Agent of Heaven

Chapter 219

Chapter 219
The lion king was standing at the foot of the city of Shuofang, showing off his might, with the power of great victory, when he suddenly saw more than a thousand ghost soldiers descending from the sky.Moreover, all of them were neatly dressed and full of murderous intent, unlike the chaotic and chaotic ghosts under Centipede Jing's subordinates just now.

"Who is coming? Report your name!" The Lion King took the reins of the Fire Qilin and walked out of the queue again.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Mu Feng, I'm just a nobody, I think you haven't heard of it before!"

Lion King thought carefully, he had never heard of this person's name, and he must not be a powerful person, so he immediately said angrily: "Let Kong Xuan come out to fight against Grandpa himself! Get out of here! Otherwise, you will be skinned and cramped!" "

Mu Feng smiled and said: "The most useless of Master Kong Xuan's subordinates is that centipede spirit. It's nothing if you defeat him. If you can defeat me, you can count it as some skill."

The lion king showed his white teeth and said with a smile: "Since you are determined to die, come!" After finishing speaking, he slashed forward with a short knife in his hand, turned into a streamer and came straight to Mu Feng's door.

Mu Feng called out the Black Iron Overlord Spear, set up the short knife of the Lion King, and the two fought under the tower.Both of them had extraordinary martial arts skills, so it was naturally a good kill. After seventy or eighty rounds of direct combat, there was still no winner.

The Bull Demon King was in the formation, pointing at Mu Feng with his whip in his hand, and said, "Who is this young general? He is actually able to compete with the fourth brother. Why have I never heard of such a hero under Kong Xuan?"

Jiao Demon King pointed at Mu Feng in horror and said, "It's him! It's him! He is Ying Long's reincarnation!"

The Bull Demon King clutched his chin and said, "Is Yinglong reincarnated? Unexpectedly, he has recovered his mana so quickly."

Jiao Demon King said: "If Yinglong really recovered all his mana, the fourth brother must not be his opponent!"

But Demon King Peng smiled and said: "Not necessarily, second brother, why do you want to build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige? You see, fourth brother's martial arts are no longer inferior to dragons."

The macaque king said: "I'm afraid the second brother is not worried about Yinglong's martial arts. There are many people in the Three Realms whose martial arts are higher than Yinglong's, but why is he the only one who can defeat the demon god Chiyou in the end?"

The Bull Demon King said calmly: "It's because of the Xuanyuan Sword! Apart from the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, Yinglong should be the only one who has the ability to have the Turtle Xuanyuan Sword!"

The Jiao Demon King glanced at the sword box behind Mu Feng, and said anxiously: "What should I do? Call fourth brother back quickly!"

Peng Demon King said: "What are you afraid of? Could it be that our six great sages are afraid that a mere Yinglong will fail? Everyone can't fight and rush forward!"

The Bull Demon King said: "No, if we all take action, Kong Xuan will definitely not sit still. When the time comes for melee, I'm afraid our army will suffer a huge loss! If the loss is too large, I'm afraid it will take advantage of our Heavenly Court. Master 'Demon Emperor'..."

Jiao Demon King said: "Then what should we do? Could it be that Mingjin can't retreat now?"

The Bull Demon King said: "It can't be like this, my million demon soldiers must not lose their vigor in the first battle."

The macaque king said: "Then let the fourth brother fight Ying Long for a while longer! You can also see what Ying Long is. If his life is in danger, we will join hands to protect him!"

The rest of the demon kings felt that what the macaque king said was reasonable, and they all nodded yes.

Let's talk about the battle between Mu Feng and the Lion King, both of them are equally skilled in martial arts, and they are both doing their best.Suddenly, he saw the lion king swaying and fled in defeat.

Mu Feng hurriedly chased after him, but unexpectedly, he caught up with him, but suddenly saw a golden light coming, covering Mu Feng's whole body inside, it turned out that the Lion King sacrificed the golden light mirror again.

Mu Feng raised his spear and stabbed, hitting the golden light curtain, causing waves of ripples, but they couldn't penetrate.

The Lion King smiled and said: "My golden mirror is also top-notch for trapped people. I advise you not to struggle, and come back to the camp with me to be a prisoner! Hahaha!"

On the tower, the Nine-Headed Insect pointed at Mu Feng below and said, "He's been arrested! He's been arrested! My lord, if Ying Long is captured by the other party, it will definitely reveal our army's deployment. Why don't we arrest him first?" How about killing it?" After speaking, he took the Soul-thirsty Nether Arrow from one of his subordinates, opened the Luohu bow, and aimed at Mu Feng who was trapped in the golden light.

At this moment, a white light flashed past, and brushed the bow and arrow in Nine-Headed Insect's hand.It turned out that Kong Xuan sacrificed the five-color divine light!Kong Xuan's eyes revealed fullness: "Nine-Headed Insect, you are too anxious, do you think Ying Long is a waste like you?"

Nine-Headed Insect said: "But..."

Kong Xuan interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "That's enough! Just stand on the side and watch carefully!" In fact, he has already seen that the Nine-Headed Insect may have other thoughts now.But helplessly, right now is the time to employ people, otherwise, with Kong Xuan's temper, he would definitely kill the nine-headed insects directly and quickly!
Mu Feng tapped the golden light curtain several times with the black iron overlord gun, but found that he couldn't break through, so he put the gun away.

The Lion King smiled and said, "Why, put away your weapons and prepare to surrender?"

Mu Feng didn't speak, the sword box behind his back was opened, and four divine swords flew out one after another!A mighty sword energy radiated from Mu Feng as the core, and in just an instant, it smashed the indestructible light curtain into pieces.

The sword energy condensed into a huge sword light again in the air, and cut down towards the Lion King.

Seeing that the sword light was so powerful that he couldn't dodge it in time, the Lion King directly mobilized his whole body's mana, poured it into the golden light mirror, and roared, "Look at me reflecting all your sword energy back to you!"

But!The sword energy passed by, and only a crack was heard, and there was a crack on the golden mirror!Soon, cracks covered the mirror one by one, like a spider's web.

Mu Feng stretched out his hand and pointed at the Lion King, saying: "Xuanyuan Four Swords, kill!"

Whoosh!There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the four divine swords rushed directly towards the Lion King with sword energy all over the sky.

The golden light mirror in Lion King's hand finally couldn't support it anymore, and it directly turned into golden fragments, scattered everywhere.

Seeing that the four divine swords are getting closer and closer to the Lion King!At this critical moment, suddenly saw a flash of white light!A huge white divine bull appeared out of thin air, and with a push of horns on its head, it pushed back Mu Feng's Xuanyuan Four Swords.

The white bull opened its mouth and picked up the lion king, then turned into a streamer, flew back to the camp of the monster clan, and then turned into a clear light, which got into the back of the bull demon king's head.

The Lion King gasped and said, "Thank you, brother, for saving me."

The Bull Demon King didn't answer, but looked in Mu Feng's direction.Although he seems to have easily received Mu Feng's blow just now, he knows in his heart that the sword energy of Xuanyuan's Four Swords has already invaded his divine cow incarnation, and it will take at least 500 years of mana to clear it away .

Mu Feng cupped his hands at the position of the Bull Demon King.Then he heard a uniform shout from behind him: "Wind! Strong wind!" Thousands of crossbow arrows shot out in volley.It turned into a rain of arrows all over the sky, covering the demon soldiers brought by the Lion King.

In just an instant, three rounds of arrow rain had already been rained, and the monster soldiers who had followed the Lion King to show off their power just now had turned into hedgehogs and fell into a pool of blood!
(End of this chapter)

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