Agent of Heaven

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
In the Netherworld, the night sky is like ink, and the blood is faintly visible, as if heralding the beginning of tragedy.

In Taishan City, a brutal massacre has just ended.The monster army led by the Bull Demon King marched into the city mightily!The three demon kings rode their mounts and walked in the forefront together, their faces were full of complacency.

A huge corpse suddenly fell from the sky and was discarded outside Taishan City!All the monster soldiers gathered around to watch, only to find that it was actually a huge black-feathered eagle covering the sky!
The Bull Demon King reined in the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast that was about to move forward, and stared at the dead body in front of him like a hen.

King Yu Tamarin rolled off his horse and rushed to the corpse of Heiyu Zhetian Eagle crying, "Third brother! Third brother, who killed you?"

Jiao Demon King lined up on the gate of Mount Tai City with his angry palm, smashing the huge stone gate to pieces: "Who is it! Who did it!"

The Bull Demon King gritted his teeth and said, "Who else could it be... The third brother just went to the Asura Blood Sea one step ahead of us, Styx Sect Master! I will not stand with you!" Yihei fell off his horse.

Yu Tamarin King and Jiao Demon King were shocked when they saw this, and quickly stepped forward to help the Bull Demon King and said, "Brother! Don't scare us!"

The Jiao Demon King carefully checked the Bull Demon King's pulse and said, "Brother just fainted from grief for a while. It's okay, let's help him into the city to rest first."

In Taishan City, in the Jiule Palace where King Taishan, one of the ten palaces of Yama, originally lived, the Bull Demon King lay on the huge golden throne, his face full of sadness.

Jiao Demon King said: "Brother, half of our six brothers have already left! You must take care of your health, something will happen to Boone again!"

The Bull Demon King sighed: "I know, I have made you worry about it, my second brother."

King Yu Tamarin said: "Master Minghe dares to kill my third brother! This revenge must be avenged!"

The Bull Demon King propped his forehead with his hands and said: "In this case, let's send troops to flatten the sea of ​​blood! I just gave the old thief Styx some face and let him linger on the sea of ​​blood for a few years. Who knows He really thought that our demon clan was afraid of him!"

Jiao Demon King said: "Brother is right! The monkey and Mu Feng fled into the sea of ​​blood, maybe it was backed by the leader of Minghe! Please give me 30 horses! I will definitely step on the road within a month." Flatten the sea of ​​blood!"

The Bull Demon King waved his hand and said: "The three of us brothers can no longer be separated. The death of the third brother is because we divided up the army, so we were defeated one by one. We will directly lead the army out to crusade against the sea of ​​blood!"

King Yu Tamarin said: "But if this is the case, wouldn't Kong Xuan take advantage of it?"

The Bull Demon King sneered and said: "He can't take advantage of it! Just with his little pawns, he is not even worthy to carry our shoes! Didn't you see that since the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation was broken, we have almost destroyed half of the underworld, Does Kong Xuan have the ability to resist?"

Jiao Demon King nodded and said: "Brother is right, that Kong Xuan is already a dead bone in the tomb, and he will be wiped out by us sooner or later. In this nether world, the only one who still has some strength is Styx! As long as you get rid of With him, we can lead a world of our own and have the ability to compete with Dapeng. At that time, we will not disappoint our three brothers who died!"

King Yu Tamarin said: "Since this is the case, we will leave 20 demon soldiers to guard the city. The three of us will lead an army of 70 to flatten the sea of ​​blood!"

In the city of death in vain, in the hall of discussion.

Kong Xuan laughed and threw a secret report in his hand on the table and said: "The military adviser's prediction is exactly right. The Bull Demon King has already set off with an army of 70, heading towards the sea of ​​blood!"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "I just made a small plan. The credit for this matter depends entirely on Wukong and Mu Feng's improvisation."

The monkey smiled and said: "Military master, please don't praise my old grandson, your clever plan is really powerful. The situation is exactly as you expected."

Mu Feng said: "Now the Bull Demon King has led his troops to the sea of ​​blood, what should we do next?"

Lu Ya said: "The next thing is to prepare to recover the lost ground."

Kong Xuan nodded and said: "That's right, the Bull Demon King will be handed over to Patriarch Minghe to deal with the headache! When both of them are hurting, I will come out to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

However, Bai Ze shook his head and said, "No, although the Bull Demon King lost three generals, his troops were not damaged at all. With Styx's strength alone, he might not be able to hold out for long. At that time, the Bull Demon King will turn around and clean up." We, I'm afraid, can only sit and wait to die."

At this time, Kong Xuan was almost obedient to Bai Ze's words, he smiled and said: "The military master must have already made up his mind when he said that. Say it quickly, and we will execute it directly!"

Bai Ze said: "Directly use all our troops to help the leader of Styx!"

Mu Feng said: "It is indeed a good strategy. Right now we have diverted the trouble to the east, so that we can transfer the decisive battle that should have happened in the city of death to the sea of ​​blood."

Kong Xuan frowned and said, "Are you fully united with Styx?"

Bai Ze said: "Besides this, we actually have no third way to choose, besides...if my expectation is not bad, the envoy from Styx should be here soon."

As if in response to Bai Ze's speculation, a notification came from outside: "Shiva of the Blood Sea seeks to see Master Kong Xuan!"

Kong Xuan said with a smile: "The military adviser really has a clever plan!"

Bai Ze said, "Hurry up and let that Shiva in."

After a while, Shiva walked into the hall. He bowed slightly to the crowd and said, "I have seen you, Master Kong Xuan! I have seen you, fellow Taoists." Many people on the Internet feel very uncomfortable.

Kong Xuan first said: "Don't be too polite!" Then he pretended not to know anything and asked: "Mr. Shiva is here, what is the matter?"

Shiva smiled coquettishly and said, "Master Kong Xuan must have known the reason for his visit, why bother to ask questions knowingly~"

Rao, everyone present was deeply cultivated, and seeing Shiva like this, they couldn't help but shudder.They all don't understand why there is such a strange thing in the ferocious Shura clan.

Kong Xuan coughed twice and said, "What is your Excellency talking about, please give me some famous words."

Shiva gave Bai Ze a resentful look and said, "Because of Master Kong Xuan's strategist's ingenious plan, the Bull Demon King has already sent troops to subdue the sea of ​​blood! The reason why he came here this time is to ask His Excellency to send troops to rescue him."

Mu Feng took advantage of his speaking ability to look like Shiva a lot. Most of the men in the Shura tribe either had more heads or more hands, and all of them were ugly.Only this Shiva not only has only limbs like human beings, but also looks extremely beautiful.If he wasn't too sissy, he would definitely be a handsome man.

Shiva seemed to have noticed Mu Feng's gaze, and turned her head to smile coquettishly at Mu Feng.Mu Feng was so scared that he directly pulled the monkey over to block him.

Seeing the sissy smiling at him, the monkey bared his teeth and said, "If you look at my old grandson again, I will beat you into meatloaf!"

Kong Xuan also snorted coldly: "Let me send troops to rescue? When I am fighting the Bull Demon King, did Master Styx send troops to rescue?"

(End of this chapter)

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