Agent of Heaven

Chapter 235 The Wrath of Brahma

Chapter 235 The Wrath of Brahma

Beside Shura's Blood Sea, inside the Monster Race Barracks.

General Hu slightly cupped his hands at the coming Da Brahma and said, "Da Brahma is coming, and we are far away to welcome you."

Seeing this little demon general being so negligent to him, Da Fantian couldn't help but feel a little angry and said: "You monster race are so presumptuous! You actually killed us Asura people on the sea of ​​blood!" As he said, he pointed to The corpse of Asura who was still hanging on the flagpole.

General Hu sneered and said, "It's all just messing around with the people below, but it's just a small matter, and it's worth asking Brahma in person?"

Da Brahma said angrily: "What are you talking about! Killing my people is still so lightly! I really thought that our Asuras were afraid of your monsters."

General Tiger laughed and said, "Haha, Da Brahma was joking, your Asura clan will always be the master of the sea of ​​blood, so naturally you don't need to be afraid of anyone! But you must also remember that our monster clan is about to unify the Three Realms now. It's..."

A strong bloody aura began to pervade Da Brahma's body, and all four of his faces turned into green-faced fangs: "You little monster, you are not worthy to talk to me, tell the Bull Demon King to come and see me in person."

What is the cultivation level of Brahma?It was an existence that was not much different from the four great demon saints. General Tiger was so frightened by his power that his feet became weak, and he couldn't help but shivered as if he gave in.At this moment, Zhihua, the black fox demon incarnated by Mu Feng behind him, helped him up.Strange to say, just this one moment made General Tiger feel the pressure around him a lot easier!He puffed up his chest again, and said to Brahma: "The Generalissimo has a lot of things to do every day, how can he have time to see you! If you have anything else to do, just tell me. If there is nothing wrong, this general still has a lot of military affairs to deal with. I won't be with you again, come and see off!"

Da Fantian smiled instead of anger: "Very good!" A bloody light shot out from his fingertips, like lightning, directly piercing General Tiger's forehead!
Mu Feng hurriedly put on a terrified look, and shouted to the surroundings: "It's not good! Brahma killed the general! The Shura clan wants to help Kong Xuan to fight against us!"

Da Fantian sneered and said: "It's just killing a mere monster general! I'll give you three days to let the Bull Demon King come to see me in person, otherwise the Shura clan will definitely kill all of you monster soldiers!" The bloody light flew towards the sky, and took down the body of the Asura clansman who was still hanging on the flagpole.He glanced coldly at the monsters around him, and then drifted away.

Among the departing Asura team, the one-horned Asura disguised as a monkey gestured to Mu Feng calmly.

Mu Feng smiled knowingly, and said via voice transmission: "Bai Ze's prediction is exactly the same, just one more step, and the big thing will be accomplished!"

Besides, Brahma left the monster clan barracks and flew towards the sea of ​​blood. The more he thought about it along the way, the more angry he became. Now the monster clan is too rampant, and he is just a little monster general who dare not take himself seriously. If the Bull Demon King was here, wouldn't even Patriarch Styx ignore him?
"Brahma, where are you going!" A stern voice came from the sky, it was a black feathered eagle with a bird's head and a human body, it was the Roc Demon King!
Da Fantian said: "The Peng Demon King came quickly!"

Peng Demon King snorted coldly: "Brahma, you are too presumptuous, you dare to kill my demon generals at will! Today I want to meet with you!"

Da Brahma was also full of anger and had no place to vent it, so he just wanted to take the Demon King Roc to relieve his anger, so he took out his Shura umbrella and said, "Let me see what the great sage of the demon clan can do today?"

After finishing speaking, a cloud of blood floated inside the Shura umbrella, and rolled towards the Demon King Peng!

The Shura Umbrella is a peerless magic weapon sacrificed by Brahma since his birth, and the blood cloud emitted from it is made from the most filthy blood flow at the bottom of the blood sea.If an immortal with an average cultivation level touches this blood cloud, he will die with sores all over his body within three days!Even if one is at the Golden Immortal level, if one doesn't have special skills, one Jiazi's mana will inevitably be weakened when encountering this red cloud!
Seeing the blood cloud flying towards him, Demon King Peng seemed to know how powerful it was, and he didn't resist but turned into an afterimage, constantly avoiding the blood cloud in the air.

Seeing this, Da Fantian smiled and said, "You alone! You are not qualified to fight with me, call your big brother Bull Demon King!"

Really here, I suddenly heard a cold voice coming from behind me: "Brahma is dead!"

Da Brahma looked back, and saw that the three thousand asuras standing behind him had died at some point, leaving only the one-horned asura named Ayinavar!And this Ayinavar is still holding an iron rod at this time, attacking towards him!

Da Brahma raised the Shura umbrella and held the iron rod, and shouted: "Ayinavar, are you crazy?" In a blink of an eye, he actually felt that the iron rod on the umbrella seemed to be powerful. I almost didn't catch it for a while!
Unexpectedly, the one-horned Asura shouted: "Hey! What Ayinavar! Just look at who I am!" After speaking, a brilliance flashed all over his body, and he turned into a bull demon king wearing iron armor!
Da Fantian said: "It turns out that you are the Bull Demon King in disguise! Bull Demon King, you are also the Generalissimo of the Monster Clan after all, why did you resort to such low-handed means in order to sneak attack on me!"

The Bull Demon King sneered and said: "A man can bend and stretch!" He swung the iron rod in his hand again and again, beating Brahma so hard that he couldn't fight back!
The blood cloud released by Da Brahma was still entangled by the Peng Demon King, but he was beaten so miserably by the Bull Demon King. He knew that if he insisted on staying, he would definitely suffer!Immediately no longer hesitated, turned around and fled into the sea of ​​blood!

"Old... the strange grandson of the old cow, where are you going!" the Bull Demon King yelled strangely, and raised the mixed iron stick high to block Da Fantian's escape route!

Da Fantian said: "Bull Demon King, you are too deceitful!" The Shura umbrella in his hand turned around, and it became bigger and bigger in the air, and it actually obscured the entire sky!Between the dark clouds in the sky, red lightning flashed faintly, and even the dark clouds seemed to be dark red!

At this time, I only heard Peng Demon King say: "Brahma, please die!" A sword energy shot out from his hand!Directly overturned the Shura Umbrella flying in the air!
Only then did Da Brahma know how powerful the Peng Demon King was, so he wanted to quickly take back the Shura Umbrella to resist.Unexpectedly, at this time, he heard the wind from behind again, it turned out that the iron rod of the Bull Demon King had arrived behind him!Just when it was too late to react, I only felt a pain in my back!He flew away and fell into the sea of ​​Shura!
The Bull Demon King wanted to chase again, but was stopped by the Peng Demon King and said: "Let him go, or the next step will not be implemented!" As he said, he picked up the Shura Umbrella with a small hole in it from the ground, carefully He looked at it carefully and said: "This is a good thing. With him, things will be much easier in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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