Agent of Heaven

Chapter 233 Divorce Plans Collapse Asura Sea

Chapter 233 Divorce Plans Collapse Asura Sea
What the Bull Demon King said was an extremely mediocre strategy, but he had no choice but, at this time, none of the four demon saints were good at strategies, so they couldn't think of any good solution.

The Demon King Peng turned himself into a black feather eagle covering the sky, and after a while, he dispatched a hundred thousand demon soldiers from the army to station beside the sea of ​​blood.Seeing that there were already troops stationed here, the four demon kings naturally returned first, preparing to attack Mount Tai City.

But not long after the four great demon kings left, not far from where they were standing, two inconspicuous weeds turned into two human figures in a burst of light.It was Mu Feng and Monkey Sun!
Sun Houzi smiled and said: "These idiots were deceived by my grandson's two hairs!" It turned out that the two figures that the four demon kings saw just now plunged into the sea of ​​blood were just Sun Wukong's hairs.

Mu Feng said: "These demon kings don't have the piercing eyes like you, the great sage, who can see through everything that is true and false. Naturally, they will be confused by our transformation technique!"

The monkey smiled and said, "Then let's split up and act separately!"

Mu Feng said: "That's right, I'll go to the monster army stationed by the river!"

He said to the monkey: "Then leave the side of Asura's blood sea to me!" After the monkey finished speaking, a brilliance flashed all over his body, and he transformed into a fierce-looking one-horned Asura.

Mu Feng laughed and said, "The Great Sage's 72 Transformation really lives up to its reputation!"

The one-horned Asura said: "Your Tiangang 36 is not bad!" After finishing speaking, he really plunged into the blood of Shura!
Mu Feng turned into a bug and flew towards the monster clan's barracks stationed by the Shura Blood Sea.Staggering all the way into the big tent, I saw two demon generals sitting and drinking together.

The leader was a tiger demon, he poured himself two jars of wine angrily, and said angrily: "It's really unlucky, it seems that you can capture Taishan City and make meritorious deeds, but you are temporarily sent to such a place where no shit !"

A black fox demon said: "General, don't be disappointed! In my opinion, this is still a great happy event!"

The tiger demon said: "What nonsense is the old fox talking about? Others have made great achievements in attacking the city there. What joy can there be if you hold it here and look at the sea?"

The black fox demon said: "General, do you know why the four kings sent you to see the lake and not take photos of other people?"

The tiger demon said: "Why?"

The black fox demon said: "Because our four kings trust you, general!"

The tiger demon also became energetic after hearing the words: "What's the explanation for this?"

The black fox demon said: "General, do you still remember those two people who made a big fuss in our barracks not long ago?"

The tiger demon said: "Of course I remember! That is the famous Monkey King and God of War Yinglong!"

The black fox demon smiled mysteriously: "Does the general know their current whereabouts?"

The tiger demon looked at the direction of the sea of ​​blood behind him: "Could it be?"

The black fox demon said: "That's right, the two of them have been forced to retreat into this sea of ​​blood by the four kings."

The tiger demon said: "These two people are the great enemies of our four great kings. As long as I can give them a little news, I am afraid that I will get more rewards than those brothers who attacked the city!"

The black fox demon said: "Your Majesty is indeed intelligent!"

The tiger demon laughed loudly and said: "For entrusting such an important person to me, it seems that the kings really trust me! Zhihua, don't worry, if I really make a contribution, you will be able to rise to the top with me!"

The black fox demon flattered: "Of course, it's a great honor for this subordinate to be able to follow the general!" After finishing speaking, there was a lot of flattery again, and the two of them exchanged glasses and drank happily!

After a while, the two demons were both slightly drunk, and the black fox demon staggered out of the tent.Unexpectedly, not long after they were done, they heard a gust of wind coming from behind, and before they had time to react, their heads fell to the ground!

Mu Feng stood behind the black fox with the Longyuan Sword in his hand, and raised his hand to fire another samadhi real fire, burning the fox's body clean.After a flash of brilliance, it turned into the appearance of a black fox demon. With a strange laugh, he walked swaggeringly in the Yaozu barracks!
The demon soldiers around saw Mu Feng, bowed their heads and saluted, "General Zhihua!"

Mu Feng then told the soldiers around him: "Bring a pair of men and follow me!" After speaking, he walked out of the camp without looking back.

The soldier immediately sent an order, and when he brought Mu Feng to the gate of the barracks, there was already a team of 500 people waiting for him.

Mu Feng tried his best to imitate the expression of the black fox demon and said: "Follow me!"

Many demon soldiers said in unison: "No!"

Mu Feng brought a group of monster soldiers to the side of the sea of ​​blood.After a while, an Asura stuck its head out of the sea of ​​blood!Pointing to Mu Feng, he asked, "Who are you all? You are so daring! How dare you send troops to seal our Asura Sea of ​​Blood."

Mu Feng said coldly and arrogantly: "We are the demon king sitting down, the bull devil general sitting down, and the tiger general sitting down."

Asura said: "What a mess! I've never heard of it! Take your team and get out of the sea of ​​blood, or you will be good-looking!"

Mu Feng said: "Hmph! The entire Three Realms will soon belong to our Demon Emperor. You mere Styx Asuras dare to be so arrogant!"

Asura said: "Don't say that you haven't truly unified the Three Realms! Even if they are unified, our Asura Blood Sea is not within your jurisdiction!"

Mu Feng snorted coldly: "Under the whole world, could it be the land of the king! Not only will you be the subordinate territory of our demon clan in the future, but you will also be the courtiers of our demon emperor in the future, and you will bow three times and kowtow nine times when you meet. Great gift!"

Asura heard the words and said angrily: "You guys with scales and horns are too presumptuous! Look at the trick!" After speaking, he raised his vinegar-sized fist and threw it at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Take it down for me!" He didn't do anything himself, but the demon soldiers around him rushed up and tied up Asura.

Mu Feng said again: "Don't kill him, drag him out of the sea of ​​blood, and hang him on the banner of our military camp, so that those Asuras will know who will be the ruler of the Three Realms in the future!"

After a while, that Asura was really hung on the flagpole of the Yaozu Barracks!

Let's say that General Tiger, the boss of the monster soldiers, had already woken up at this time, when he got out of the camp, he saw an Asura hanging on the flagpole, and asked to the left and right: "What's going on?"

The guard at the side replied: "This is from the Asura tribe, and General Zhihua brought it back to let us do this!"

General Hu said: "Zhihua asked you to do this? Could it be that he wanted to teach that Styx a lesson, so that they would quickly call out Sun Houzi and Yinglong?"

Mu Feng walked over at this moment, smiled at General Hu: "The general is really smart, and this subordinate means exactly that! We must be the kings of the Three Realms in the future, and we must not be afraid of them, the Asuras!" "

(End of this chapter)

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