Agent of Heaven

Chapter 240 Prelude to the Decisive Battle

Chapter 240 Prelude to the Decisive Battle
Shiva seemed to have guessed that Kong Xuan would ask such a question a long time ago, and he smiled calmly: "That thing is wrong with our Shura clan, but it is also a choice of desperation. I hope Master Kong Xuan can understand, presumably My lord is not a narrow-minded person. You can understand the truth of the cold lips and teeth!" He bit the words "severe lips and teeth cold" very hard!
Kong Xuan continued to sneer: "Hmph, what if this seat is the narrow-minded person?"

Shiva laughed and said, "The emperor of the demon world, how can a narrow-minded person do this?"

Kong Xuandao: "What did you say?"

Shiva said: "As long as Master Kong Xuan is willing to send troops to fight against the Bull Demon King, we are willing to remain under your command after the war is over, and help you conquer the Heavenly Court and sit on the throne of the Demon King!"

Kong Xuandao: "Is this true? Your Shura clan is capricious..."

Shiva took out a piece of yellow paper and said: "This is the covenant written by the leader himself, please read it carefully!"

Kong Xuan took the long covenant note, glanced at it briefly, and all the information was reflected in his mind!In an instant, his face was filled with joy: "It's so good! The Bull Demon King and I are enemies. When I sign this covenant, we will join the sea of ​​blood and fight against the Bull Demon King together!"

It seems that there are indeed very favorable conditions in the covenant, otherwise, according to Kong Xuan's personality, he would never be so polite to Shiva.Soon, the yellow paper floated up, and Kong Xuan pressed his handprint on the paper at an extremely fast speed.A golden light flew straight into the sky through the paper and rushed into the sky.

An indifferent voice came from the sky: "Styx and Kong Xuan made a covenant, from then on they will be one clan, and the Shura clan will also be governed by Kong Xuan." If the agreement is made, the transformation will lead to disasters in the heavens, and they will never be reborn forever.

Kong Xuan laughed and said: "Hurry up, pass my order, the army will start in line!"

At this time, Bai Ze came over and whispered a few words to Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan turned to look at Lu Ya and said, "Are you really sure that you can recover all the cities we lost with [-] troops?"

Lu Ya clasped his hands together and said, "I would like to issue a military order."

Kong Xuan waved his hand and said, "No need, I'll give you 2 people, you hurry up and recover those cities!"

Lu Ya said: "Take orders."

In just a short while, the [-] troops left the City of Death in a mighty way. Mu Feng, Bai Ze, and Hou Zi were also in the team and followed behind Kong Xuan.

Besides, in the sea of ​​blood, the monster clan's 70 army is overwhelming, and the Asura clan is almost slaughtered every day!Moreover, the men in Asura are ugly, but the women are extremely beautiful.Therefore, women are often humiliated by the demon army, and the demon lord Bo Xun and others are very annoyed by this.Several times he led his warriors to fight against the Yaozu, but in the end they were outnumbered, and they were defeated several times.

Vishnu is a strange man with four arms. When he was born, he was born with a peaceful light similar to that of the Buddha's light, but it is the only guardian power in the sea of ​​blood. Asura was able to breathe.

"My lords, the demon race outside is calling again!" an Asura reported inside the palace where the demon lord Bo Xun and Vishnu were resting.

The demon lord Bo Xun was furious, picked up the vajra and wanted to go out again.

Vishnu said: "Don't be too impulsive, Shiva went out to ask for help, and it should be here soon."

Bo Xun said: "I just can't stand this cowardice! I was bullied by others and came to the door, and I can't fight back. Are you aggrieved or aggrieved?"

Vishnu said: "It's not that you can't fight back, it's that you can't fight!"

Bo Xun said: "The leader, why doesn't he make a move now?"

Vishnu shook his head and said: "The leader can't take it lightly. He is the last hope of our Shura clan. If he can't defeat the Bull Demon King for a while, we are afraid that we will die. So he must take the shot at the most critical time." .”

Bo Xun said: "When is the critical time?"

Shiva's sissy voice came out from outside: "It's now!" He let Kong Xuan in sideways.

Vishnu stepped forward to salute and said, "I have met Master Kong Xuan!"

Kong Xuan said proudly: "Where is your leader?" He has signed a life-and-death covenant with Styx, and he will jointly hold the Shura mantra with Styx in the future, so for Vishnu, it is as if he saw his own subordinates .

Vishnu didn't dare to show dissatisfaction: "The leader said that as soon as Master Kong Xuan appears, he will come soon!"

It was too late and then soon, a blood lotus flew out from the outside, and the leader of Styx sat cross-legged on it, holding the two swords of Yuantu Abi and said: "Friend Kong Xuan, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Kong Xuan sneered and said, "You old loach is finally willing to come out?"

Master Styx pretended not to be angry when he heard the words, "It was my fault for not helping my virtuous brother before, and I hope that my brother can let go of the past."

Kong Xuandao: "Of course it's okay to ignore the past, after all, I'm also the master of the Shura clan now! It's also right to help the servants of my family!"

Both Bo Xun and Vishnu's complexion changed drastically, only Styx Master and Shiva's complexion remained the same, and they were still able to chat and laugh with Kong Xuan.

Shiva said: "Master Kong Xuan is a magnanimous person, so naturally he will not always worry about these disappearances. Let's start discussing how to retreat from the enemy, shall we?"

Bai Ze stepped forward and said with a smile, "I've already thought about the strategy to retreat from the enemy."

The leader of Styx also knew that Bai Ze was resourceful, so he asked humbly: "Mr. Bai Ze has any clever plan, please tell me quickly!" You know, there are still 70 monster troops around outside, as long as the outer barrier If it is breached, the sea of ​​blood will be razed to the ground by the demon soldiers in an instant!

Bai Ze said mysteriously: "This strategy is actually very simple." After speaking, he took out a kit from his bosom and handed it to Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuandao: "The military master has predicted the enemy's opportunity first, and he has already prepared a good plan!"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "Everything is within my expectations, please go outside with Master Kong Xuan and Mr. Mu Feng to meet the three great sages of the demon clan, and open this bag after victory.

Mu Feng said: "Tell me again? Can't you open it now?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "It's not impossible, it's just that if you open it before the incident happens, then this kit will be useless."

Mu Feng said: "Is it really mysterious?"

Master Styx seemed unwilling to get entangled in this kind of matter, and urged: "Then blow the horn quickly, and rank up to meet the enemy!" With the sound of the horn, all the young Asura lined up and held sharp knives. Out of the enchantment.

The monster clan and the Shura clan confront each other, and the war seems to be on the verge of breaking out!
(End of this chapter)

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