Agent of Heaven

Chapter 214 Nai Hegui

Chapter 214 Nai Hegui

After hearing Bai Ze's words, Mu Feng was taken aback for a moment, then reacted and shouted: "Why does the plot of the two of you sound familiar?"

Bai Ze said with a smile: "Both of us were famous in the human world at that time. Not only were we famous in history, but we were also written about in books and biographies."

Mu Feng said: "I see! Is the person who was reincarnated after Fenghou renamed Zhuge?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "That's right. After I learned that his surname was changed to Zhuge, he became a man in the human world and changed his surname to Sima."

Mu Feng laughed loudly and said, "No wonder, no wonder Mr. Lu Xun said that Zhuge is very wise and close to a demon! It turns out that he is the reincarnation of Queen Feng!"

Bai Ze said: "In that life, we were tied, so after his death, I waited another thousand years, and then began to look for his reincarnation, but this time he..." His face darkened as he said this, as if lamenting this what.

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Why, didn't you find Fenghou's reincarnation this time?"

Bai Ze sighed: "I found it! Unfortunately, I found it!"

Mu Feng said: "What?"

Bai Ze said: "He shouldn't have become a loyal minister again in this reincarnation."

Mu Feng said: "Who is he reincarnated into?"

Bai Ze said: "Yue Fei, Yue Wumu."

Mu Feng said: "How could it be? How could it be him!"

Bai Ze sighed: "It's a pity that it's him! I transformed into Jin Wushu, the prince of his enemy country, and led a large-scale attack on his Song Dynasty. When he was almost subjugated, he was appointed as the marshal to save the country. The two of us have been fighting since then. , each has its own winners and losers.”

Mu Feng teased, "It looks like Yue Fei won more this time, right? If it wasn't for Qin Hui, Jin Wushu might not be Yue Fei's opponent."

Bai Ze smiled and said: "It can't be calculated like this. After all, Qin Hui was originally a dark pawn that I set up." Speaking of this, his complexion became a little gloomy: "I just didn't expect that this pawn would escape my control. , really united with their emperor and killed my old friend on trumped-up charges."

Mu Feng said: "So you want to say, you still haven't won the battle this time?"

Bai Ze said: "Exactly."

Mu Feng said: "Then what do you want me to do, help you find Fenghou's reincarnation again, and let you fight him?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "I have already found Fenghou's reincarnation."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Then what do you want me to help you with?"

However, Bai Ze answered the wrong question: "Just after Yue Fei's death, I suddenly realized something."

Mu Feng asked: "What's the matter?"

Bai Ze said: "Neither Zhuge nor Yue Fei is the real Empress Feng."

Mu Feng smiled: "It's as if Ying Long is not Mu Feng?"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "Yes, let's use an analogy, my old friend is very loyal to the monarch. But the person he is loyal to should only be worthy of Xuanyuan Huangdi. Yes, can you get Fenghou's allegiance? A Fenghou who has lost Fenghou's memory is not a complete Fenghou!"

Mu Feng said: "Do you want me to help him retrieve his memory? You should ask Kong Xuan for this kind of thing, after all, he is the Lord of the Netherworld!"

Bai Ze said: "Kong Xuan's place, I will naturally find a way. But there is one thing, from Styx Master's place, only you can help me get it!"

Mu Feng said: "What is it?"

Bai Ze said seriously: "Naihe Gui!"

Mu Feng said: "You mean Nai He Gui, one of the seven treasures of Asura?"

Bai Ze said: "That's right, it's exactly this thing! But He Gui can help people eliminate all karma. Fenghou is a great sage from ancient times. Every time he reincarnates, he must be a person who stirs up the world. The karma is very deep, and then gradually It blinded his mind. I need you to ask the leader of Styx to borrow Nai He Gui to help Feng Hou's reincarnation in this life and eliminate karma."

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "But whether it's me or Ying Long, I'm afraid they don't have any friendship with the leader of Styx! Why did he lend me his treasure for no reason?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Don't worry, he may not lend it to others, but he will definitely lend it to you!"

Mu Feng said: "Why?"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "When the time comes, you will naturally know." After speaking, he ignored Mu Feng who was still in a daze, and turned into a streamer and flew towards the sea of ​​blood.

Mu Feng looked at the back of Bai Ze going away, and suddenly thought of the figure standing beside the Yellow Emperor on the battlefield of the battle for the deer thousands of years ago, gently shaking the feather fan.The way he talked to himself back then was probably the same: "General Ying Long, I have a kit here, you can only open it when you are fighting."

Ying Long said: "Can't it be opened now?"

After the wind arrived: "No!"

Ying Long asked, "Why?"

Fenmo smiled and said: "When the time comes, you will naturally know."

Mu Feng still remembers the last kit left to him by Fenghou, which read: Bury him, punish Chiyou.

Above the nether sea of ​​blood, the sky is full of red mist, even if everyone who is a cultivator comes here, they will probably lose their way.

In fact, it was not the first time for Mu Feng to come here. He remembered that the last time he was in this sea of ​​blood, he was hunted down by Kong Xuan and the leader of Styx.It's just that I didn't expect that in such a short time, I would come to form an alliance with them.I can only say that the world is impermanent.

Facing the turbulent sea of ​​blood, Bai Ze cupped his hands slightly and said, "Bai Ze, the demon clan, come to pay homage to Styx Sect Master."

In the originally turbulent sea of ​​blood, upon hearing Bai Ze's voice, there was silence for a while, and then bursts of ear-piercing screams came, like tens of thousands of crows screaming together.

An ugly Asura emerged from the sea of ​​blood and laughed wildly: "I have never heard of Bai Ze! Where did you come from and where are you going!"

Bai Ze seemed to have a good temper, and still whispered softly: "I want to see the leader of Styx."

Asura said: "I said get out! Didn't you hear clearly?"

Bai Ze took out a white paper fan, opened it with a snap, and gently shook it in front of his chest, "I want to see Master Styx."

Asura said: "Your thin skin and tender meat look delicious..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the white paper fan in Bai Ze's hand flashed across his neck like lightning.

Asura's huge body fell into the sea of ​​blood and was completely swallowed by a wave of blood.Only a few drops of blood remained on Bai Ze's white paper fan.

"Phew!" Bai Ze blew lightly, blowing off the blood droplets on the paper fan, the fan surface was still as white as snow, not stained with any color.

Blood waves surged around the sea of ​​blood, and tens of thousands of Asura surged out, staring at Bai Ze and Mu Feng.

Bai Ze said: "It is said that Yan Luo is easy to deal with, but little ghosts are difficult to deal with. I think Asura under the hands of Master Styx is also quite difficult to deal with."

Mu Feng said: "In that case, leave it to me."

Bai Ze smiled and said, "You want to make a move?"

The sword box behind Mu Feng opened, and the four great swords of Shengxie, Chunjun, Tai'a, and Longyuan flew out of it.Suspended in front of Mu Feng, the tip of the sword pointed at those Asuras who were about to pounce.

(End of this chapter)

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