Agent of Heaven

Chapter 243 Mission Accomplished

Chapter 243 Mission Accomplished
In the past, when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was the Heavenly Emperor of the Monster Clan, he realized the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation in the Eastern Emperor Bell, and trapped and killed the Twelve Ancestral Witches in the formation during the Lich War.The power of this array is not even below the Zhuxian Sword Array of Master Tongtian, as evidenced by poems:

There are creatures in chaos, and there is no light and silence.The Eastern Emperor is fully enlightened, and the avenue has won the heart.The sky is billions of hours, and the way of purple air is light!

Master Styx sighed: "I heard that in the past, Shuofang City came to masters, and they have already destroyed the Zhoutian Star Dou formation. How can it be recast in such a short period of time?"

Kong Xuan looked at Bai Ze with a somewhat unkind look: "You guys, you and Lu Ya have kept a hand with me?"

Although Bai Ze's face was pale, facing Kong Xuan's coercion, he still didn't change his face: "Master Kong Xuan was too worried. When Wu Luo broke the formation in the past, what was broken was only a sliver of the main formation below. It's just a formation. The formation you see now is controlled by Master Lu Ya, and its power is hundreds of times greater than what I controlled in the past."

Mu Feng said: "That's not right! I've also heard in the past that this week's Star Dou formation cannot be used unless it is the blood of the ancient demon emperor! Now the only one who can lead the formation should be Lu Ya."

Bai Ze said: "Brother Mu Feng, you should understand that there are no absolutes in this world! As long as the price you pay is high enough, there is nothing you cannot do."

Mu Feng said: "You... what did you pay?"

Bai Ze smiled bitterly and said, "It's nothing, it's just all the rest of my cultivation."

At this time, the starlight above the sky had completely enveloped everyone present, including the 70 demon soldiers and the 15 Asura allied forces.

The surrounding scenery has all turned into a bright starry sky. Wherever you touch it, you can see the stars flowing and dancing.

Sudden!The surrounding stars changed, and they all emitted a sharp light, condensed like steel needles, stabbing at everyone present.

The Xuanyuan Four Swords behind Mu Feng felt that there was danger coming, and they automatically flew out of the guardian, turning into a barrier of sword energy, making it impossible for those sharp starlight to penetrate.

Kong Xuan's five-colored light danced behind him, and he looked at Bai Ze: "What exactly are you and Lu Ya trying to do? Didn't he follow my order to recover the lost ground? Why did he appear in this week's Star Dou formation? Why? Is it still this kind of indiscrimination between the enemy and us?"

Those star lights seem to have eyes, and they will automatically go around when they reach Bai Ze's side.He smiled lightly: "Master Kong Xuan, you are so naive, you really think that my prince of the demon clan will assist you to become the demon emperor?"

Kong Xuan said angrily: "I already knew that you have the heart of disobedience! As expected!"

Bai Ze said: "The loyal prince has always been Prince Lu Ya, and my goal has always been to destroy Lord Lu Ya, the Bull Demon King, and the leader of Styx together. It is wishful thinking for Lord Kong Xuan to say that I have disobedience!" , he took a step back, away from where everyone was standing.The surrounding dark starry sky seemed to have consciousness, and directly concealed his body.

Lu Ya's voice came from above the starry sky: "I am willing to submit to the prince sincerely, and save my life along the way!"

Kong Xuan said angrily: "Lu Ya, you repetitive villain! You actually want me to submit to you, it's wishful thinking!"

Lu Ya smiled and said: "Kong Xuan, you don't need to express your opinion. The prince has never thought of accepting your surrender." After he finished speaking, the Bull Demon King and the starlight received by the demon soldiers around him were all gone. They all stopped: "The Bull Demon King, the Flood Demon King. The people who killed your brother were those Mu Feng and Kong Xuan. This crown prince will help you avenge you. Are you willing to submit to me?"

Flood Demon King was furious when he heard the words, pointed his trident in the air and said, "Even if I was trapped to death in the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation today, I wouldn't think of a person like you who can only play tricks and tricks begging for mercy."

But the Bull Demon King tugged on Jiao Demon King's sleeve and said, "Second brother, be safe and don't be impatient! Even if we don't think about ourselves, we must also think about the hundreds of thousands of brothers under us."

Jiao Demon King said: "Brother, when did you become so lacking in integrity? Thinking about how heroic you were when you were in Jilei Mountain, we brothers vowed to wipe out the Three Realms together and create a new era for the Yaozu." A foundation!"

The Bull Demon King said: "It was because of our obsession back then that all of our brothers died unexpectedly. My brother is not willing to let you die here with me now. Besides! The 70 monster brothers under us are all I brought them out from the demon world, if they all die in this place, the entire demon clan will lose their vitality!"

Flood Demon King calmed down a little when he heard the words, and then he felt that what Bull Demon King said was very reasonable, he was speechless.

Lu Ya's laughter came from the air: "Okay, the Great Sage Ping Tian is indeed a person who values ​​love and righteousness. If his Japanese crown prince ascends the throne as the Demon Emperor, he will make you a side-by-side king, so that you can sit on an equal footing with me!"

The Bull Demon King knelt on one knee and said, "In that case, I would like to thank His Royal Highness the Prince."

Seeing this, the Jiao Demon King also knelt down on one knee reluctantly, and cupped his hands facing the sky.

In an instant, the stars dimmed, and the entire starry sky was swallowed by darkness.

Mu Feng tried to release spell lighting, but once the light was released, it would be swallowed by darkness in the starry sky in an instant!

"Brother Mu! Is that you?" A furry hand rested on Mu Feng's shoulder.

Mu Feng wiped his hairy hands and said with a smile: "Brother Monkey, is it you? How did you find me?"

The monkey said: "You forgot that my grandson has piercing eyes."

Mu Feng said: "Your fiery eyes can be seen in this starry sky?"

The monkey asked: "What is the Annihilation Starry Sky?"

Mu Feng said: "This is a change of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation, but it reintegrates the world into the infinite darkness and silence, this kind of darkness can swallow all mana."

The monkey smiled and said, "To put it bluntly, you can't use magic here, and you can't see it. My old grandson's piercing eyes were forged in the furnace of the Supreme Lord, and you don't need to use mana to use them."

Mu Feng said: "That's great, Great Sage, did you just see Kong Xuan and the leader of Styx?"

The monkey smiled and said, "They were really attacked by Lu Ya and Ji Meng. Don't you still want to help them?"

After hearing this, Mu Feng smiled slightly: "Our purpose of coming here has been achieved. The monster tribe is fighting among themselves, and the internal friction is serious. Kong Xuan's disrespect will probably be completely wiped out. After the Bull Demon King suffered a heavy loss, he was included Under Lu Ya's tent, it is estimated that they will start to guard against the movements of the Golden Winged Pengdiao. They probably won't be able to spare time for a while to make plans for our human world." His visit to the underworld this time is not true In order to save Kong Xuan.All his actions are just to prevent the Yaozu from being unified quickly, so that the human world can have a breathing space.

The monkey said: "Before Lu Ya and them deal with Kong Xuan, let's find the exit of this big formation quickly. Otherwise, we will be trapped in the formation if we wait for their reaction!"

(End of this chapter)

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