Agent of Heaven

Chapter 232

Chapter 232
King Yu Tamarin saw that his weapon was smashed into scrap iron by Mu Feng's Xuanyuan Canjian in a blink of an eye, and immediately changed his face, and shouted at Peng Demon King: "This weapon is too fierce, let's do our best!"

Peng Demon King said: "Okay! Return me to my true colors!" After finishing speaking, his whole body was enveloped by a wave of black air, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a black feathered eagle covering the sky, with iron claws like hooks, and grabbed at Mu Feng!

Mu Feng slashed Xuanyuan Canjian in his hand, and a golden sword energy flew out, slashing straight at the main body of Peng Demon King!

The Peng Demon King turned around in the air, dodged the Xuanyuan sword energy at an extremely strange speed, and the eagle claws grabbed Mu Feng with unabated momentum!

At this time, King Yu Tamarin also shouted: "Return my true colors!" The brilliance of the whole body flashed, and it turned into a huge golden silk giant ape, waving its arms and catching Mu Feng.

Mu Feng saw that the speed of the two demons was much faster after transforming, so he made a decisive decision, shielded Xuanyuan Canjian in front of his chest, and used the rain-listening pose among Yinglong's seven poses!The golden sword energy turned into raindrops all over the sky, covering the two demon kings!

Raindrops of fine sword energy hit the two demons' bodies, and bewitching blood spattered, making their complexions pale.But once the sword energy is dispersed, its power will be much weaker after all, it is difficult to directly cause greater damage to the two demon kings, it is only a mere flesh injury!

However, the Yaozu's physique is extremely strong, and the pain is not unbearable to them, so the attack on Mu Feng by the two of them still has not stopped!
Mu Feng is helpless, it is worth fighting the two demon kings with a sword!But he was one against two, and he had put all his strength into dealing with it. Naturally, it was difficult for him to deal with it for a while, and he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Besides, the battle between the Bull Demon King and the monkey is also a battle!This is not the first time the two have drawn their swords to face each other. The two sides have confronted more than once during the Huoyan Mountain disaster.This time to fight again, but they are very familiar with the number of ways to deal with it.Your back and forth moves seem dangerous, but they are actually within the opponent's predictions.

The monkey thought to himself: "If I don't use some real skills, I'm afraid I will be dragged to death by this old cow in this big camp!" Immediately, a clear light appeared on his head, and he shouted: "Fellow Taoist, help me!"

The Buddha with a golden body of one foot six emerges from the clear light, it is the battle to defeat the Buddha!

Fighting God and Buddha's eight arms held eight kinds of weapons and greeted the Bull Demon King, dazzled for a moment!Buddha's light is like stars!
The mixed iron rod in Bull Demon King's hand was flying up and down, not only to resist the monkey's rod, but also to block all kinds of magic weapons used to defeat the Buddha.In the chaos, he was hit on the head by Dou Zhanfo with a pestle!Immediately, he fell from the air and fell to the ground with a disgraced face!
After landing, the Bull Demon King hurriedly rolled over, dodged the monkey's golden cudgel attack, got up and shouted: "Monkey, don't you think I haven't made any progress in so many years!" Come out a big white cow!
The big white cow landed on all fours, and saw the whole ground start to shake violently!Its eyes were red, and when it lowered its head and jumped, the bull horns headed towards Monkey King!
The monkey said: "Old Niu, you have used your ability of seeing so quickly!" He smiled teasingly, but his subordinates did not dare to be careless!The golden cudgel turned into a thickness of Zhang Xu, and smashed down on the big white bull!
Who would have thought that the white bull's horns were extremely powerful, it just raised its head!The monkey almost couldn't hold the stick, and the tiger's mouth was so shaken that it hurt!

The monkey flew upside down into the air with a somersault, and shouted at Mu Feng: "Retreat!"

Under the attack of the two demon kings, Mu Feng had already started to feel a little bit unbearable. Hearing this, he yelled: "Break!" Holding up the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, a sword light that was tens of feet long, swept across, and swung the two demon kings away!Turn around and fly up to the clouds!

The monkey grinned at the monsters below and said, "It's no use for you to bully the few! In this army camp, my old grandson comes and leaves whenever he wants! What can you do to me?" Mu Feng winked, and the two took Yinglong and the incarnation of Dou Zhan Shenfo respectively, and fled to the distance!
The Bull Demon King's eyes were already red, and he couldn't bear to hear the monkey's taunting at this time!Facing the three major demon kings behind, he said: "Chase!"

Yu Tamarin King, Peng Demon King, and Jiao Demon King all responded in unison, "Yes!" The four major demon kings turned into streamers and chased after Monkey King and Mu Feng together!

It's a pity that the macaque king fell away at this time, otherwise he would be able to see the fraud in this with his intelligence, and stop the other demon kings from continuing to pursue!It's a pity that he died too early after all, which led to the Bull Demon King's camp being more brave than intelligent!
Besides, Mu Feng and Sun Wukong fled all the way, watching the Bull Demon King and others chasing after him, he felt a little nervous.

The monkey said: "Brother, didn't Bai Ze give you a bag before we came? Let us watch it when we retreat! Quickly open it and have a look!"

Mu Feng nodded when he heard the words, opened the kit directly, and produced a letter, which the two of them read carefully.After a while, Mu Feng stuffed the letter back and said, "It's indeed a good idea, but..."

The monkey said: "It's just that this idea is too bad, it's a poisonous plan!"

Mu Feng said: "There is no other way, we can't care about anything else now!"

The monkey nodded and said: "If the Bull Demon King really kills Kong Xuan, then he and Dapeng will send troops to the human world, I'm afraid we will not be able to resist at all!"

Mu Feng said: "For the sake of the human world, we have no choice but to stop our morals!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, turned into streamers, and flew in the direction of Shura's sea of ​​blood!

The four demon kings chased after the two of them all the way, and the demon king Peng showed his body, the black-feathered eagle covering the sky, and the other three demon kings sat on its back, so that they could not be somersaulted by the monkey grandson. The cloud is thrown away directly!Unexpectedly, just after arriving in the sky above the Asura Blood Sea, they saw Sun Wukong and Mu Feng stop in the air, smiled mockingly at them, and then plunged into the blood sea!
King Yu Tamarin said: "This is Shura's sea of ​​blood! It's the territory of Styx Sect Master!"

The Bull Demon King has gradually calmed down at this time, and has regained some of his former composure: "We paid a huge price in exchange for Styx not helping us when we are fighting! If you risk breaking into his blood at this time, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to provoke him!"

Peng Demon King said: "Aren't we still afraid of Styx?"

Jiao Demon King said: "At this time, the monster clan has not yet unified, we should not set up an enemy like Styx anymore!"

King Yu Tamarin said: "Could it be so easy to retreat?"

Jiao Demon King said: "If this is the case, I will not be reconciled!"

The Bull Demon King pondered for a moment and said: "That Styx has a strange personality, and he is definitely not a good person to be with. Besides, he doesn't want to participate in our struggle. If Sun Houzi and Mu Feng were really found out by him, they would definitely be in that sea of ​​blood." Get kicked out! In this way, send troops to Shura's Blood Sea, seal off all the coasts, and report to us directly if you see these two people leaving the Shura's Blood Sea!"

(End of this chapter)

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