Agent of Heaven

Chapter 218

Chapter 218
Let's say that Dapeng has already planned to deal with the six great saints of the Bull Demon King and then quickly.And the Six Great Sages had just arrived in the underworld at this time, and the black monster army crushed to the outside of Shuofang City.

The Bull Demon King looked at the city wall, only to see that it was more than a hundred feet high, and there were countless formations on it, and there were fierce ghosts guarding the city gates around. outside!Millions of demon soldiers, the camp stretches vertically and horizontally, nearly a thousand miles long!

Kong Xuan led two generals under his command, as well as Lu Ya and Mu Feng, and the three parties went up to the city wall together to watch the menacing monster soldiers below!In the eyes, there is only a monster aura and black clouds!The flags are flying, the army is majestic!
Kong Xuan's general, Nine-headed Insect, saw the might of the army, immediately trembling with fright, almost rolled off the city wall.

"What's the best way to do this? What's the best way to do this one? The opponent has millions of troops, and we only have one hundred thousand ghost soldiers. How can we resist?" Nine-Headed Insect said in horror.

Kong Xuan's forehead was sweating when he saw the opponent's formation!He had also served as the chief soldier in the Battle of Conferred Gods in the past, and had been on the battlefield, but this was the first time he had seen such a huge monster soldier.He forced himself to be calm, and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, disturb our army's morale!"

The Nine-Headed Insect lowered its head when he heard the words, and did not dare to speak again, but his eyes kept turning, and he must be paying attention in private.

Mu Feng glanced at the monster soldiers underground, and frowned: "If the wind blows again and lays out the eight formations, maybe it will be possible..."

Bai Ze said: "I have a plan, which is enough to defeat the enemy!"

Kong Xuan thought for a moment and said, "How about asking for help from Styx Sect Leader? Styx's Asura clan is indeed powerful, but if he sees the scene under the tower, he will probably not be willing to send troops to help me again."

Bai Ze said with a smile: "Then we will win the battle! Let Master Styx have more confidence in us."

Kong Xuandao: "Sir, if you have any plans, just tell me!"

At this moment, they saw the sound of drums beating in the opponent's camp, and cavalrymen came out in mighty force.

The leader is a lion-headed monster holding a short knife, sitting down on the Chiling Huoqilin, and shouting: "I am, the great holy lion king of Yishan! Kongxuan rats! My army has arrived, so it's not too late!" Get out of the city and accept the surrender!"

Kong Xuan looked at the Lion King showing his power below, his eyes burst into flames, and he said angrily: "Who goes, take down this madman for me!"

Hearing this, Nine-Headed Insect took a step back, and secretly pushed Wupao Jun.

Mr. Wupao staggered and stood up. Kong Xuan was overjoyed when he saw this and said, "Sure enough, Aiqing Wupao is the one who wins my heart. Come here and get some wine! I will pour wine for you personally to cheer you up!" He personally poured a glass of wine and handed it to Mr. Wu Pao.

Mr. Wupao turned his head and gave Nine-Headed Insect a hard look, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only bite the bullet and smiled at Kong Xuan: "My lord appreciates you, and I can't repay you for your kindness, so I'll go down and kill that great sage who moved mountains." !” He took the wine glass from Kong Xuan and drank it down in one gulp!Immediately, three thousand ghost soldiers were raised, and they went out of the city gate to fight the great sage who moved mountains.

The great sage Yishan saw the city gate opened, and a Taoist in black robe came out from among them, with three thousand ghost soldiers behind him, he immediately laughed and said: "A certain family asked Kong Xuan to come out to die, you centipede became a spirit, how dare you run out, where are you?" Embarrassing in front of our two armies?"

Wupao Jun held the sword in his hand and said with a sneer, "Today the Daoist Lord will hang your head on the tower!"

The great sage Yishan drove the fire unicorn with a short knife in his hand, and then came forward to fetch Wupao Lord.

Mr. Wupao didn't expect that the Great Sage Yishan would strike directly, and he was a little too late to greet him immediately. After a few rounds in a hurry, he was already a little bit unable to resist, and gradually showed signs of defeat.

In front of the camp, the Bull Demon King followed the other four great sages of the monster clan, underestimating that the Lion King would beat the Wupao Lord to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

Jiao Demon King smiled and said: "How can a mere centipede be the opponent of the fourth brother, this Kong Xuan really has five subordinates."

The rest of the demon kings echoed the words one after another, laughing that Kong Xuan had no one under his command.Only the macaque king said: "This centipede spirit should not be underestimated. He has a supernatural power and can emit golden light with a hundred eyes. If you don't guard against it, I'm afraid you will be plotted against!"

The Bull Demon King said calmly: "If the fourth brother wants to be prudent, he must have been prepared."

On the tower, the Nine-Headed Insect shouted at the Wupao Lord below: "Use your trick!"

Wupao Jundang even took off his shirt, revealing thousands of eyes under his ribs, all emitting golden light and spraying out yellow mist, covering the lion king inside!
Unexpectedly, the lion king sneered: "I expected you to make such a move!" After finishing speaking, he took out a gossip bronze mirror from his bosom, and took a picture of it to Wupao Lord!The golden light of the thousand eyes reflected back immediately!

When Bai Ze saw the mirror on the tower, he shouted, "No, it's the golden mirror! Run!"

But his voice is not as fast as the lion king's magic weapon after all!Wupao Jun screamed and fell down.Not only were the thousands of eyes under his ribs bleeding, but even his original eyes were already blind, and he curled up into a ball, rolling around on the ground, screaming incessantly.

The lion king rushed forward immediately, raised the knife in his hand, and directly cut off Wupao Jun's head, threw it into his own formation, and laughed: "Haha, today I will hang this centipede's head at the gate of the camp for three days!"

Immediately, with a wave of the short knife in his hand, all the ghost soldiers rushed up behind him, killing all the three thousand ghost soldiers brought out by Wupao Lord.

"Kong Xuan, you don't have anyone under your command? If you don't have anyone, come and die as soon as possible!" The lion king's arrogance had become even more arrogant.

Kong Xuan snorted coldly, and the five-color divine light flashed behind him, and he really wanted to go to the end to capture the lion king.

Lu Ya hurriedly stopped and said, "Master Kong Xuan can't do it!"

Kong Xuandao: "Don't stop me, let me go and kill that daring lunatic!"

Lu Ya said: "The Lion King is so crazy, but his purpose is to let you go down, my lord. If you go out to fight at this time, the six saints will rush forward, and the decisive battle will start ahead of time. Wouldn't our previous arrangements be in vain?"

Kong Xuan said angrily: "Then what should we do? If no one goes to fight at this time, our army's morale will definitely drop! The strength of our army is far below the opponent's, if the morale is gone, there is no need to fight this battle !"

Bai Ze said: "Master Kong Xuan, please be safe and don't be impatient!" He said to Mu Feng: "Please also General Ying Long go down and kill the lunatics below!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "The legendary Six Great Sages, I have long wanted to fight with them! This time is just a chance to see them!"

Kong Xuandao: "Come here, get some wine!"

Mu Feng quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't! Mr. Wupao just drank your wine and died! I'd better go straight down!"

Kong Xuan blushed when he heard the words: "Okay, I'll put the wine here for you first."

Mu Feng didn't bring any soldiers and horses, and jumped down the tower with one step.The Shengxie sword was unsheathed behind the back, ghost energy flickered, and a thousand ghost soldiers appeared out of thin air under the tower.It was the Thousand Qin Army who was sealed in the Shengxie Sword in the past!
(End of this chapter)

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