Agent of Heaven

Chapter 220 Conspiracy

Chapter 220 Conspiracy
The Bull Demon King looked at the thousand ghost soldiers of the Qin Dynasty who were releasing crossbow arrows from behind Mu Feng's men, and couldn't help frowning: "Such a heavy evil spirit doesn't look like ordinary ghost soldiers. Looking at the number of troops in training, I think it's a witch. The way of the clan!"

The Demon King Peng shook his head and said, "It can't be the Wu Clan. If the Wu Clan has no soul, how can it be possible to become a ghost soldier?"

The macaque king said: "It can only be said that they are not pure-blooded witches, they should be the hybrid products of human and witches. I remember that in the human world thousands of years ago, there was an era when mixed-blooded witches ruled. The dynasty seems to be called Qin!"

Mu Feng stood in front of the formation and yelled: "I have heard for a long time that the six great saints of the demon clan have great powers. In today's battle, it turns out that the lion king among them is no more than that! I think the remaining six must be of average strength! Why don't you come out for a while how?"

The Peng Demon King was furious when he heard the words, he picked up a Fang Tian painting halberd and was about to go out, but was soon stopped by the Bull Demon King.

Demon King Peng said angrily: "This guy is too arrogant, let me teach him a lesson."

The Bull Demon King said: "The four Xuanyuan swords behind him are powerful, don't show off your bravery for a while."

Peng Demon King said: "Could it be that you just watched this fellow so arrogant?"

Mu Feng saw that no one would come out from the local formation, so he became even more arrogant, and said loudly: "It's really impossible, you six great sages go together!"

The Bull Demon King smiled and said, "Everyone, calm down."

Mu Feng saw that there was still no movement in the local formation, so he smiled and said: "That's right, when you formed the Seven Great Saints, only Sun Wukong was the most powerful, and now there are only six of you, so naturally you can only be shy turtles!"

The bull demon king directly picked up the mixed iron rod and was about to go out, but was hugged tightly by the macaque king from behind.

"Let go of me, this guy actually said that we are not as good as that monkey! Let me go and let me kill him!" Bull Demon King roared directly.

The macaque king said: "Brother, you are the coach, you can't fight in person!"

Only then did the Bull Demon King calm down, threw the mixed iron stick on the ground, and shouted: "Ming Jin retreats! Back three hundred miles and set up camp!"

With the sound of a loud and long horn, the monster army that covered the sky and the sun began to recede like a tide.

When Mu Feng returned to the tower, he saw Kong Xuan greeted him with a big smile: "Brother Ying Long is so powerful! If the Bull Demon King hadn't rescued him with the incarnation of a white bull, I'm afraid that Lion King, one of the six great sages, would have Today I will die by my brother's sword."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

Kong Xuandao: "Single-handedly repelling a million demon army, how can it be considered a trivial matter? This seat is celebrating for brother Baiyan!"

Mu Feng said: "The enemy is now at hand, and the battle has just begun, so the celebration banquet will be skipped, let's think about what to do next."

In fact, Kong Xuan didn't really want to hold a celebration banquet for Mu Feng at first, so he naturally looked at Bai Ze along the way: "Sir, what is the best way to defeat the enemy?"

Bai Ze pretended to be profound and said: "A good plan has already been prepared, and we are waiting for Master Kong Xuan to ask!"

Kong Xuandao: "Please tell me clearly, sir."

Bai Ze said: "That's how we are..." Immediately, he explained all his strategic plans.

After hearing this, Kong Xuan slapped the table and exclaimed: "Sure enough, Mr. is planning a strategy and winning thousands of miles away! The number one wise man of the monster clan is definitely not in vain!" After speaking, he gave instructions to many ghosts around him: " You all follow what Mr. Bai Ze said! Hurry up and go back!"

It was night, and the Bianhua flowers filled the entire Shuofang City with a faint scent of bloody flowers.

The Bull Demon King stood three hundred miles away from the city, climbed up and looked into the city, followed by five other Demon Kings
The macaque king stood beside the Bull Demon King, and said with a smile, "It's about time for our surprise attack!"

Demon King Peng asked suspiciously, "What surprise attack?"

The Bull Demon King nodded and said: "A defeat during the day is not necessarily a bad thing. I ostensibly ordered the army to retreat three hundred miles, but actually sent people to set up the teleportation array overnight. It only takes a moment to surprise Shuofang. Under the city, catch them by surprise!"

The macaque king said: "Brother, look, there are only a few soldiers dozing off on their city walls. They must have thought that we have really retreated a long distance, so we have relaxed our vigilance. Siege at this time will definitely win a big victory." , Take Shuofang City in one fell swoop!"

The Lion King bowed down to the Bull Demon King and said, "My little brother is willing to be the vanguard and take this Shuofang City for my brother!"

The Bull Demon King hurriedly helped the Lion King to his feet, and said earnestly: "My brother, I know that you are defeated today, and you must be eager for revenge at this time! Go, I will give you the command of the vanguard. After the city, capture Mu Feng alive to repay the shame of today!"

The Bull Demon King's tone was also full of hostility towards Mu Feng. Obviously, he was still bitter about telling Mu Feng that the six of them were not as good as Monkey King.

Let's say that the soldiers above Shuofang City were still dozing off, when they suddenly saw monster aura rising everywhere, and hundreds of thousands of monster soldiers suddenly appeared and came to attack the city mightily.

The leading ghost general hurriedly shouted: "Let's gather together by express delivery, hold on for a while, and then send a signal to quickly report to Master Kong Xuan!" However, just as he finished speaking, he had not had time to stop the soldiers around him from resisting together.I saw a thin short knife start to enlarge infinitely in front of me!

Of course, it was the Lion King who made the move. With his strength, he naturally beheaded a mere ghost general in an instant: "Brothers, start attacking the city! Prosperous luck!"

Many siege demon clans who were still building ladders roared in unison: "Prosperous martial arts!"

In just a split second, countless monster races climbed up the tall walls of Shuofang City.Shouting and launching the final attack!

The lion king stood on the city wall, saw the ghost soldiers and ghost generals and killed them with a knife!While killing, he stared at him as if he was really looking for Mu Feng who defeated him during the day!
"Ying Long! Where are you? Hurry up and fight me for [-] rounds?" The Lion King opened his mouth and let out a roar. The sound waves covered the entire Shuofang City!

However, Mu Feng never appeared again!No matter how much Lion King searched and provoked, he couldn't find Mu Feng's half shadow.

In just one night, the 20 former monster troops led by King Shiyi had completely occupied Shuofang City.

Because he had never defeated Mu Feng, the Lion King immediately issued a collection order as soon as he entered Shuofang City.All the monster soldiers wantonly burned, killed and plundered Shuofang City, trying to force Mu Feng to come out with aggressive methods, but Mu Feng seemed to have evaporated from the world. just for a moment

(End of this chapter)

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