Agent of Heaven

Chapter 223 Anxious Ying Zhao Trapped in the Godly Formation

Chapter 223 Anxious Ying Zhao Trapped in the Godly Formation
Let's say that Lu Ya was standing on the tower of Shuofang City practicing the Golden Crow Guard's revolving circle of stars, when suddenly he saw a red light rising from a distance, falling in the camp of the Bull Demon King.

Lu Ya was shocked, and said to the ghost soldiers beside him: "Go and report to Master Kong Xuan, and tell him that the macaque king on the opposite side has invited rescuers!"

After a while, Kong Xuan flew onto the tower, followed by Mu Feng.As soon as the two of them landed, they asked: "What kind of master came to the other party, and actually made Daoist Lu Ya so nervous?"

Lu Ya said: "It's a bloody red cloud falling in the opposite camp. Judging by the momentum, I'm afraid it's...a great witch!"

Kong Xuan frowned and said, "What? Great witch? Could it be that the Jiuli tribe actually got involved?"

Mu Feng clutched his chin and said: "This is an internal struggle of your monster clan. The bull devil actually found reinforcements from the witch clan who have been enemies for generations? Is he crazy?"

Bai Ze thought for a moment and said, "He's not crazy, I'm afraid he is not of the same mind as that Golden-winged roc."

Mu Feng wondered, "How can you see that?"

Bai Ze said: "Otherwise, the sworn brothers Qiushouxian and Lingyaxian of the Golden Winged Pengdiao are also people who have studied the formations. If the Bull Demon King wants to break the formation, why should he hire some masters from the Wu clan? And I think They are attacking now, and it seems that they are also based on preserving their strength. If they want to maintain their strength so much, they must be able to separate one side after defeating us, and not be completely controlled by the golden-winged roc."

Kong Xuan nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. Then do you know who they invited here?"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "Among the Wu Clan, the person who has the most research on formations should be Wu Luo! The power of his Twelve Superintendents' Great Formation is not inferior to my Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation !"

Let's say that in the enemy's camp, the macaque king and Wu Luo lowered the cloud head together, and saw the bull demon king leading the four great sages of the monster clan standing there to greet them early.

The Bull Demon King stepped forward to bow to Wu Luo and said, "It is a great honor to have Mr. help me. I think Luya's Zhou Tian Xingdou formation must be vulnerable in front of Mister."

But Wu Luo didn't seem to like the Bull Demon King very much, so he just nodded slightly.

Flood Demon King saw that the atmosphere was slightly awkward, so he came up and said, "We have already held a banquet for Mr. Wu Luo in the camp, I hope..."

But Wu Luo waved his hand and said, "Excuse me, I'm not here to help you!"

The Bull Demon King said with embarrassment: "Then..."

Wu Luo said: "I just came here for the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation. Once the formation is broken, I will return to the Jiuli Realm immediately. I will not contribute any more to the struggle of the monster race like you."

The Bull Demon King said with a smile: "Sir, if you can break the formation for me, it is already the greatest contribution."

Wu Luo said: "Take me to that week's Star Dou Grand Formation to have a look."

Peng Demon King said: "My feet are fast, so I, Yufeng, will take Mr. Wu Luo to observe the top of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation." After speaking, he spread his wings behind his back, set up a strong wind, and swept Wu Luo away. Flew over Shuofang City.

Besides, the life experience of this Roc Demon King is not simple. His prototype is a black feathered eagle covering the sky. Although his blood is not as noble as that of the Golden Winged Roc, and his supernatural power is not as many, his speed is not too bad.The golden-winged roc eagle can soar up to [-] miles, and the black-feathered eagle that can cover the sky can also withstand the wind for [-] miles in an instant.

So Demon King Peng took Wu Luo, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the sky above Shuofang City.Wu Luo looked under the clouds and mist, only to see a burst of starlight shining, covering the entire Shuofang City, within the starlight, there was another group of scorching sun burning, presiding over the entire formation, it was the incarnation of Lu Ya's Golden Crow.

Wu Luo sighed and said: "This Zhou Tianxing Dou array is really amazing, amazing!" He glanced at the scorching sun again, and said coldly: "It's a pity that it fell into the hands of this little boy Lu Ya, but it's really amazing!" It has been destroyed! Its power is less than one percent of that of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi back then!"

Although Wu Luo couldn't exert the power of the Twelve Superintendents of the Gods and Demons himself, it was only because he didn't have the pure blood of the ancestral witch as a guide.It is because the equipment required for the formation is not complete, which leads to the inability to exert its full power.Even if it were someone else, without the blood of the ancestral witch, it would be impossible to form the formation of the twelve gods and gods at all!
But Lu Ya is different, he has Hetu Luoshu and Donghuang Bell in his arms, it can be said that he has all the conditions needed for the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, except that the Golden Crow guards in the formation are not as powerful as the 360 ​​five-way demon gods back then , but because his research on formations is not too in-depth, so the power displayed is much less.

In other words, if it is the same Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, if Wu Luo arranges it, at least [-]% of the power of the East Emperor Taiyi can be exerted!Then with the millions of demon soldiers under the Bull Demon King, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out in an instant!

"Who is spying on my formation?" A loud shout came from the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, and along with the sound, a ray of light flew out from the formation.It was the demon god Yingzhao who came with a spear in his hand.

Peng Mo Wang took out a Fang Tian painted halberd, pointed at Ying Zhao and said angrily: "You horse face, how dare you come to your grandpa Peng Mo to die?"It's just that he is deliberately speaking frivolously and wants to humiliate the demon god.

Sure enough, Yingzhao was furious and yelled, "You flat-haired bastard! With such a bird's feathers, isn't it the son of the golden-winged roc?" Yingzhao's cursing was even more vicious.

Hearing such insults, Demon King Peng naturally lost his mind first, and raised Fang Tian's painted halberd to attack Yingzhao!Ying blocked the spear as soon as he parried, and the two fought back and forth. It lasted about 34 rounds, and there was still no winner.

The Demon King Peng jumped back and thought, "It's at Shuofang City right now, the horse-faced reinforcements will arrive in time before me, so there's no need to suffer for a moment of anger!"
"Horse noodles! Grandpa is a little hungry today. Go back to the camp to find something to eat. Tomorrow, we will go outside Shuofang City to call for an formation. Don't you hide in that big formation and dare not come out!" Then he moved towards his own camp.

When Yingzhao saw this, he was willing to let go and leave, so he picked up his spear and gave chase.Unexpectedly, after only a few steps, Wu Luo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly sneered.

Only the screams of demon gods around him suddenly sounded, and twelve huge banners braved the black air and stood against the wind, encircling Yingzhao.The banner fluttered, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into twelve phantoms of demon gods, each with different shapes and powerful demons.

When Yingzhao saw these demon gods, his heart was broken and he said: "The Twelve Ancestral Witches!" After shouting, he turned around and ran away, wanting to escape back to the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation.But it's too late!A huge black air enveloped down, and one of the phantoms of the demon god moved!I saw him Qiangliang with a tiger head and two yellow snakes, it was the ancestor Wu Qiangliang!
Qiangliang's speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of Yingzhao in just a split second.Ying Zhao yelled and raised his spear to stab, but Qiang Liang crushed the strong spear.

(End of this chapter)

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