Agent of Heaven

Chapter 241 Killing Prologue

Chapter 241 Killing Prologue

Above the sea of ​​blood, the 70 monster army was lined up neatly, each holding a sharp knife, with a murderous aura, and a banner that wrote to the Great Sage of Pingtian was fluttering in the wind.

Jiao Demon King held a trident, stood in front of the two armies and said: "Master Styx, you are so bold that you dare to instruct your apprentice to kill my brother. Today I will marry your dog's head to pay homage to my brother's dead soul!"

Styx Sect Master Styx sits on a twelve-grade blood lotus, suspended above the sea of ​​blood, with a gloomy face like a pool of ink: "You ignorant boy, when your ancestor was in the prehistoric times, you were nothing more than a stinking loach. You are so arrogant, you dare to come to my front and scold me."

Jiao Demon King said: "Don't be ashamed, since you have come out, then I will come to take your head!" After speaking, he waved his trident in his hand and directly attacked the leader of Styx.

The leader of Minghe snorted coldly, raised the two swords of Yuantu Abi in his hand, and fought with the demon king.

Although the Jiao Demon King is an ancient xenomorph who practiced for thousands of years and became enlightened, he is far behind the Styx Sect Master in terms of cultivation and martial arts.But after more than ten rounds, he gradually lost!
Styx Sect Master's double swords kept falling, leaving bloodstains on Jiao Demon King's body from time to time, and he said with a sinister smile: "Little Nixie, with only this ability, I dare to show my shame in front of the old man, so I call your family!" Brother, come on!"

"The maggots growing out of your navel, don't hurt my dear brother!" The Bull Demon King's roar was like thunder, and he descended from the sky with a mixed iron rod in his hand, aiming at the leader of Styx with a blow!

Styx Master Styx crossed the two swords of Yuantu Abi on the top of his head in an attempt to block the sharp sword.But how powerful is the Bull Demon King?It was just a collision, and the leader of Styx fell to the twelfth rank blood lotus.

The Bull Demon King is also a demon king who has been fighting all the year round, so he naturally knows the principle of taking advantage of the victory and chasing after him. The speed of the iron rod in his hand keeps increasing, and he keeps calling at the foot of the leader of Styx.

The Flood Demon King turned into a dragon, and from time to time opened his huge mouth to spit venom at the Styx Master.The main body of the Jiao Demon King is an ancient alien species of poisonous flood dragon. If an ordinary immortal gets a drop of his venom, he will lose all his magic power in an instant and become a mortal.

Although Master Styx had a high level of cultivation, he also knew that the venom was powerful, so he was naturally unwilling to hold on.So he moved left and right and began to dodge.

"You bully the few with the more, what kind of heroes are you?"

The Bull Demon King said coldly: "You can also ask your unsatisfactory apprentices to come out to help you!"

Master Styx sneered and said, "I'm sure I can deal with you two!" After speaking, the back of his head glowed red, and soon a blood-clothed Taoist rushed out of the red light, with a red beard and a dark face. .

The blood-clothed Taoist saluted the leader of Styx and said, "I have seen this deity!"

Minghe threw the Abi sword in his hand to the blood-clothed Taoist and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, help me and kill these two people!"

The blood-clothed Taoist took the Abi sword, and without saying a word, he went to kill the Jiao Demon King.

The Jiao Demon King naturally recognized that the blood-clothed Taoist was the true deity of the Styx leader, and immediately did not dare to neglect, and kept swinging his giant tail in the air to sweep towards the blood-clothed Taoist.

The blood-clothed Taoist sneered and said, "Beast! Repent now, leave me as a mount, maybe you can spare your life."

Jiao Demon King said: "You have not fallen asleep yet, you started talking in your sleep." He opened his bloody mouth and bit the blood-clothed Taoist.This person fought together in the air, but it was difficult to tell the winner in a short while.

Bull Demon King sneered at Styx Master, "Is this fair?"

Master Styx smiled and said, "Naturally it's fair, we can have one-on-one!"

The Bull Demon King sneered: "Who wants to have a one-on-one with you?" After finishing speaking, a clear light appeared in the back of his head, and a huge white bull flew out of the clear light. The leader ran over.

The leader of Styx naturally didn't dare to take the impact of the incarnation of the Bull Demon King White Bull head-on, so he could only dodge.Unexpectedly, he took a few steps back just now, but found a shocking and tidy shout from behind: "Wu Yun is prosperous!"

It turned out that the 70 demon soldiers saw that the Styx leader was beaten by his own king and had no strength to fight back, so they shouted in unison to cheer the Bull Demon King.Every army has a very strong and fierce spirit since ancient times.With this cry, fierce aura rushed towards the leader of Styx, and he was so confused that he couldn't escape the impact of the incarnation of the white bull!
The two horns of the white bull directly pierced the two ribs of the leader of Styx, pushing him up high!

Struggling with all his might, Styx Master Styx escaped from the white bull's horns, called back the blood-clothed Taoist avatar, and hurriedly fled!
When Bai Niu saw him, he started to run away. At that time, the whole person, oh no, it should be said that the whole cow became extremely excited.Spread all four hooves, regardless of everything, chase after the leader of Styx.

The Bull Demon King laughed when he saw this, and dragged the iron rod to chase after the Styx leader.

The blood-clothed Taoist was taken away, and the Jiao Demon King had no opponent, so he naturally rose into the clouds and chased after the Styx leader together.Before leaving, he shouted to King Yu Tamarin, who was commanding the army below: "Lead the army to kill Shura in the sea of ​​blood, and I will go after the leader of Styx!" After speaking, he did not wait for King Yu Tamarin to stop him After answering, he turned into a streamer and followed the Bull Demon King to chase the leader of Styx.

King Yu Tamarin shouted from a distance: "Brother and second brother, be careful, there may be deceit ahead!" But his voice was still not as fast as Jiao Demon King and Bull Demon King, and the words "There is deceit ahead" could not be conveyed. into the ears of both of them.

At this moment, Mu Feng came out with four swords on his shoulders, and said to King Yutao, "Monster, what you have done is beyond the law of heaven! Why don't you get off your horse and accept surrender?"

King Yu Tamarin snorted coldly and said: "Mu Feng, I am indeed not your opponent, but don't you see that there are 70 troops behind me?" He gestured backwards.

Thousands of archers all came to unleash their longbows, and rain arrows enveloped Mu Feng like locusts crossing the border.

"Is this all you have?" Bull Demon King finally found a chance to taunt his opponent!
Mu Feng said: "Trust me, just a moment later, you will be ready to escape!" He clapped his hands around and said, "Get out of here, the bastard!"

A gust of wind came out, and many black shadows of soldiers appeared in all directions of the sea of ​​blood!The 15 ghost soldiers, plus the 70 sailors provided by the Shura tribe, made a total of [-] troops, suddenly appearing in all directions, and concealed and killed the [-] demon soldiers rushing towards the middle!

King Yu Tamarin sneered and said: "It's just a small plan to ambush, but I don't know when you got mixed up with the Styx leader, and now you actually help him resist us. It's really a big heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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