Agent of Heaven

Chapter 228

Chapter 228
In the underworld, Zhou Tian's star array dissipated, leaving only the lingering wind blowing around.Only this time, the surroundings could no longer even hear the cries of the evil spirits, giving the impression that there was only a terrifying silence left.

Wu Luo stood motionless in the dark wind. After a long silence, the last brilliance glowed in his dead pupils: "Xuanyuanjian, good! good! good..."

Mu Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, and finally couldn't support his swaying body, and knelt down on one knee, saying, "The Twelve Capitals' Great Formation really deserves its reputation, and I admire it."

Wu Luo said: "This time you won, but you defeated me with the strength of the Xuanyuan Sword and the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation. My nine brothers will definitely avenge me!" said After finishing, blood began to flow out from the acupuncture points all over the body, and the whole person fell to the ground with a thud, without any breath of life.

Seeing this, Lu Ya flew from a distance with the seriously injured Bai Ze.

Mu Feng quickly waved his sleeves, and with all his skill in his sleeves, he put away the twelve broken black flags that were scattered on the ground.

Lu Ya fell in front of Mu Feng, seeing that the formation flag used to set up the Dutian Shensha formation had been taken away by Mu Feng, he couldn't help showing a look of disappointment on his face.But he still forced a smile on his face and said to Mu Feng: "Is brother Mu all right?"

Mu Feng barely stood up and said: "It's okay, it's just a little internal injury."

Bai Ze coughed again at the side, with a few strands of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth: "Let's go! If I don't expect, the enemy army should launch an attack soon! Although Brother Mu has already killed Wu Luo, But we also lost the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, and the Bull Demon King's army did not suffer any losses."

Lu Ya flew back to the tower of Shuofang with the two of them on a cloud. When Kong Xuan saw him, he hurried up to meet Bai Ze and asked, "The enemy army has millions of people. Do we have any now?" Great formation protection, may I ask sir, is there any other strategy to retreat from the enemy?"

Bai Ze's face turned pale and he said: "The troops we deal with are ten times stronger than ours. Even if I have the talents of all over the world, I can't stop the retreat head-on."

Kong Xuandao: "Perhaps we can also ask for help from Master Styx. Didn't you convince him last time?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "It's too late. Although there are countless Asuras in the Styx River, it is too far away to rush to Shuofang City!"

Kong Xuandao: "Sir, what do you think?"

Bai Ze said: "Before the Bull Demon King launches a general attack, retreat quickly! Abandon Shuofang City and retreat to the City of Death!"

Kong Xuandao: "Shuofang City is the number one fortress in my Netherworld, maybe I can defend it..."

Bai Ze said: "If I can't hold it, I already have a calculation in my heart, and I will definitely defeat the enemy in the City of Death!"

Kong Xuan stared at Bai Ze, a dangerous look flashed in his eyes, after a long time, he turned back to Nine-Headed Insect and said: "Give me the order to go down, the whole army retreats!"

Let's talk about the Bull Demon King's side, Yu Tamarin, the sixth-ranked god exorcist among the great sages of the demon clan, is standing on a high place, observing the situation on the side of Shuofang City with his eyes glowing red. Came to the Bull Demon King's tent and reported: "Brother! Zhou Tian's star formation has been broken! But Wu Luo is also dead!"

Bull Demon King laughed and stood up from his chair and said: "Haha, pass on my military order, and Demon King Peng will lead an army of 20 troops to attack the gate of Shuofang City from the front!"

Peng Mowang said: "Follow orders!" He turned around and walked outside the handsome tent.

The Bull Demon King said again: "The Jiao Demon King and the Yu Tamarin King each led 20 troops to attack Shuofang City from the side, echoing the Jiao Demon King's army!"

Demon King Jiao and King Yu Tamarin said at the same time: "Decree!" They also followed Demon King Peng to the outside of the tent.

The Bull Demon King said again: "Macaque King, in the end I will order you to lead an army of 30 people, detour around Shuofang City, and pursue the enemy!" He put his head in his hands and squatted on the ground.

Bull Demon King said: "My dear brother, what's the matter with you?"

The macaque king's voice was a little hoarse, and tears flowed from his fingers: "I really didn't expect that my old Wuluo brother would die here! We have known each other for more than a thousand years, and we have become confidants. In the end he actually died for me!"

It was only then that the Bull Demon King realized that the Macaque King was sad because of Wu Luo's death, so he comforted him and said, "Brother, don't be sad anymore. Big brother knows that Wu Luo died for our brother's great cause! I will definitely not let him down." , when I become the demon emperor, I will definitely let the Jiuli demon clan return to the world!"

The macaque king said: "Brother will definitely swear to die for the elder brother to complete the great cause!" After finishing speaking, he walked out of the big tent to lead the army!
In the Yaozu camp, bursts of dust surged, and the four armies attacked Shuofang City together from different directions!Everyone just walked to the front of the city, and they saw the city gate open, and there was no soldier on it!
Peng Demon King laughed and said: "The enemy army is timid, Xiancheng surrendered!" Leading the army, he rushed into the city first.

The same is true for King Jiao Demon and King Yu Tamarin. Seeing that the city gate was wide open, they led the army into the city!Only the Macaque King led 30 demon soldiers, passed Shuofang City, and chased towards the City of Death!

After marching for about a hundred miles, I saw an army ahead!Yunzu looked forward, but found that the leader was none other than Kong Xuan!The macaque king said with great joy: "That guy Kong Xuan is right in front, brothers, go and kill him with me!" After speaking, he took the army and chased after him!

Kong Xuan turned his head and saw the enemy army chasing him, and led the ghost soldiers to run even faster, but he didn't dare to look back at all!

The macaque king scolded from behind: "Kong Xuan, where can I escape?"

Kong Xuan had no intention of turning back, but ran even faster!The few ghost soldiers around him moved extremely quickly, and they separated from the Macaque King's army in a blink of an eye.

The macaque king was furious and yelled: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Don't let Kong Xuan run away!" But what a huge team of 30 demon soldiers, how can they compare with Kong Xuan in terms of flexibility? Xuan's team of ghost soldiers!Seeing that the distance between the two armies was getting bigger and bigger, the Macaque King screamed angrily, set up Xiangyun and led a dozen monster generals to chase after him first!

Kong Xuan turned his head and glanced coldly at the macaque king who was chasing him, and said with a mocking smile: "Macaque king, just because you still want to catch me? Go back quickly! Don't be like your brother Wu Luo, Sent my own life!"

The macaque king said angrily: "Kong Xuan! Today I will kill you!"

A bridge suddenly appeared in front of it, the water of the Styx river was flowing slowly underground, and the mist was rising above it, shining with brilliance!Kong Xuan led a small group of ghost soldiers, and the first ones went across the bridge first!

The macaque king had already lost his mind at this time, and he chased after him just with a dozen demon generals!

(End of this chapter)

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