Agent of Heaven

Chapter 231

Chapter 231
The Bull Demon King roared angrily: "Shut up, monkey! You deceived my wife and children, ruined my foundation, and now you still dare to call me big brother, and dare to tell me about the brotherhood you used to have?"

The monkey said: "It turns out that elder brother is still thinking about that incident at the time. He really likes to hold grudges. Your child Honghaier is stubborn by nature. If you let him continue to act mischievously, it will inevitably lead to disaster. Maybe he will be the same as my grandson. He ended up being crushed down the mountain for 500 years. It is better to let Guanyin accept him as a boy of good fortune. Although he is not free, he can get rid of karma and robbery and not fall into reincarnation."

The Bull Demon King said angrily: "Fart! My son is free, but just because of your inferior nature, you let him go to be a slave to the neither male nor female Guanyin. I haven't been able to rescue him until now. "

The monkey sighed: "You don't understand my intention after all..."

The Bull Demon King snorted coldly and said, "I won't argue with you beforehand, let's talk about the Huoyanshan incident later! You came to besiege me with heavenly soldiers and generals, killed my concubine, took my magic weapon, and even I was arrested and sent to the west I just escaped from captivity! What brotherly righteousness are you talking about with me?"

The monkey said: "I passed by the Huoyan Mountain. One of the nine-nine-eight-one catastrophes should be on your body. Originally, I tried my best not to fight against you. I wanted to steal the plantain fan a few times, but you and my sister-in-law both Stubborn and unreliable... Besides, you are the incarnation of the white cow, and you have a cause and effect with the Lingshan Mountain, I just sent you to find out, if not, how can you have your current position in the demon world?"

The Bull Demon King said: "What a monkey who is abusive, I have no more nonsense with you, let's see the truth!" After speaking, he picked up the iron rod and hit Monkey King.

The monkey naturally took out the golden cudgel from its ear, and stood directly with the Bull Demon King. The two were so belligerent!

A golden cudgel, a mixed iron rod, changing face and not being considered a friend!That one said: "Brother is so ruthless!" This one said: "Monkey perfidious!"The bull king fights the dragon with his stick, and the great sage fights the gods and ghosts with his stick.At the beginning, they fought in front of the mountain, but later they all marched together with auspicious clouds.The supernatural powers are displayed in the midair, and the wonderful luck is performed in the colorful light.The sound of the two sticks vibrates the sky, and the winner or loser will be close to the inch.

The great sage and the bull king fought for a hundred and ten rounds, with neither winner nor loser.At the moment when it was difficult to separate, the other three demon kings below had already watched with impatience.Jiao Demon King raised his weapon first and said, "Brother, I'll help you!"

Unexpectedly, just as he flew into the air, he saw Mu Feng standing in front of him with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "You loach, where are you going?"

The Jiao Demon King said angrily: "When I was in the human world, I used to kill you, but now I dare to come in front of me to be a hero? Let's see!" Go ahead, wave the trident in your hand and hit Mu Feng!

Without any fear, Mu Feng called out the Black Tie Overlord Spear, and stood with the Flood Demon King.Today's Mu Feng has integrated Ying Long's past life skills, and he is no longer the former Wu Xia Amen. Although the Jiao Demon King is fighting with all his strength, the two sides still have no way to decide the outcome. Still vaguely have the upper hand!

The Peng Demon King in the ground had grown impatient for a long time. He raised Fang Tian's painted halberd and turned into a black shadow and flew over. Without saying a word, he stabbed at Mu Feng fiercely!
Mu Feng yelled: "Get out of the sheath!" The sword box on the back opened, and Xuanyuan's four swords flew out, directly strangling and killing Peng Demon King.

Although Peng Demon King is extremely fast, he is obviously not good at martial arts, otherwise he would not suffer under Ying Zhao's hands.With his ability, he was naturally unable to resist Mu Feng's Xuanyuan Four Swords head-on.After a while, he started to lose again and again, and his body began to suffer!
Seeing that his brother was defeated by Mu Feng, King Yu Tamarin naturally no longer cared about his face, and jumped up, holding a pair of double knives, and the three demon kings besieged Mu Feng together.

Demon King Jiao saw that his side had come to help, he laughed and said: "Ying Long! Hurry up and catch him!"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "It's the true qualities of a hero to fight more and more bravely with one enemy!" After finishing speaking, he summoned the four divine swords and surrounded them, making the swords full of energy, and no attack from the three demon kings could hurt him. to him.Then he yelled again: "Fellow Daoist, help me!" A blue light appeared above his head, and a huge golden dragon flew out, with its back and wings, majestic and majestic, it was Yinglong's real body.

Ying Long was originally an ancient divine beast among the monster race, and the aura of divine power emerged from his body, which had a natural suppressive effect on dragon species like the Flood Demon King!

Immediately, the Flood Demon King couldn't bear the coercion from the talent of the race. With a roar, he also showed his true colors, it was a huge dragon!
With a long roar, Ying Long began to fight with the two dragons in the air!As the saying goes: "The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger!" This one dragon and one Yinglong were fighting in the sky, and within a moment they saw lightning, thunder, and dark clouds!After a while, it rained heavily in the sky!
With Ying Long's avatar leading away Jiao Demon King, Mu Feng's only opponents were Peng Demon King and Yu Tamarin King, and he suddenly felt a little more relaxed!Surrounded by four divine swords, they finally converged and merged. The golden sword energy surged around like a gust of wind, and after a while, it turned into a golden broken sword!One side of this broken sword is engraved with mountains, rivers, grass and trees, and the other side is engraved with animal husbandry and farming. It is the Xuanyuan Remnant Sword!
The Xuanyuan sword was initially fused. Although it was only a broken sword, it was still powerful. Under the influence of this sword, a large number of demon soldiers around fell to their knees!It wasn't that these demon soldiers themselves wanted to bow down, but that Xuanyuan Sword's aura was too domineering. They felt trembling around this sword aura, and the fighting spirit that was finally mobilized by the Bull Demon King also dissipated a lot !
But Demon King Peng and King Yu Tamarin faced Mu Feng who was holding Xuanyuan Sword directly, and they were even more terrified!This kind of fear is the natural fear of creatures for artifacts!
Demon King Roc roared angrily: "I'm not a witch! What are you afraid of doing with your Xuanyuan sword?" Fang Tian swung his halberd in his hand, and stabbed at Mu Feng!

Mu Feng sneered, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand was like lightning, only to see a golden light passing by, like a breeze and like a floating light!Only a crisp sound was heard!

The top part of the trident fell to the ground, and it had been sliced ​​into two by Xuanyuan Sword!
The Peng Demon King held the remaining iron rod of the trident, and his face was full of astonishment. Although his weapon was not an ancient artifact, it was also a sacrificial weapon.He thought that even the Golden Hoop Cudgel was inferior to Sun Houzi's, but now he was cut in half by Mu Feng's sword. This was indeed a blow to him!
However, at the moment when Peng Demon King was stunned, Mu Feng launched an attack again. He shot like lightning, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand shot towards King Yu Tamarin like a shooting star!
King Yu Tamarin knew that Mu Feng's Xuanyuan Sword was powerful, so he directly threw the two swords in his hand!Want to stop Mu Feng for a moment!After receiving it, only two crisp sounds were heard!The pair of double knives turned into four halves and fell in the air!

(End of this chapter)

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