Agent of Heaven

Chapter 230

Chapter 230
In the city of death in vain, above the palace of ten cities.

There was a crisp sound of broken porcelain, followed by Kong Xuan's roar: "What did you say? Say it again?"

The Nine-Headed Insect said with a stiff expression below: "The Bull Demon King's army has captured Biancheng, Zhuanlun City, Songdi City, and the soldiers are pointing directly at Taishan City!"

Kong Xuan said angrily: "In just three days, four of the twelve cities of the underworld have fallen into the hands of the Bull Demon King! You can't even hold it for a day, are you all trash?"

The Nine-Headed Insect said hoarsely: "My lord, I have tried my best, but..."

Kong Xuan waved his hand and said, "Don't say any more! I know what you want to say! It's nothing more than words like ghost pawns are weak and monster soldiers are fierce. These are not what I want to hear! It's not a reason for you to escape guilt!"

The Nine-Headed Insect knelt down and said: "This subordinate is guilty, but please send me a new sentence, and give this subordinate a chance to make meritorious deeds!"

Kong Xuan said coldly: "Being guilty and making meritorious deeds? I don't expect you to treat crimes and make meritorious deeds, as long as you don't let your sins get bigger and bigger!" Then he sighed: "You step back, I will be blamed for your crimes." It has been written down, and I will send you off after the war is over!"

The Nine-Headed Insect kowtowed and said: "Thank you for your kindness, my lord, I will leave!" After finishing speaking, he bowed and left the hall.

Kong Xuan sighed: "If this continues, the Bull Demon King will be beaten to death in vain. What can you do, military commander?"

Bai Ze came out from behind the curtain, and said with a smile, "Then let him beat the city to death!"

Kong Xuan asked in astonishment, "What do you mean by that?"

Bai Ze said: "The enemy's army is ten times stronger than ours, and our army is weak, while the enemy's army is strong. If you divide your troops to garrison other cities under such circumstances, they will definitely be easily defeated! It's better to give up the ten cities of hell and hit them to death in vain. City, there is still a chance to fight."

Kong Xuan was moved and said: "The military master's words are reasonable, so why didn't you say it three days ago? Did you cause me to lose my troops in vain?"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "The person sent by your lord to defend the city is the Nine-Headed Insect. This person is humble and cowardly, strong on the outside but hard on the inside. If he sees the enemy approaching, he will definitely retreat the fastest. So even though he defends the city for three days, his hands The army didn't actually lose much."

Kong Xuan nodded and said: "That's true. The nine-headed insects have retreated after a little resistance in the battles these days, which made me even start to wonder if he has been bought by the Bull Demon King. Also, the military division is going to come out here. Is it a bad idea to delay the time?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "That's because we need three days to do one thing."

The Nine-Headed Insect asked, "What's the matter?"

Bai Ze said: "Wait!"

The Nine-Headed Insect said: "Who is he, can he save our army in danger?"

Bai Ze said with a smile: "Of course, and he should have come after calculating the time!"

Nine-Headed Insect said: "Take me to see him quickly!"

The two left the Ten City Hall and came to the gate of the City of Death.

I saw two rays of light galloping over the sky, and the aura of a golden light could easily identify it as Mu Feng.And the flying speed of another streamer is much faster than that of Mu Feng!

Kong Xuan exclaimed: "What a handsome body! It's not much different from the golden-winged roc's soaring ninety thousand miles! Who is this?"

While speaking, the streamer had descended from the sky, revealing his figure, it was a monk with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth!
Kong Xuandao: "I should have thought of it earlier, you are Monkey King!"

Sun Wukong clasped his hands together and said, "Peacock Daming City, my old grandson is here to greet you."

Then Mu Feng lowered his head from behind and said, "The Great Sage's somersaulting cloud really lives up to its reputation, it's much faster than my heaven and earth escape method."

The monkey hung his ears and scratched his cheek and said, "This is my grandson's housekeeping skill after all, but I can't let you compare to it, brother."

Bai Ze stepped forward to bow and said, "With the Great Sage coming, we already have a [-]% chance of winning this battle!"

The monkey said: "My old grandson is here, so he can only have six chances of winning?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Don't worry, great sage, there are still four chances of winning, but it falls on the one in the sea of ​​blood."

Kong Xuan snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Master Styx is capricious. He promised to send troops to help, but until now there has been no movement! Don't count on him anymore!"

Bai Ze said with a smile: "I have a plan, I can make Master Styx send troops immediately!"

Mu Feng said: "Mr.'s strategy should be the reason why I invited the Great Sage!"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "That's right, but you need to cooperate with Brother Mu Feng at the same time!"

Mu Feng said: "Sir, please tell me."

Bai Ze took out a kit from his bosom, handed it to Mu Feng and said, "I want you to take the Great Sage to the enemy's camp to make a big fuss, and when you leave, open this kit and follow the strategy above act!"

Mu Feng took the kit and said: "In this way, I will go with the Great Sage!"

The two set up Liuguang respectively, and headed towards the Bull Demon King's camp through the air!

Let's say that there are a total of twelve cities in this underworld!The size of each one is tens of thousands of miles away, and it can accommodate hundreds of millions of ghosts waiting to be reincarnated.Except for Shuofang City on the edge of the underworld and Wushi City in the center, the remaining ten buildings are all named after Yan Luo, the ten temples of the past, namely: Qin Guang City, Chu Jiang City, Song Emperor City, Wuguan City, Yan Luo City, Bian City City, Taishan City, City City, Equality City, and Wheel City.

But now the Bull Demon King's army has captured Shuofang City, Bian City, Zhuanlun City, and Songdi City!One-third of the territory of the entire nether world has fallen into its hands.

At this time, the Bull Demon King's army had already stationed outside Taishan City, and the soldiers were in full swing, as if they were about to take the entire Netherworld into their pockets.

The Bull Demon King was holding a mixed iron rod, and was counting troops in the camp. He wanted to launch a final attack on Taishan City. He said loudly: "Brothers! Taishan City is right in front of us! The one who defends the city is still the nine-headed man." Trash! The first three cities, we all beat him to the bum in a day! Today I plan to take half a day to take Taishan City! I don’t know if you brothers have the confidence!”

All the demon soldiers raised their weapons together, pointed at the sky and said, "Yes!"

The Bull Demon King said with a smile: "In this case, let's start attacking the city! Finally, I will wish all brothers here, prosperous martial arts!"

"Hey hey hey! Big brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you miss my little brother?" A laugh came from above the sky.

All the demons looked up, and saw a monkey with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth standing next to the handsome flag in the barracks, looking at it with a playful smile.And standing next to him was Mu Feng who had used the Xuanyuan Four Swords on the battlefield a few days ago to show off his might!

When the Bull Demon King saw this person, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's you! Monkey King!"

The monkey smiled and said: "It's the little brother, it's the little brother, don't be safe, big brother!"

The Bull Demon King's eyes immediately turned blood red: "You bastard, how dare you come to see me?"

The monkey said: "You and I are sworn brothers, could it be that the eldest brother has forgotten the past friendship?"

(End of this chapter)

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