agreed that in the next life I would incarnate as a human in the mortal world, find his turn, and then do a strategic battle to divide win or lose."

Mu Feng said: "Then did you find his reincarnation later?"

Bai Ze said: "I found it, but I found it. Unfortunately, later..."

Mu Feng said: "What happened then?"

Bai Ze sighed and said: "When he was reincarnated in the past, the world was in chaos, so he came out to assist the Ming Lord, intending to calm the world. I turned into a man surnamed Sima and fought with him. But before we were able to decide the outcome, he But he died of illness again..." As he said this, his expression became more and more gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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