Agent of Heaven

Chapter 217

Chapter 217
Jianmu, the connection between heaven and hell.

A big man in black armor stood on the top of the building, quietly watching the two entrances of the human world and the underworld below.

The entrance of the underworld is filled with black air, and the sound of howling ghosts can be heard from time to time.And the entrance of the human world is filled with this kind of vitality, but above the small entrance, there is a layer of khaki-colored light curtain blocking it, which is the enchantment that Zhen Yuanzi set up in the past.

"Brother! Are you looking at the entrance of the human world again?" The Jiao Demon King came from the sky with a cloud in his armor.

The black-armored man turned his head and said: "That damned old ghost of the town, we have calculated thousands of times, but we still haven't calculated that he will do his best to help the human world."

Jiao Demon King said: "I really can't understand the mind of the old ghost Zhenyuan. That Yinglong is the evil star born in response to the catastrophe. If there is such a deep karma with him, there will be big troubles in the future. The Xiaoyao Earth Immortal doesn't do it, but does his best to help Yinglong, why?"

The black-armored man said: "No matter what Zhen Yuanzi wants to do, the entrance to the human world has been sealed by him now. We have no choice! We can only take down the underworld first, and after we control the book of life and death, the human world is just a pocket It's just something in the middle."

Jiao Demon King said: "The army is ready, the little brother is here to ask the big brother to go and order troops!"

The black-armored man hummed, and said seriously, "How many soldiers and horses have we dispatched to the underworld this time?"

Jiao Demon King said: "We paid 70 yuan."

The big man in black armor asked again: "What about Shituoling?"

Jiao Demon King said: "They paid 30 yuan!"

The black-armored man laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Haha, sure enough, Shituoling has kept all his strength in the Heavenly Court this time, just because he is afraid that we will take the opportunity to seize his power."

Jiao Demon King sneered and said: "Brother Mingjian, it's just that Dapeng is still sitting on the Yaohuangmeng. Little did he know that Big Brother has already..."

The black-armored man directly interrupted the words of the Demon King, and said with a smile: "Don't talk too much, brother, let's go and order soldiers!"

After finishing speaking, he set up a black cloud and flew to Nantianmen with the Jiao Demon King.

Above the Nantian Gate, the original glow filled the sky with thousands of auspicious colors, but now it has turned into billowing black clouds and soaring demonic aura.The endless monster army was divided into hundreds of phalanxes, and the arrays were really neat.

Above the void, there is a general platform, on which is filled with command flags and a tiger talisman.

The big man in black armor fell into a black cloud, stood on the platform, and said to the monster soldiers below: "Do you know who I am?"

The monster soldiers below all raised their weapons and shouted loudly: "The Great Sage of Pingtian!"

It turned out that this black-armored man was actually the Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King who was the head of the Seven Great Sages back then!
The Bull Demon King asked again: "Do you know what my current official position is?"

All the monster soldiers replied: "The generalissimo of the monster clan!"

The Bull Demon King said: "Wrong!" His voice turned into ripples and spread, suppressing all the voices of the millions of demon soldiers around.

"I am the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Court!"

The demon soldiers below were all indifferent upon hearing the words.

The Bull Demon King said: "You all don't know about this official position, this is the official position promised by the Demon Emperor himself when I captured Lingxiao Palace!

Perhaps many of you think that we have captured the Heavenly Court.Actually not so!It should be said that we just regained the lost ground!

I don't know how many of the brothers below remember that we Yaozu used to be the ruler of the heaven.He was once the Lord of the Three Realms proclaimed by the Taoist ancestor!
You should not remember!Because many of you were not even born then!In fact, at that time, I was just a little demon.But I will never forget, I will never forget the former glory of Yaozu!
And for those of you who were born after the Lich War!What does it mean to be born a demon?

It means that they are all living beings, but they cannot walk under the sun like humans!I can only hide in the poor mountains and rivers inaccessible like a despicable ghost!

It means that even if you practice hard for thousands of years, you will have a mana.But you still have to be on guard against being caught by a powerful fairy and taking away your original mount or pet!

All in all, from the moment we are born as demons, we are doomed to be wandering and wandering all our lives, hiding our heads and showing our tails!Doomed to be bullied by the Protoss.

And now!Look!The gods who used to be high above have been trampled under our feet!They hid in the fairyland and dared not come out!All heaven is ours again!We are no longer mounts, no longer pets!We are monsters! "

When the Bull Demon King said this, he paused.The million demon soldiers below have all become generous.Their eyes were red, and they looked at the Bull Demon King with admiration and excitement. The weapons in their hands beat the ground rhythmically, making a loud noise like thunder.

The Bull Demon King made a quiet gesture to the bottom, and the demon soldiers stopped beating on the ground, and millions of demon soldiers looked at him silently.

The Bull Demon King said: "We have already started the first step to restore the glory of the monster clan and recaptured the heaven. Next, it's the turn of the underworld!

go!Bros!Take up the weapons in your hands and seize our own territory!The body and blood of the Yaozu will not be afraid of sacrifice and dedication, so fight like a warrior!Even if only for a moment!Martial luck is prosperous! "

Millions of demon soldiers raised their weapons together and shouted loudly:
"Ping Tian Da Sheng! Martial luck is prosperous!"

"Ping Tian Da Sheng! Martial luck is prosperous!"

"Ping Tian Da Sheng! Martial luck is prosperous!"

The cries of a million demon soldiers lasted for a long time, turning into a soaring demon aura, permeating the entire Nantianmen.

The shout spread to Lingxiao Palace
Dapeng was wearing a black phoenix bird imperial suit, and sat on the throne where the Jade Emperor used to sit.Hearing this sound, there was a fierce look in his eyes.Standing up straight away, he said, "It's so presumptuous, don't those monster soldiers only recognize the Great Sage Ping Tian and not the widow?"

Standing below was a big silver-armored man with a white elephant's head. He was the Lingya Fairy from the Battle of Conferred Gods in the past, and also Dapeng's sworn brother in Shituoling.

Lingya Fairy said: "Your Majesty, calm down! Since the Bull Demon King led his army to defeat Li Jing and captured the Lingxiao Palace, his prestige among the three armies has grown day by day, and he has the help of the other five great saints, so don't move lightly!"

Dapeng said angrily: "Six Great Sages! These Six Great Sages have become more and more rampant. In this heaven, the power has already surpassed the widow! The widow is called the Demon Emperor, but in fact, what he can command is Shituoling It's just people and horses!"

Now that the six great sages have all gone on expeditions to the underworld, the rest of the Lingxiao Temple are naturally the Shituoling series, or the demon kings who are willing to attach themselves to Dapeng.

Another person came out of them. This person was wearing golden armor, with sharp claws like silver, and a steel knife hanging from his waist.It was Qiushouxian from the Battle of Conferred Gods in the past, and Dapeng's sworn brother in Shituoling in the past.

Qiu Shouxian said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, now the six great sages have led most of the soldiers to the underworld, just in time to see him and Kong Xuan come to a loss!"

Dapeng sighed: "I'm afraid, the Bull Demon King won the underworld, and when the time comes, apart from having the blood of the Phoenix, I will have no advantage over them!"

Lingya Fairy said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. I have already received the news that Lu Ya and Ying Long are both in the underworld at this time! Presumably the six great sages are about to fall into a hard fight!"

Dapeng said: "But if Kong Xuan wins and the Six Great Saints lose, they will also lose hundreds of thousands of my demon soldiers!"

Lingya Fairy smiled and said: "Kong Xuan and Your Majesty are brothers after all, it's all right to have one palm of heaven and one palm of hell! You know, the six great saints are all outsiders! And the bull demon king's wolf ambition, if it weren't for our lion camel Ling's lineage still has some strength, and His Majesty may have already been reduced to a puppet at this time. I can only say that it is worthwhile to exchange 30 demon soldiers for the life of the Bull Demon King!"

(End of this chapter)

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