Agent of Heaven

Chapter 229 The Bull Demon King Swears to Kill Kong Xuan

Chapter 229 The Bull Demon King Swears to Kill Kong Xuan
Who knew that the moment the macaque king crossed the bridge, he heard the sound of killing from behind him!It turned out that Kong Xuan had already laid ambushes on both sides of the bridge, and at this moment he rushed up, and did not attack the macaque king, but tried his best to tear down the bridge.

The macaque king knew that he had been caught in the trap, and he no longer cared about his demon generals, so he was about to fly back to the bridge behind the clouds!Who knows that Kong Xuan sneered and said: "How could I let you run away easily?" After finishing speaking, the five-colored brilliance flashed behind him, covering the sky directly, blocking the macaque king!

The macaque king said: "It's a good trick to cross the river and tear down the bridge! Kong Xuan, this trick is definitely beyond your ability to come up with! Who is it? At least let me know whose hands I died in!"

"Ahem... Great Sage Yishan, don't come here unharmed, Bai Ze greets you." Bai Ze walked out from behind Kong Xuan in white clothes, it was not difficult to see that he was still seriously injured.

The macaque king squinted his eyes and said: "The number one wise man of the monster clan really deserves his reputation. I am convinced that he was defeated by you!"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Brother, I'm overwhelmed!"

Suddenly, the macaque king yelled violently, jumped up and grabbed Bai Ze!

Bai Ze was seriously injured at this time, how could he stop the macaque king's dying counterattack, and immediately backed away with a pale face.

Kong Xuan yelled angrily: "King Macaque, don't hurt our military division!" The five-color light surged down and swiped towards the Monkey King!
The macaque king seemed to have fallen into a state of madness, his eyes were red, ignoring the five-color divine light coming from behind, he vowed to drag Bai Ze to be buried with him!
Because the macaque king knew that it was a doomsday situation, and he would not be able to escape from ascending to heaven anyway, so he might as well use the last strength in his life to get rid of the opposite think tank Bai Ze for the bull devil king!Now I have a great advantage. As long as Bai Ze dies, the eldest brother Bull Demon King will definitely be able to lead the demon soldiers and conquer the Netherworld.

Unexpectedly, just when the macaque king approached Bai Ze, he suddenly saw the seriously injured Bai Ze, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!
"Not good! It's deceitful!" The macaque king reacted immediately, and wanted to retreat, but he was hit straight by Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, already hurting Yuan Que.

But seeing that the already injured Bai Ze swayed for a while, he turned into Mu Feng and said with a smile: "The macaque king's reaction is not slow, but it's a pity, the military adviser has already calculated everything you will do, look at the sword!" After finishing speaking, four divine swords rose from behind Mu Feng, turned into streamers and flew towards them, piercing the macaque king directly!

The macaque king's body fell to the ground, and asked with a weak breath under his body, "Is this all planned by Bai Ze?"

Mu Feng replied: "After the military master laid out the plan to cross the river and demolish the bridge, he expected that if you fell for the plan, you would jump over the wall in a hurry, so he asked me to look like him to lure you to take action, and then let Kong Xuan attack from behind. I want to take you down, so as to create time for us to escape!"

After hearing this, the macaque king's already weakened expression was full of resignation, but in the end he was helpless, and finally he sighed: "Brother...I'm can't accomplish the great cause for you..."

Looking at the gradually stiffening corpse of the Macaque King, Kong Xuan sneered and said, "There are only four of the six great sages left, and I will kill them one by one when the time comes!"

Mu Feng sighed: "Death before leaving the teacher will make the hero burst into tears!"

Kong Xuan laughed and said, "Brother Mu Feng actually thinks that these six great sages are heroes?"

Mu Feng sighed: "If you have love and righteousness, you can be regarded as a hero!"

Kong Xuan didn't answer when he heard the words, he just ordered to the surrounding ghost soldiers: "Retreat to the city of death." He paused, then pointed to the corpse of the macaque king and said: "Cut off his head and hang it in the city of death." At the door, let the Bull Demon King see what happened to his brother!"

Let's say that the Bull Demon King is sitting in the big camp, and he heard the news that Shuofang City has been captured!Dang even stood up and said: "The virtuous brothers are all very lucky, hurry up and enter the city, so that we can celebrate for you!" He ordered his attendants to bring him the water-avoiding golden crystal beast, turned around and flew towards Shuofang City.

When they got to the bottom of the city, they saw that the flag on the tower had been replaced by their own banner, so they were overjoyed and landed directly on the tower.Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King, and Yu Tamarin King Qiqi came forward and said, "Congratulations brother, Shuofang City has been captured by our army!"

The Bull Demon King said: "My virtuous brothers are very fortunate. Shuofang City is the most fortified city in the Netherworld. Now my army of one million can flatten the river and sweep the underworld!"

Demon King Peng smiled and said: "It's all about the elder brother's commanding skills. It's a pity that Kong Xuan is not in the city. I think he ran away long ago, otherwise I would have captured him alive!"

Hearing the words, the Bull Demon King moved in his heart and said: "I asked my fifth brother to stop Kong Xuan! Can you send back the news?"

King Yu Tamarin said: "I haven't heard from Fifth Brother!"

The Bull Demon King was uneasy and said, "Could something have happened?"

Jiao Demon King said: "Brother, don't worry about the sky, the fifth brother has always been resourceful, thinking about it, nothing big will happen!"

"Report—the four great saints, it's not good!" A demon soldier came running from a distance.

Bull Demon King said: "Hey, I recognize you, you are the bodyguard of Fifth Brother, what happened to him?"

The guard replied: "Fifth Master, he...he..."

Jiao Demon King said: "What are you talking about? Hurry up!"

The guard swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said dryly: "Fifth Lord, he was killed by Bai Ze's design!"

"What did you say?" The Bull Demon King felt dizzy for a while, even though he had so much magic power, he almost fainted.

The Flood Demon King at the back felt the Bull Demon King support him and said, "Brother, are you alright!"

The Bull Demon King burst into tears and said, "Fifth brother! Unexpectedly, I lost two brothers in just a few days!"

King Yu Tamarin couldn't hide the sadness in his heart, and said angrily to the guard: "Quickly tell me how the fifth brother was killed.",

Then the guard tremblingly told all the things about the macaque king anxiously chasing Kong Xuan, falling into the enemy's plan to cross the river and demolish the bridge, being seriously injured by Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, and being strangled to death by Mu Feng with the four Xuanyuan swords.

The Flood Demon King roared angrily: "Mu Feng! I will definitely smash his corpse into thousands of pieces!"

The Bull Demon King said: "Where is the body of my fifth younger brother, please help me to have a look!"

The guard replied: "It's right behind..."

Peng Demon King walked over directly, and sure enough, he saw a white cloth covering a corpse. After he lifted the white cloth to look at it, he was stunned for a moment, and then cried out heart-piercingly: "Fifth brother! Yes! Who! Who is so ruthless!"

Bull Demon King said: "What's wrong?"

Peng Demon King said: "The fifth brother's head was cut off!"

The guard said: "It was Kong Xuan who beheaded the fifth master, saying that he was going to hang it on the gate of the city of death!"

The eyes of the Bull Demon King turned blood-red, a clear light emerged from the head, and a huge black bull Demon God appeared, holding an iron fork and said, "Kong Xuan! I, the Bull Demon King, swear here that I will take your head as a sacrifice to me five times." younger brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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