Agent of Heaven

Chapter 227 Xuanyuan Sword Breaks 2 Ancestral Witch

Chapter 227 Xuanyuan Sword Destroys the Twelve Ancestral Witches
silence!Accompanied by this violent fluctuation, there was an extremely long silence!Within a short period of time, no sound came out of the entire Netherworld!

All I saw was a giant standing proudly in the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array, smashing the purple primordial thunder with both hands, then leaping up, raising his hand in a rage and tearing the entire starry sky apart!

Bai Ze lay on the ground, coughing up blood continuously, but still had a smile on his face.

Wu Luo stood on the shoulder of Pan Gu's incarnation, and looked at Bai Ze with a sneer on his face: "I have already broken the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, what else are you proud of?"

Bai Ze said: "Because you are going to die soon!"

Wu Luo snorted coldly, "I'm afraid you are the one who will die soon!"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Look who's coming from behind?"

Wu Luo said with a smile: "You thought I would be fooled by you..." But before he finished speaking, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling.Turn around quickly!What catches the eye is a piece of sword energy flying like a fleeting shadow!The sword energy sank into golden yellow, and there was a fear in the power that all the witches would never forget!
"What? It's actually the Xuanyuan Sword?" Wu Luo formed a seal in his hand, and Pangu's avatar began to retreat quickly, trying to avoid the sword light!But the sword light all over the sky seemed to have eyes, no matter how Wu Luo retreated, he could not escape the pursuit of these sword lights!
"That's enough! Break it!" Wu Luo's eyes revealed an angry look, and Pangu's incarnation stretched out his arms as tall as a mountain, and grabbed the large sword light.

Mu Feng's voice came from the sword light: "Presumptuous!" The sword light all over the sky changed, condensed into a golden sword in the air, and fell towards Wu Luo!

The arm of Pangu's incarnation collided with the sword light completely, and a strange thing happened. The Pangu incarnation, which was able to resist even the primordial Hongmeng Tianlei, was cut off with an arm under the bright Xuanyuan sword light!
Pangu's incarnation covered his arm, there was no blood flowing from the wound, but there was a trace of black air!One of the twelve large black flags that Wu Luo carried was covered with cracks!

Wu Luo pointed at Mu Feng and said: "My witch clan not only has enmity with the monster clan, but also with your human race. Back then, you forced us out of the human world and forced us to live in the Jiuli realm. I'm lingering on my last breath! Now you're here to spoil my big business again!"

Mu Feng said: "Among you witch clan, most of you think you are superior and try to enslave all other races in the human world! Your stay in the human world will only make all living beings feel uneasy!"

Wu Luo sneered and said: "The nobility of the witch clan is the result of Pangu's blood! All living beings are humble, how can they be compared with us! Besides, the land belongs to our witch clan rule, which was determined by the Taoist ancestor Hongjun back then! God for it!"

Mu Feng sighed and said: "You are stubborn, you are so stupid and dare to talk to me for days, no matter what, I won't talk to you anymore! Look at the sword!" After finishing speaking, the slightly damaged Xuanyuan in his hand The sword stabbed towards Pangu's incarnation.

Wu Luo said sarcastically, "Why is the Xuanyuan sword in your hand missing? Could it be that you haven't found all the five Xuanyuan swords?"

Accompanied by the voice of sarcasm, Pangu's avatar shook with one arm, sending boundless black energy from his whole body, and aimed at Mu Feng!

Mu Feng brandished the Xuanyuan Canjian in his hand, brought the sky full of sword light, split the condensed black energy, and spit out the Pangu incarnation.

Wu Luo had vaguely sensed that although the current Xuanyuan Sword was incomplete, it was still not something he could resist.What's more, I have spent too much mana just now to resist the Hongmeng Tianlei. Although the current Pangu incarnation has survived, most of it is already a show, far from being as powerful as when it was just summoned.Under the circumstances of ebb and flow, it is really Bushihe who is fighting Mu Feng recklessly!

Thinking of this, Wu Luo made up his mind, set up Pan Gu's avatar and retreated towards the Bull Demon King's camp, saying, "The Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is broken, and your Xuanyuan Sword is incomplete, so I won't care about you any more! Today Let you go!" After finishing speaking, Pan Gu turned into a black light and fled towards the Bull Demon King's camp!

"Please turn around, baby!" Just as Wu Luo was about to enter the sphere of influence of the Bull Demon King's army, Lu Ya directly took out the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife again, imbued mana to the extreme, and recited the spell.

An incomparably huge white saber energy came towards the head on Wu Luo's neck.Apparently Lu Ya thought Pangu's incarnation was too difficult to deal with, and wanted to kill Wu Luo directly!

Wu Luo sneered and said: "Little Lu Ya has always only known these despicable methods. Compared with your father, Donghuang Shenjun, you are really far behind!" The saber energy of the knife was directly scattered!
But at this moment, a sword light flew straight, piercing the chest of Pan Gu's incarnation!Mu Feng made a move!

It turned out that Lu Ya's slap just now was just to attract Wu Luo's attention. The real ultimate move was Mu Feng's Xuanyuan Canjian, which had absolute restraint against the blood of the Wu Clan!
Wu Luo let out a scream, spurting blood from his mouth, and fell from the sky.That Ji Meng was waiting on the ground holding the chain, before Wu Luo landed, he saw a long knife slashing towards his neck!

"Look at the real body of this old man!" Wu Luo roared, his face began to be covered with dense runes, and horns grew directly above his forehead, which turned into six arms, and his figure was about ten feet tall!
In this way, Ji Meng's long knife looked like a child's toy in front of him!

The sound of Jin Tiejiao sounded, Wu Luo directly covered Ji Meng's long knife with one hand, and raised his whole body with the other hand
"Does it mean that I have only used formations to fight against you, and you think I only know formations? Don't forget that I am also one of the ten great witches of the Jiuli tribe! And the great witch in the Wuzu represents the strongest the meaning of!"

Before the words fell, another sword light descended from the sky. It was Mu Feng who had pulled the remnant sword from Pangu's avatar's chest, and waved the remnant sword in his hand!Attack directly towards Wu Luo!

The moment the Pangu incarnation was pierced into the chest by the broken sword, it seemed to have begun to gradually dissipate!The twelve black flags supporting him also began to dim!It seems that Xuanyuan Canjian's restraint on the witch clan is beyond expectation!Not long after, the twelve poles stood there dimly!
This time, Mu Feng finally stopped being soft-hearted, and raised his hand to cover Wu Luo's whole body!

(End of this chapter)

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