Agent of Heaven

Chapter 222 The Macaque King Visits the Nine Li Realms

Chapter 222
Let's say that the macaque king flew out from the underworld and came to the boundless void world.As a streamer, he headed southeast, and he didn't know how long it took before he stopped on a large meteorite that was desolate.

The macaque king shouted loudly to the surroundings: "The macaque king, the great sage of the demon clan, pays homage to Master Jiuli Wuluo!" His voice spread into ripples.Directly cover the entire meteorite.

After a while, I saw a muscular man with a height of nine feet and a bare upper body coming out of the void: "Yaozu? Yaozu dare to come to my Jiuli Realm?"

The macaque king said: "Master Wu Luo and I are old acquaintances, and we are inseparable from each other. You should report it quickly and don't get entangled here."

The big man thought for a moment when he heard the words, then nodded slightly, his body shook, and then disappeared from the spot.

After about three sticks of incense, white light flashed continuously in the void, and finally a door was outlined!From the back of the door, a world of singing birds and flowers was exposed. An old man in white stood in it, and smiled at the macaque king: "Brother Fengfeng, it must have been ten thousand years since we parted from the barren mountain in the past!"

The Macaque King smiled and said, "Exactly, I didn't expect Lord Wu Luo to remember it so clearly."

Wu Luo smiled and said, "Let's go ahead, and I'll take you to Jiuli Realm for a visit."

The macaque king leaped into the world behind the door after hearing the words: "Since that's the case, it's better to obey orders than to be respectful over there!"

Wu Luo said: "Come with me. This should be the last place where the blood of the Wu clan still flows. Here, you can see many things that you have never seen before." After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves , the door has been closed.

The macaque king held his breath, and never mentioned the story of asking Wu Luo to come out of the mountain to help him break Zhou Tian's star formation.Just following Wu Luo, we walked and talked all the way, talking about what we had seen and heard from the ends of the world, and listening to some things about the Wu clan in Jiuli Realm.

"See if there are any elite warriors of my Wu tribe!" Wu Luo pointed to a group of Wu tribe warriors who were training. They were all bare-chested, with exaggerated tattoos and decorations.

The Macaque King nodded and said, "But it is mighty and majestic, quite reminiscent of Chi You's army in the past."

When Wu Luo heard him talk about Chi You, his eyes dimmed unavoidably, and he went to the macaque king to go deeper into the garden together: "You want to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so let's just say it, the purpose of your coming here.

The macaque king said with a smile: "Can't I simply visit my old friend?"

Wu Luodao: "It is precisely because I am your old friend that I understand you better. You are definitely a person who has nothing to offer you! Tell me, what is your purpose for coming to Jiuli Realm? Isn't it Do you want our Jiuli tribe to send troops to help you attack the human world? Let me tell you this... Impossible, Mr. Wu Xian has already issued an order, and the killing and calamity is coming. My Jiuli clan has too much karma. The whole clan among them is wiped out, so they can only stay in the Jiuli Realm to retreat, and wait for the killing to pass."

The macaque king said: "I know what you said. We are also old friends, so naturally I will not harm you. I came here this time to tell you something interesting."

Wu Luo said: "What's the fun? You came from a long way?"

The macaque king said: "Zhou Tian star fights!"

Wu Luo's expression changed immediately: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Seeing that Wu Luo had really taken the bait, the macaque king pretended to be embarrassed and said, "This..."

Wu Luo said angrily: "Why are you hesitating? If you really know the number one formation of the ancient monster clan, you should tell me as soon as possible! Why bother to act like this?"

The macaque king sighed and said, "It's not that I'm being hypocritical, it's just that the brothers killed by the Star Dou battle this week are so miserable!" After speaking, he actually covered his face and burst into tears.

Wu Luo quickly comforted him, and after the macaque king finished crying, he asked anxiously, "What's going on?"

The macaque king saw that Wu Luo's appetite had been whetted, so he fought among the monsters. The golden-winged roc sent the bull demon king to attack Kong Xuan, while Lu Ya stepped in and set up a star-fighting formation in Shuofang City. The story of cheating and killing the Lion King was told.As he said that, he covered his face in pain again, and cried out: "Our six great sages lived and died together, but my fourth brother was killed by Lu Ya, and we were powerless to break through the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array, so I came here to complain to my elder brother!"

Wu Luo didn't seem to see the macaque king's tears, his eyes were full of excitement: "My dear brother, don't cry now, and describe to me the form of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation."

The Macaque King sneered in his heart, but said on his mouth: "I don't know the formation method, so I can't describe such a strange formation with prophecy. But that Lu Ya can kill my fourth brother and a hundred thousand demon soldiers just by relying on the thousands of gold Wuwei under his hands. Trapped to death in it. Presumably, it should be a bit more powerful than the Zhuxian Sword Formation of the Master Tongtian!"

Wu Luo was originally an idiot who was obsessed with the study of formations. After hearing the description of the macaque king, he thought that the largest formation in the three worlds was now in Shuofang City. If he didn't go and have a look, his life would be wasted!Immediately, he forgot Wu Xian's order not to leave Jiuli Realm.He ordered to the left and right: "Take my Twelve Governors Heavenly God Sha Formation Flag!"

The macaque king said: "Brother, why is this?"

Wu Luo said: "I will fulfill your wish and go to Shuofang City with you to break through the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation!"

The macaque king said: "But brother, the catastrophe is coming, brother must not harm you..."

Wu Luo sneered and said, "The Twelve Superintendents under my command, although the power of the Twelve Superintendents' Heavenly God Demon Formation is less than one percent of what it was in ancient times due to the absence of the Zuwu's bloodline, it is still easy to break through the Zhou Tian Xingdou Formation that is suppressed by the land. I don’t pay attention to mere killing and robbery. With this protective formation, even if Kong Xuan takes action himself, he still can’t beat me. I can go in the Three Realms!”

The macaque king said: "But where is Lord Wu Xian?"

Wu Luo said: "It's okay, let's go back quickly, Master Wuxian is currently retreating in the Ancestral Witch Hall, we just need to come back before he leaves the customs." While speaking, his subordinates had already brought twelve rods The black lacquered formation flag was held up on a white bone tray and held up in front of Wu Luo.

Wu Luo stretched out his hand to take the formation flag and stroked it: "During the Lich Wars in the past, the Zhoutian Star Dou formation of your monster clan smashed the formation of the twelve superintendents of my witch clan, and the twelve ancestor witches all fell. Today, I want to be ashamed, and see that Lu Ya beheaded!"

The Macaque King was overjoyed: "Lu Ya is a villain, and the Jinwu clan is all scum. Today I swear, if my brother breaks the star formation for me this week, my six great sages will always be allies of the Wu clan!"

Wu Luo laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Then it's a deal!" After speaking, he waved his sleeves and walked out of the Jiuli Realm with the Macaque King, and went to the underworld!
Ancestral Witch Hall, where Wuxian retreats.

"Lord Wuxian! Lord Wuluo left with the Ventilation Sage!" A voice outside the door reported.

A sigh came from the Ancestral Witch Hall: "Damn... there is no escape after all, it seems that the only option is to fight to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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