Agent of Heaven

Chapter 221 Zhou Tianxingdou

Chapter 221 Zhou Tianxingdou
Just when Lion King was mad on the tower of Shuofang because he couldn't find his enemy Mu Feng, he suddenly heard the voice of reciting poems from a distance: the chaos has not yet opened and the world has appeared!Indistinct and invisible!To predict the Hunyuan Kungfu of good fortune, one must watch the changes of the stars in the sky!
The bull demon king led the other four demon clan saints to fight outside the city together, and suddenly heard the sound of chanting coming from this distance, all of them turned pale.

The macaque king said: "Not good! It's Zhou Tian Xingdou! Hurry up and let the fourth brother come out!"

Demon King Peng turned into a ray of black light, spread his wings, and rushed towards the city of Shuofang.But before reaching the edge of the city wall, he felt a sense of illusion around him, and when he opened his eyes, he was already standing in the distance.

The Bull Demon King asked, "Can't you get in?"

Peng Demon King said: "It's fighting and turning the stars! People who are not proficient in the five elements and eight trigrams are not allowed to enter!"

The macaque king said angrily: "Damn it, you got caught!"

In Shuofang City, the Lion King raised his head and saw that the sky above the underworld, which was originally covered with clouds, became extremely clear at this time, and it was dotted with 360 five dazzling stars.Starlight filled the air, as if it would pour out at any moment, illuminating the entire Shuofang City as bright as day!

Lion King said: "Zhou Tian Xing Dou big array?"

Mu Feng walked out of the starlight with the sword box on his back: "That's right, it's the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation!"

The lion king first showed a terrified expression, and then turned into a sad smile. He seemed to be smiling happily: "I see, Lu Ya is here, right?"

Wearing a cassock, Zen Master Wuchao also stepped out of the starlight: "Amitabha! Lion King, don't come here without any harm."

Lion King said: "Do you still have the face to see me?"

Zen Master Wuchao said, "The poor monk is frank and frank, why didn't he dare come to see you?"

The Lion King said: "You are also the prince of the demon clan, but how many clansmen did you kill in order to hide under the protection of the Western religion during the Battle of the Conferred Gods? Star Dou Great Array harming me?"

Zen Master Wuchao said: "Everything is doomed. Those monster races are listed on the list of gods. If I do some crossing, it's just to leave a little inheritance for my monster race."

The lion king said: "Leave the inheritance? Is it to be used as a mount for the Buddhist Bodhisattvas?"

Zen Master Wuchao said: "King Lion, if you are willing to surrender, I will remember..."

The lion king said: "If it was someone else, I'm afraid I would have surrendered long ago, but you are the only one who can't do it!" After finishing speaking, he raised his thin short knife and slashed at Lu Ya.

Zen Master Wuchao sighed, his cassock flew up, turned into a golden crow, and blocked the lion king's attack.Then he took out the Immortal Slaying Gourd from his sleeve, and shouted: "Please turn around, baby!"

A streak of white air shot out from the gourd, and it only took an instant to decapitate the Lion King who was still resisting the Golden Crow.

Mu Feng couldn't help turning his head away: "It's considered a master, it's a pity!"

Zen Master Wuchao said with a smile: "This is his fate, don't worry about Mu Feng's benefactor."

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Now that Zhou Tian Xing Dou array has been set up, all that's left is for the opponent to attack the city at all costs!"

Zen Master Wuchao said: "That's why we need to use the head of the Lion King!" After speaking, he threw the head of the Lion King that was cut off by the flying knife of the Immortal Zhan to the outside of the formation.

The Bull Demon King and others were outside Shuofang City, trying to figure out how to get in, when they suddenly saw a bloody head falling from the sky!After seeing his face clearly, he found that it was the Lion King!
The Bull Demon King picked up his bloody head, and burst into tears: "Fourth brother! How did you get murdered! It's all your fault, big brother's poor planning, that made you fall into trouble."

The other four demon saints also cried when they heard the words, but they were all sincere. After all, the six brothers had been sworn brothers for thousands of years and had deep feelings for each other.

The macaque king choked up and said, "Brother, no matter what, we must avenge our fourth brother!"

The Bull Demon King said: "It should be so! I will order the army to forcibly attack the city. No matter what Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, I don't believe that it can stop the million soldiers of my monster clan!"

But the macaque king said: "Brother, don't be impulsive!"

The Bull Demon King said: "The fourth younger brother is already dead! Don't tell me that I can't be swallowed by heat, you have forgotten the oath that the seven of us... the six of us will live and die together!"

The Macaque King said: "The old oaths must not be forgotten, just attacking the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation rashly, I am afraid that it will further arouse the power of this formation, when the time comes, the five of us will not only not be able to avenge our fourth brother, but may even kill us all." die here."

The Demon King Peng said angrily: "None of you monkeys is reliable, just say it out of fear of death!"

Jiao Demon King said: "Stop arguing! Listen to Brother Fengfeng's advice first!" This macaque king is also known as the Great Sage of Fengfeng, so usually brothers call him Fengfeng directly.

The Macaque King nodded and said: "I don't know the formation, so I attacked the city rashly. If I die here, I will only fulfill the promise of the past, but you have to think about the millions of monster brothers behind you." , They have followed us from the Jilei Mountain in the demon world, fought all the way to the Heavenly Court, and captured the Lingxiao Palace, are they going to be buried with us because of my impulse today?"

After hearing this, Demon King Peng knew that he was impatient and said something wrong, so he stepped aside and said nothing more.

Bull Demon King said: "Your brother is right, but is this the fourth brother's revenge?"

The macaque king said: "Of course I have to avenge the fourth brother! I have already figured out a countermeasure for this!"

The Bull Demon King was overjoyed when he heard the words: "What countermeasures do you have, feel free to tell me!"

The Macaque King said: "Although the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is wonderful, the Lu Ya who is setting up the formation today is not the Eastern Emperor Taiyi back then. He doesn't have the Eastern Emperor Bell in his hand, and he doesn't have the 360 ​​five-way demon gods under his command! The power of the formation must have been greatly reduced. , we just need to find a master who is proficient in the formation, and we will cooperate with it, and we will definitely be able to break the formation!"

Flood Demon King said: "However, most of the masters who cultivate formations today are human races. Among my monster races, I am afraid that there is no such talent..."

The macaque king laughed and said, "My monster clan doesn't have one, but the witch clan does!"

A look of fear flashed in the eyes of the Bull Demon King, and he said, "Witch Clan? You mean the remnant of the Wu Clan in Jiuli?"

The macaque king said: "A thousand years ago, I had some encounters with Wu Luo, one of the ten witches in Jiuli. He didn't like to practice, but he was addicted to formations and witchcraft! Especially for formations, he was very obsessed. If he knows that someone here is setting up the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, he will be very willing to come and break the formation!"

The Bull Demon King still hesitated and said: "But cooperate with the witch clan..." and the hatred between the witches is still in his heart.

The macaque king said: "Brother, after all, tens of thousands of years have passed since the Lich War! Besides, Lu Ya, the prince of the monster tribe, had already betrayed the monster tribe and joined the Western religion. Why do you and I stick to these small details?"

The Bull Demon King nodded and said: "Your brother is right, hurry up and invite that Wu Luo to break the formation, the sooner the better!"

After receiving the order from the Bull Demon King, the macaque king turned into a streamer, broke through the space and headed towards Jiuli Realm.

Naturally, the Bull Demon King retreated with Mingjin, and led the monster army back five hundred miles to set up camp.

(End of this chapter)

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