Agent of Heaven

Chapter 234 Incessant Schemes and Brahma's Inquiry

Chapter 234 Incessant Schemes and Brahma's Inquiry
The flowers bloom at both ends, each with a branch.First, the monkey turned into a one-horned Asura and came to the sea of ​​blood. After sneaking for a while, he arrived at the edge of the Wunian Palace where the ancestor of Styx He sat down and lived in Brahma.

That Patriarch Minghe was an ancient supernatural being conceived from the sea of ​​blood. Later, when he saw that Nuwa created human beings and accumulated merits to become a saint, he wanted to emulate him.So the Asura clan was created in this sea of ​​blood. Who would have thought that the Asura clan was not able to help Patriarch Styx become holy directly because of their filthy birth and insufficient merit.

Later, Minghe saw that the Sanqing passed down the Taoism to accumulate merit, and he followed suit, and began to select extremely talented people from the Shura clan as disciples.For ten thousand years, a total of four major disciples have been accepted, each of whom has boundless magic power and extraordinary supernatural powers.They are the demon master Bo Xun, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Da Brahma ranks second among them, his mana is only below that of the eldest disciple Demon Lord Bo Xun, and he is the number three figure in Shura's sea of ​​blood.

The monkey walked to the front of the palace, clutched his chest and said to the two asuras guarding the gate: "Go and report to Lord Brahma, it's not good!"

Asura, who was guarding the gate, asked, "What happened? Are you so panicked?"

The monkey pretended to be sad and said: "The bull demon king sent monster soldiers to surround Shura's sea of ​​blood. I went out to argue with them. Not only did they not retreat, they even injured me!"

Asura, who was guarding the gate, was furious when he heard the words: "These monster races are really so bold! I'm going to report to Lord Brahma right now, brother, you can rest here for a while!"

After a while, Asura came over, smiled at the monkey and said, "Master Brahma has summoned you!"

The monkey then followed the Asura, all the way to the main hall of Wunian Palace.I saw that Brahma had four faces, stood in the center of the hall and said: "The one-horned Shura, tell me what happened to you."

The monkey wept for a while in front of Brahma, and then he told the stories about how the monster soldiers surrounded the sea of ​​blood and bullied the Shura people. What he told made those who heard it sad, and those who heard it wept.

Da Fantian still remained calm after hearing the words: "Are you under that devil general?"

When the monkey was asked this question, he secretly said: "Not good!" This Brahma is not an ordinary person, and he was not directly fooled by his own words.

At this moment, an Asura soldier walked in from the outside and reported: "My lord, the demon race has bullied me too much!"

Da Fantian said: "What's the matter?"

The soldier said: "Sura, who was sent out to patrol the sea in the morning, was beaten to death by the Yaozu people, and the body is still hanging on the flagpole of their camp!"

Da Brahma was interrupted by this, but he also believed the monkey's words, and he didn't ask the monkey anymore, but turned around and left the Wunian Palace, flying to the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

The bottom of the sea of ​​blood is the place where Patriarch Styx preached.At this time, Patriarch Minghe was lying high on the twelve blood lotus, telling the Asuras below about the way of killing,
Da Brahma flew into the dojo, kowtowed directly in front of the ancestor Minghe, and said: "I pay homage to the master, and wish the master a long life and boundless life!"

Old Ancestor Minghe said: "Why did you come here?"

Da Fantian said: "The Bull Demon King's army bullies me like the edge of the sea of ​​blood, bullying my Shura tribe, please master to decide the countermeasure."

Old Ancestor Minghe nodded and said: "You did a good job and led people to counterattack without impulsiveness. The Bull Demon King has not defeated Kong Xuan at this time, so he must not be so stupid as to directly offend us, presumably it is someone under his command You don’t want to be restrained. You go to the Monster Race barracks on the sea of ​​blood and make it clear to their leaders to get them to retreat quickly.”

Da Brahma received the order and flew directly beyond the sea of ​​Shura's blood.

Patriarch Minghe frowned and said, "Could it be that the Bull Demon King is really stupid enough to deal with me at the same time? In this case, I have to attack him earlier... It's a pity, I wanted to wait until the last moment to attack."

Da Brahma returned to the Wunian Palace, ordered three thousand Asuras, and was about to rush to the sea of ​​blood. Before leaving, he glanced at the monkey and said, "The one-horned Asura, what's your name?"

The monkey said casually: "The name of my subordinate is Ayinavar!"

Da Brahma nodded and said: "Ayinavar, you can go to the Yaozu army camp with me!"

The monkey was overjoyed, nodded his head hastily and said, "Of order."

A ray of blood rushed into the sea of ​​blood, and Da Brahma appeared above the Yaozu barracks with three thousand Asuras.

When did General Tiger talk about such a battle, he glanced at the corpse of Asura who was hanging on the flagpole, and knew that it was the Asura tribe who came to settle accounts.I couldn't help being a little scared in my heart, so I didn't come forward directly, but called my confidant, the black fox demon, to discuss countermeasures.

The current black fox demon is of course Mu Feng pretending to be, so of course he will not tell General Tiger any good tricks, but smiles: "Okay! They came well! Congratulations, General!"

General Tiger said: "It's all because you killed the Asura clansman, and the other party has come to ask for their crimes. What is there to be happy about?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "The general doesn't know something! This Asura is out of the sea of ​​blood, which means that they are already afraid of you, general! They must have come to negotiate peace!"

General Hu said: "It's Da Brahma who came! In terms of mana, even ten of me are no match for him! What is he afraid of me doing?"

Mu Feng said: "Brahma is not afraid of you, but their Shura clan is afraid of our monster clan!"

General Tiger said: "It seems that there is such a point. If we are not afraid of the great power of our monster clan, according to their cruel and easy-to-kill character of the Asuras, they must have directly sent troops to attack us."

Mu Feng said: "General, you really are a person with deep wisdom! You told the truth in one word!"

General Hu said in a fluttering voice: "Of course, to tell you the truth, the wise general is my goal!"

Mu Feng said: "So general, you don't have to be afraid, show your momentum, go out and chat with the big Brahma fans."

General Tiger asked, "What's the matter with talking and laughing?"

Mu Feng said: "Of course it's about asking them to hand over Mu Feng and Sun Wukong as soon as possible! The attitude must be tougher! General, you must remember that our monster clan is now the master of the Three Realms!"

General Hu said: "What you said is very reasonable! Come and fetch my armor. This general is going to meet Brahma in person now."

Mu Feng said: "Although the general is going, the little one still thinks that maybe we should make two-handed preparations."

General Tiger asked: "What two-handed preparation?"

Mu Feng said: "For example, first report this matter to the four kings!"

General Tiger asked: "Then how should I report it?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's simple, let's say that Xuehai sent Da Brahma to intimidate us to retreat. General, you should stay calm in the face of danger and maintain the integrity of my monster clan!"

General Tiger said: "This doesn't seem very good, does it?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "General, you are a peerless general who is calm and calm, so reporting like this is just the truth!"

General Hu said: "What you said makes sense. You can write the information. After you finish writing it, follow me to see Da Brahma!"

(End of this chapter)

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