Agent of Heaven

Chapter 216

Chapter 216
Pulling Mu Feng, the two turned around and left, as if they really wanted to leave this sea of ​​blood.

Bai Ze said as he walked: "Master Styx, you should understand that this time we are fighting with our strengths. You have taken too many actions. No matter which side wins, you will not get any benefits! On the contrary, you will Facing a powerful opponent who is always coveting your Shura clan."

Master Styx sneered and said, "Do you think I'm afraid of you? Threats of this level are useless to me."

Bai Ze said: "That's all. I don't know what benefits Dapeng promised you, so that the leader would not send troops to help you no matter what. But I know that if Dapeng really captures the underworld and becomes a veritable demon emperor. You Such an existence who dominates the roost under his nose will definitely become a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh."

Master Styx's expression changed when he heard the words, blood flashed all over his body, and he disappeared from the spot, standing in front of Mu Feng and Bai Ze.

Mu Feng opened the sword box on the back again, and said coldly, "Why does Master Styx still want to try the Xuanyuan Four Swords?"

Master Styx said: "Xuanyuan's four swords are unparalleled in sharpness, I admire you. But I hope that you, Bai Ze, can speak clearly before you leave!"

Bai Ze said: "Isn't what I said clear enough? Dapeng is not the current Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor is simply a waste. Apart from being the Daoist boy of Daozu Hongjun, this person has almost no one who can become one of the Three Realms." The Lord's reason! Being able to rule the Three Realms for so many years is also due to the 360 ​​five-way righteous gods on the list of gods. But once these gods are on the list of gods, their mana will not increase in the slightest! And most of them are working without effort. Facing the Jade Emperor, the only one who can really do things for him is his nephew who is a local fairy in the mortal world!
But what about Dapeng?Dapeng is the son of the phoenix. Although his mana is not as good as your Master Styx, he can be regarded as a top expert in the Three Realms!What's more, he also has six great sages who used to be sworn brothers with Monkey King under his command, each of whom has boundless mana.If we join hands, I'm afraid that the leader will be no match for four hands with two fists! "

Hearing this, Ming He's expression became very male, but after a while, he seemed to have returned to normal, he said with a smile: "Bai Ze, Dapeng came to the underworld to attack you!"

Bai Ze continued: "No, he is here to attack Kong Xuan! Kong Xuan and Dapeng are both sons of the Phoenix, and Kong Xuan is also Dapeng's elder brother! Dapeng can't even tolerate his own elder brother, so he wants to lead his troops. Come on, after he captures the Underworld, you, the Styx Lord, will be the first to be destroyed! The sea of ​​blood and the underworld are in the same realm, so how can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch, the leader doesn't understand?"

The leader of Styx did not speak, but turned around and looked at Shuofang City in the distance.

Bai Ze knew that he had persuaded the leader, so he intensified his offensive: "I am a former courtier of the Eastern Emperor Shenjun, and I have been ordered to assist Prince Lu Ya since the time of the destruction of the monster clan. It has been nearly ten thousand years. Now that Dapeng and Kong Xuan are at odds, we should have sat on the mountain and watched the two brothers fight each other. But we didn't, it's just because we understand the truth of lip death and teeth coldness better than you, leader!"

Styx Master Styx sighed: "What a dead lips and cold teeth! My blood is adjacent to Kong Xuan, and our lips and teeth are indeed close to each other! But how to ensure that after helping him retreat from Dapeng, he will not bite me back?"

Bai Ze said: "Please rest assured, the leader, not only will Kong Xuan not turn against the leader, but in the future, the underworld will be jointly controlled by the two of you!"

Styx Master's eyes lit up: "Is this true? Kong Xuan is he really willing to share the power to control the book of life and death and the six reincarnations with me?"

Bai Ze said: "Master, please listen to me. If Dapeng can really be repelled, Kong Xuan's relatively small strength will definitely suffer a lot of damage. At that time, he will definitely rely on the help of the leader! I hope you two Fang can unite closely and jointly resist the forces that want to invade the underworld!"

Ming He suddenly laughed and said: "After all, you are talking about the interests of Kong Xuan and me. What about you? Lu Ya came all the way to the underworld to help this time, maybe it was because he was anxious about his business. Is it right?"

Bai Ze said: "Of course not, His Royal Highness came here this time, all he gained was balance!"

Master Styx asked: "Balance?"

Bai Ze said: "Since the last Lich War, the witch clan retreated to Jiuli, and the monster clan declined and hibernated. Now that the killings have resumed, the monster clan seems to be prosperous and has swept the Three Realms. In fact, it is just a pawn played by some big shots ! And Prince Lu Ya wants to ensure that the current Yaozu can get out of the chessboard and become a chess player again."

The leader of Styx laughed and said: "A chess player? Interesting! Sure enough, this kid Lu Ya is no longer the invincible little Golden Crow of the past! Donghuang Taiyi, rest in peace... Hahaha!"

Following a long series of laughter, the figure of Master Styx disappeared above the sea of ​​blood.

Mu Feng asked Bai Ze: "He just left, did he agree to send troops?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Of course I agreed!"

The two of them were still talking when a red light from the sword flew out of the sea of ​​blood and landed in front of them.

Mu Feng stretched out his hand to pick it up, and looked carefully, only to see that the top and bottom of this object are red all over, it is Nai Hegui, one of the Seven Treasures of Asura!

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Look, I'm not wrong!"

In the sea of ​​blood came the voice of Styx Sect Master drifting away: "Fellow Daoist Yinglong, this Nai Hegui is for you. Remember, you already owe me two karmas."

Mu Feng knew that the first part of cause and effect he mentioned was that he was above the sea of ​​blood in the past, and the ancestor Styx secretly showed mercy to himself and others.It is said that a thousand gold is easy to repay, but a favor is hard to repay.What's more, it was the old monster's favor to come to Minghe Patriarch, which made Mu Feng feel a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Sure enough, brother Mu Feng came together. Even Patriarch Ming He has to show some face."

Mu Feng said: "I was born in response to the robbery. In the future, I will take charge of the list of gods and set up the heavenly court. I must leave a few gods for the Shura clan."

Bai Ze said: "During the catastrophe, there are many changes. No one can predict whether it will be me who will die in the next moment. In my opinion, even the leader of Styx may not be able to survive this catastrophe!"

Mu Feng was surprised when he heard the words: "Brother Bai Ze, why did you say that? Patriarch Styx was bred by a sea of ​​blood. If the sea of ​​blood does not dry up, Styx will not die. And his mana has long since ceased to belong to his master, Zhen Yuanzi." Next. How did you fall into this massacre?"

Bai Ze said: "Everything is seen from the Hetu Luoshu. The secrets of heaven are profound, and I can only vaguely calculate that Styx has a doomed doom!"

(End of this chapter)

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