Agent of Heaven

Chapter 237 Into the Sea of ​​Blood

Chapter 237 Into the Sea of ​​Blood

Mu Feng saw that the Demon King Peng had lost his composure, so he fanned the flames and said, "Unfortunately, I have no skills. Not only could I not protect the general, but I was also killed by Da Brahma in the barracks. I am really ashamed of the cultivation of the king."

Peng Demon King said: "How can you blame you for these things? Then Da Brahma is the second disciple of Styx Master Styx, and his supernatural powers are not something you can deal with."

Mu Feng looked straight and said: "Although we can't deal with Brahma, we are not worse than other Asuras in the sea of ​​blood. Why don't you take us into the sea of ​​blood and teach those Asuras a lesson? .”

The Peng Demon King is an extremely impulsive person, so before coming here, the Bull Demon King repeatedly told him, "No matter what happens, you must bear it first! The overall situation is the most important thing. Unless you can't bear it, there is no need to bear it."

With the brain capacity of bird monsters, Peng Demon King can't seem to remember this sentence completely. He only remembered the second half of the sentence "I can't bear it, I don't need to bear it anymore!" So he swept Fang Tian's painted halberd across the ground fiercely, leaving a circle of three-point cracks in the ground, and then said loudly: "All the soldiers in the camp, follow me into the sea of ​​blood!"

Seeing that Demon King Peng really took the bait, Mu Feng was overjoyed and said, "No!"

The army sent by the monster clan is indeed elite, and it only took less than a stick of incense to gather one hundred thousand monster soldiers on the martial arts arena.

Peng Demon King walked up to the general platform, he was not a demon king who was good at buying people's hearts like the Bull Demon King, he just pointed the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand in the direction of the sea of ​​blood in the distance and said: "Asuras treat us monsters as nothing! Da Brahma directly entered our barracks today, it is tolerable, what is unbearable! All soldiers, follow me into the sea of ​​blood and capture Da Brahma alive!"

A mighty army of [-] marched towards the sea of ​​blood, but along the way, only a demonic wind suddenly rose, with a murderous aura soaring to the sky.

Let's say that Brahma has just returned to the No-Nian Palace, meditating to heal his injuries.He already hated the "Bull Demon King" and "Peng Demon King" who attacked him today.Thinking about recovering from his injuries a little, he had to go to the depths of the sea of ​​blood to ask his master Styx to come out to avenge himself.

Unexpectedly, at this time, an anxious body of Asura suddenly came from outside the door: "Lord Brahma! It's not good! The monster race has hit the sea of ​​blood!"

Da Fantian was shocked and said: "What did you say! Tell me carefully!"

That Asura took a deep breath and said: "My lord, the Peng Demon King led a hundred thousand demon soldiers directly into the sea of ​​blood, and came to kill the Wunian Palace! They are still clamoring" , he looked at Brahma in fear, then lowered his head again.

Da Fantian said in a deep voice, "What are they clamoring for?"

Asura said: "They are clamoring to capture you alive, Lord Brahma!"

When Da Fantian heard the words, he became furious and spurted out a mouthful of blood!But he completely ignored his injuries, but shouted angrily: "The monsters bullied me too much!" He clutched his chest and said, "Take my letter and send a message to Shiva, Vishnu and the devil!" Bo Xun! Just say that the monster clan has already entered the sea of ​​​​blood, let them quickly come to support!"

When Asura heard the words, he turned into a streamer and went away.

Besides, Demon King Peng led one hundred thousand demon soldiers directly into the sea of ​​blood. As long as he saw the Asura clansman, he would slaughter them directly without showing any mercy.

"Great Brahma! Hurry up and come out and die!" Peng Demon King directly yelled at the reassurance of Wunian Palace: "You have no courage, you little boy, how long are you going to hide?"

Da Brahma flew directly out of Wunian Palace, followed by thousands of Asuras, he said angrily: "Peng Demon King, you are deceiving people too much!"

Demon King Peng laughed loudly and said, "You actually beat me up and said that I bullied you? Why didn't you say it when you entered our barracks?"

Da Fantian said: "When will I enter your barracks!"

Peng Demon King said: "I still want to deny it!" He took out the Shura umbrella: "This is the evidence left by me when you entered our barracks and was repelled!"

The three corpse gods in the Dafan weather were furious: "It's nonsense, my Shura umbrella was clearly besieged and taken away by you and the bull demon king!"

Peng Demon King was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed loudly: "Brother and I besieged you? Are you worthy? Just your little skills?"

Da Brahma said: "I will not argue with you brazen fellow! If you want to take my life today, then see the real chapter under your hand!"

Demon King Peng drew Fang Tian's halberd horizontally and said: "Surrounded children, die!"

As soon as the two fought against each other, Da Brahma began to gradually lose the wind.The Roc Demon King's attack was extremely fierce, and Brahma himself was injured again, losing his magic weapon, but only thirty rounds.Brahma already showed signs of being unable to resist!

Fang Tian's painted halberd in Peng Mowang's hand turned into silver light, directly covering Brahma, and he proudly said: "Brahma, if you beg for mercy now, just kneel down and give me three bangs, and I won't kill you! "

Brahma said: "Don't even think about it!"

Peng Demon King said: "Then don't blame me for being cruel and merciless!" After speaking, Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand turned into a stream of light, directly piercing Da Brahma's chest.

With a scream, Da Brahma died directly, and fell at the feet of the Peng Demon King.

Just when the Peng Demon King was proud, he suddenly heard a roar from the sky: "You flat-haired bastard!" A big black man with a vajra and vertical eyes on his forehead descended from the sky, and aimed at Peng fiercely. The devil smashed it down!
The Demon King Peng was caught off guard, so he had no choice but to set up Fang Tian's painted halberd to resist, but this big black man was actually extremely powerful, and just a single fight shocked him so much that he was in pain!

Peng Demon King said: "Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

The big black man shouted: "Sajia is the demon lord Bo Xun! You kill my brother Da Brahma, and today I will never die with you!"

Demon King Peng sneered and said, "So it's the famous Demon King Bo Xun! I don't know how much stronger your strength is compared to your idiot Junior Brother?"

Bo Xun said: "Should die!" The vajra pestle in his hand directly smashed down on the head of the Peng Demon King with the force of hundreds of millions of equals!
Peng Demon King knew that this fellow was extremely powerful, and he couldn't be tough with him, so he used his speed expertise, turned into a black shadow and kept walking around Bo Xun, right?

But the black skin around Bo Xun's body is actually extremely hard, and Fang Tian's painted halberd of Peng Demon King can only leave a layer of white marks on it!
Peng Demon King sighed: "If my weapon hadn't been severed once by Xuanyuan's four swords, it would definitely be able to break through your black turtle shell." Since it was cut off by Mu Feng, although it was repaired with a secret method, its power is not as good as before.

At this time, there was another sissy voice in the air: "Oh, you bird man, come to me with ulterior motives!" Then, following the voice, it was a jade ruyi!

Ruyi turned into four in the air, and smashed into the limbs of Peng Demon King!Peng Mowang felt that the tendons on his limbs were all on fire, and he couldn't move for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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