Agent of Heaven

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

The Bull Demon King picked up the Shura Umbrella, and suddenly scratched his head and laughed!Turning aside, he turned into a monkey with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth, and the original iron rod became a golden cudgel!

The Peng Demon King on the side also transformed into Mu Feng. He smiled and said: "You are still very powerful, Brother Monkey. I dare not fight that Brahma even if I pretend to be the Peng Demon King. I am afraid that he will find out that I am fake. But you With an iron rod, he can be beaten beyond parry."

Hearing this, the monkey sighed suddenly: "I think back then, my old grandson and that old cow had a drink and chat in Huaguo Mountain. At that time, we often competed in martial arts. In fact, the number of martial arts between us is as high as There are still many similarities. But now...the world is really unpredictable!"

Mu Feng said: "Great Sage, you don't need to worry about it. The Bull Demon King has gone against the grain. Now he already has a demon in his heart. Unless he understands it himself, it will be difficult for others to wake him up."

The monkey said: "Oh, my old grandson also understands that the catastrophe is coming, we little people are just pawns of the saints and leaders. I'm fine, I have my mentor to take care of me everywhere, but it's a pity that my old man Brother Niu, you have practiced hard for thousands of years, and if you don’t do well in one day, I’m afraid it will turn into ashes.”

Mu Feng said: "Under the law of heaven, all living beings are ants!"

The monkey suddenly said: "Brother, can my old grandson ask you one thing?"

Mu Feng said: "As long as I can do it, Brother Monkey, you can say it's all right!"

The monkey said: "When you are in charge of the list of gods, Wanwang will leave a place for that old cow! Don't let him really turn into ashes..."

Mu Feng said: "Great Sage Gao Yi, Mu Feng knows that this matter must be done with all his strength."

Monkey is a loyal man!Once the killing and robbery is up, I'm afraid there will be another battle of the Conferred Gods!Those with shallow fortune will turn into ashes and cease to exist!If he is on the list of gods, although he will be enslaved by the heavenly court and lose his freedom from now on, at least he still has one life left.

Mu Feng said again: "I pretended to be a black fox demon and wrote a request for help to the four great demon saints. It should have arrived."

The monkey said: "In my opinion, among the four demon saints, the Peng Demon King is the fastest, and he should arrive first!"

Mu Feng said: "It seems that our estrangement is only counted, and it will fall on this Peng Demon King!" After he finished speaking, he transformed into a black fox demon again.

The monkey also gave a strange laugh, and turned into the appearance of Brahma!Holding the Shura umbrella in his hand, he said, "It's a pity that this treasure has a hole. I don't know if it's as easy to use as before!"

Mu Feng said: "Although there is damage, it is still useful! You don't need to fight too much with the Peng Demon King, as long as you resist the limit, you can pretend to fail and run away!"

The monkey shouted: "Hey! Black fox demon! Where are you running!" After speaking, he picked up the Shura umbrella and threw it on Mu Feng's head!

Mu Feng was hit on the forehead by an umbrella, turned around and ran: "Why didn't you say anything before you shot!"

The monkey chased after him and said: "Little fox demon, if it falls into the hands of your grandson... Grandpa Brahma, it will definitely make you suffer!"

After chasing and fleeing, the two figures headed towards the Yaozu barracks.

Mu Feng rushed into the barracks and shouted to the left and right: "Hurry up! Brahma is going to attack and kill me!"

Immediately, two rows of demon soldiers came out from the left and right, armed with swords and shields, and surrounded the chasing monkeys!

The monkey laughed loudly and said: "The ants of the monster clan dare to block my way, and they will all be reduced to ashes!" The Shura umbrella in his hand shook!A black cloud floated out, covering all the surrounding demon soldiers!In just an instant, those demon soldiers all turned into blood, screaming and dying!

Mu Feng shouted: "What a poisonous magic weapon! Da Brahma, this place is still the territory of our monster clan, don't be too presumptuous!"

The monkey shouted: "The sea of ​​blood is the territory of our Shura clan, and you monster clan dare to station troops on the border! Today, your grandfather and I are here to collect rent!"

The black cloud summoned by the Shura Umbrella closely pursued Mu Feng, and went to the depths of the barracks. Along the way, countless monster soldiers were covered by the black cloud, turning each other into blood!
General Tiger sternly shouted from inside the big tent: "It's too presumptuous! Brahma, you don't take our monster race seriously!" Holding a mace, he ran out of the barracks Come out and hit the monkey on the head.

But this General Tiger is really mediocre, how can he be a monkey's opponent.When he just made a move, he was kicked in the chest by the monkey, and then the black cloud enveloped him.

General Tiger's body was covered in black clouds, only the screams could be heard continuously, and within half a stick of incense, the black clouds dispersed, and this mighty monster general turned into a puddle of blood!
This is the head of the sky, a black feathered eagle that covers the sky, swooping down and turned into the figure of the Roc Demon King. Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, he pointed at the monkey and cursed: "Brahma, how dare you break into my barracks and kill me?" I love Jiang!"

The monkey said: "Demon King Peng, I have received the order from the leader, his old man, to tell you monster race to get out of the area around the bloody sea of ​​Shura!"

Peng Demon King said: "Presumptuous! Today I will show you my methods!" After speaking, he held Fang Tian's painting halberd and stabbed at the monkey.

The monkey has changed into the appearance of Brahma right now, so naturally he can't use his own skills to fight against the Peng Demon King, so he just dodges left and right, maybe use the Shura umbrella to block Fang Tian's painted halberd.

The Peng Demon King became more and more courageous as he fought, and he felt that the Great Brahma where the Styx leader sat was nothing more than that!The strength in his hands became heavier by three points, and he said in a dark voice: "Brahma, you should keep these four heads in my barracks today!"

The monkey threw the Shura umbrella in his hand to the sky, and in a blink of an eye, he spit out a large black cloud and shrouded it towards the Peng Demon King!

Peng Demon King sneered and said: "Small tricks, dare to show off in front of me!" After finishing speaking, he spread his wings behind his back, and a gust of wind blew past, blowing up flying sand and rocks, and also rolled up the black cloud all over the sky, and turned backwards towards the monkey. came rushing over.

The monkey yelled: "Not good! As expected, the Demon King Peng came to pay back, and Brahma will come to ask for advice in the future!" After speaking, he turned into a streamer and flew towards the sea of ​​Shura's blood.Even the Asura Umbrella that was still floating in the air had no time to recall it, and stayed where it was!

Peng Demon King knew that the Asura Blood Sea was the territory of the Asura Clan, and if he rushed in rashly, there would be no good fruit to eat, so he stopped chasing, but stretched out his hand, and the Asura Umbrella floating in the air would close. Get up and fall into his hands.

"Haha! Great Brahma is just a straw bag, and even the Shura Umbrella given to him by Styx Sect Master is now in my hands. Let's see how he will explain it when he goes back!"

Mu Feng hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to Peng Mowang: "I have seen the king, thank you for saving me!"

Peng Demon King said: "You're welcome, where's your general?"

Mu Feng pretended to be sad and said: "Our general... he has been refined into blood by the Peng Demon King with the Asura Umbrella!"

Peng Demon King said: "Hmph! The Asura clan is too presumptuous. We just stationed some troops around, and they dared to kill my beloved general before they entered the sea of ​​blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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