Agent of Heaven

Chapter 238 The Fall of the Peng Demon King

Chapter 238 The Fall of the Peng Demon King

When Bo Xun saw the sissy weirdo coming, he was overjoyed and said, "Shiva, you came just in time!"

It turns out that this sissy is Shiva, the third disciple of Styx Lord Styx. Although his martial arts and cultivation are not as good as his two senior brothers, he is vicious and cunning, so in the sea of ​​blood, he is the Apart from the leader of Styx, the existence that people fear the most!

Shiva fell in front of the Peng Demon King and said: "Oh~ Peng Demon King, why did you kill me into the sea of ​​blood for no reason and ruin my senior brother's life."

Peng Demon King's limbs have been hit by Shiva's Yu Ruyi, and he can't move for a while, but when he sees Shiva approaching him, he feels a chill for no reason: "Bah! Sissy, stay away from me. Darling!" Brahma deserves what he deserves! I wish I could kill him a thousand times!" After speaking, he struggled to move his limbs.

Shiva giggled coquettishly and said, "Don't struggle anymore, you won't be able to move for a while after being hit by someone's Brahma Heart Bundle. Since you killed someone's brother, you will naturally stay and pay for it!"

The Peng Demon King sneered, spread his wings behind his back, and a gust of wind swept out, bringing flying sand and rocks!
When Shiva and the demon lord Bo Xun saw Peng Demon King being restrained by Brahma Heart, they thought they were sure of everything, but they didn't expect that the most powerful thing about this bird man was a pair of wings!The wings spread, and the wind and sand filled the air. The two people who were fascinated couldn't open their eyes.

Bo Xun said: "Don't even think about running away!" Go ahead, throw the golden pestle in his hand, and hit the direction of the Peng Demon King in his impression.But it was empty!After a while, the flying sand and rocks stopped, but the Peng Demon King had long since disappeared!
Bo Xun said angrily, "I'll go and catch him!"

Shiva said: "No need to go, I let him go on purpose!"

Bo Xun said: "Why? Could it be that you won't avenge senior brother's revenge?"

Shiva said: "Don't you feel that this matter is very strange? Although the Bull Demon King lost his think tank, the Macaque King, it is not impossible to see the form clearly. At this time, he broke into my sea of ​​blood and killed him. Brahma." His words were very indifferent to Brahma.

Bo Xun said: "So what? Shiva, I know that you and Brahma are at odds, but you can't let the murderer who killed your senior brother go away because of this? If the old master knows about this, he will definitely punish him severely." your!"

Shiva snorted coldly: "Do you think the leader is as stupid as you? I believe that the old man must have seen it. The sudden killing of Brahma by the Peng Demon King must be hindered by someone. He hopes that our Shura tribe will turn against the Bull Demon King."

Bo Xun said: "Then tell me! Who is obstructing it!" He seemed to believe that Shiva's refusal to avenge Brahma was due to their own differences.

Shiva said: "I don't know what the master thinks if you can be a big brother with your elm head! Now if we go to war with the bull devil, which side will get the most benefits, then they must be the ones who make trouble secretly!" "

Only then did Bo Xun come to his senses and said, "You mean, it's Kong Xuan?"

Shiva said: "Kong Xuan really didn't have such thoughts, but this trick is very similar to the handwriting of Bai Ze, the number one wise man of the demon clan. Brahma was killed, if we kill Peng Demon King to vent our anger, then Bull Demon King will be angry." , will definitely stir up my blood and make me restless! So let's bear with it for a while."

Bo Xun said: "But Brahma..."

Shiva laughed and said: "Aren't there still [-] demon soldiers who will have time to retreat in the future? Killing them will also give an explanation to the leader!" He pointed to the [-] demon soldiers brought by the Peng Demon King in the sea of ​​blood.

Bo Xun sneered and said, "You still have a way, Shiva. Before Vishnu comes, let's avenge Brahma first!" After speaking, he sneered and rushed towards the demon soldiers.

Shiva said disdainfully: "Elder brother, when will you be able to develop a little brain, and you have to do it yourself to kill this kind of smashing? Are you not afraid of lowering your status?" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and countless people rushed out in all directions. The demon soldiers immediately surrounded the [-] demon soldiers. It turned out that he had already set up ambushes all around!
However, what no one noticed was that the black fox demon that was originally standing in the army of the demon clan disappeared quietly.

Let's say that Peng Demon King finally got out of the sea of ​​blood, looked at the sea behind him and gritted his teeth: "After all, I was too reckless and harmed those boys!" He just sighed, and did not show any too sad expression , and flew towards the place where the Bull Demon King's army was stationed in a blink of an eye.

Who knew that a stream of light suddenly stood in front of the Demon King Peng at this moment.It turned out to be Mu Feng who had turned into a black fox demon!
Demon King Peng said angrily: "Black fox demon, why are you blocking my way?"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Take a closer look at who I am?" With a flash of brilliance on his body, he actually showed his prototype.

The Demon King Peng turned pale in shock and said, "How could it be you!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Why can't it be me?"

Demon King Peng took out Fang Tian's painted halberd, and said with a vigilant look: "I understand, it's you, everything is your conspiracy! It's you who caused me to lose a hundred thousand demon soldiers! It's all you!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I want to thank you for allowing me to complete the task so smoothly. Finally... I will borrow your head!" As soon as the words fell, Mu Feng slapped the sword box behind his back, and Xuanyuan's four swords flew directly Come out, lined up to assassinate the Peng Demon King!

Peng Demon King is not Mu Feng's opponent, and he is already injured at this time, so how dare he fight Mu Feng head-on?He showed the prototype of a black-feathered eagle covering the sky, turned around and ran away!
His speed was extremely fast, but the Xuanyuan Four Swords came even faster. In just a blink of an eye, he had already caught up with the Peng Demon King and passed through his pair of wings!

Demon King Peng screamed, fell from the air, and vomited blood when he fell on the ground.

Mu Feng Yujian said: "Peng Demon King, today is your death day!"

Demon King Peng screamed: "Brother! I'll go first!" Before he finished speaking, the Shengxie Sword had already sliced ​​across his throat.

Mu Feng gently blew the blood on the sword spine, and sighed: "It's a pity that the cultivation base of ten thousand years has been wiped out in ashes in the end."

The figure of the monkey suddenly appeared. He was arranged to ambush the Peng Demon King here for a long time, but he never showed up.When he appeared at this time, his expression was sad, his eyes were red and he said: "I think my old grandson used to have a drink with you back then! Sigh... it's all good luck!"

Mu Feng said: "The great sage doesn't have to be like this. This Peng Demon King doesn't know the number of days, and he died perversely. No wonder others."

The monkey said: "After all, it is the brother from the past. My grandson wants to give him a ride." After speaking, he sat down cross-legged on the spot, put his hands together, and actually read the "Sutra of Rebirth"!

The Peng Demon King himself was a monster whose cultivation level was comparable to that of a god or Buddha, and he died under the sword of Shengxie at this time, even more so. In fact, there was nothing that the monkey could save.The monkey recited this scripture because he wanted to see his former brother off with the only thing he could do.

Mu Feng looked at Xuehai and said: "Once the Peng Demon King dies, the Bull Demon King will not be far away..."

(End of this chapter)

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