Agent of Heaven

Chapter 244

Chapter 244
Mu Feng looked around, walked a few steps left and right, and sighed: "I'm not like Brother Monkey, you have piercing eyes! I can't see anything in this formation."

The monkey scratched his ear and scratched his cheek and said, "There's no way around this. Alas, spells are not used in the formation, and there is no way to illuminate it. My old grandson will drag you to find an exit." After speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Mu Feng.

But Mu Feng didn't move at all, and then laughed and said: "Haha, I have a solution, but it's just that I can't use magic power. Don't we still have technology!" After speaking, he took out a mobile phone from his pocket, opened the built-in phone Flashlight function.A dazzling light emanated from above the flashlight.

The monkey said: "...Brother Mu, you are really witty."

Mu Feng looked at the low battery power left on the phone and said, "Let's find the exit quickly, I can't last long like this." He turned to look in the direction of Luya, and there was no hole in the five-color light between them. Xuan, at this time, was severely suppressed by Lu Ya because he could not use spells.The Master Styx of Styx danced the two swords of Yuantu Abi very quickly, but facing the former general of the monster race and the heavenly realm, Jidu, he could only fight to the end with his moves alone.It's a pity that the master of Styx has hundreds of millions of years of cultivation. He is the first creature conceived in the sea of ​​blood, and his cultivation is far beyond this. He is the triad enemy of the leader of the river.

Mu Feng sighed: "I hope Lu Ya and the others can hold on for a while longer." After speaking, following the faint light of the mobile phone, he began to walk in the boundless starry sky.But the starry sky seemed too vast, and because he couldn't use mana, Mu Feng couldn't use the heaven and earth escape method at this time, and it seemed that his legs couldn't get out of this darkness at all.Gradually, despair arose in his heart: "The Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is an ancient formation that is as famous as the Zhuxian sword formation. How can I get out with just my pair of fleshy legs?" Sighing, I suddenly felt as if my feet were filled with lead, and I couldn't even lift them at first.The colonel was indescribably tired all over his body.There also seemed to be a voice in my ear that kept calling: "Stay here, stay and rest for a while, you are too tired, you need to rest in this boundless darkness." Gradually, Mu Feng's eyes were about to open Not open!
"No! Never give up!" Just as his eyes were about to close, Mu Feng suddenly yelled.He suddenly felt his body move lighter, and the feeling of tiredness just now suddenly disappeared.He wiped the sweat off his head and shouted to the monkey: "This formation actually has the effect of confusing people's minds, Brother Monkey, be careful!"

The monkey's laughter came from not far away: "This little thing can't confuse my grandson's mind, otherwise how could my grandson come here?"

Mu Feng said: "Admiration, in fact, you are my idol since I was a child."

The monkey smiled and said, "My old grandson is ashamed, although he won't be confused by this formation, he still can't get out."

Mu Feng said: "The direction within this formation is strange, like a psychedelic void. If we walk like this, even if we can see the direction, I'm afraid we will never be able to get out for the rest of our lives."

The monkey said, "Then what should we do?"

At this time, a voice came from above the sky: "Eight steps in the barrier position!" This voice was very familiar to Mu Feng, and it was the voice of Bai Ze who had been getting along with him for a while.

Mu Feng heard the words, but didn't doubt it, and started to walk according to Bai Ze's voice.Willing to have no one else, although Bai Ze betrayed Kong Xuan and framed them at the same time, but it was only because they were their own masters, and there was no real conflict of interest between Kong Xuan and Mu Feng at this time.And the relationship between Bai Ze and Mu Feng can be regarded as inseparable.Besides, even if Bai Ze wanted to kill him, it would be fine if he didn't tell them where they were, and just trapped them in the formation. Why would it take such effort?
Seeing that Mu Feng began to move according to Bai Ze's instructions, the monkey had no choice but to follow Mu Feng.

"Ten steps away!"

"Nine steps to Kun's position!"

"Eighteen steps of shock."

Mu Feng walked according to Bai Ze's instructions, and every time he took a step, he felt that the darkness in front of him decreased by one point.After walking for a while, I saw that the surrounding area was as bright as day.Turning his head to look, Kong Xuan and Lu Ya were standing not far from them, Kong Xuan seemed to be unable to see anything, Lu Ya was clearly in front of him, but he attacked where no one was there.But every move of Lu Ya can smoothly cause Kong Xuan a lot of trouble.

Mu Feng observed for a while and said: "I finally understand. This formation directly seals the acupuncture points in our body, making us lose the ability to control mana and see things. It's just that we don't know it, so we think we are in a mess. It’s just a starry sky. In fact, we are just trapped in the starry sky in our hearts.”

Bai Ze's laughter came from the sky: "Finally take three steps towards the dry position, and you will be able to go out, brother Mu Feng, we will meet later!"

Mu Feng raised his head and asked, "Why do you help me?"

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Did I help you? I don't think so."

Mu Feng said: "Whatever you want, but I will not accept your love."

Bai Ze said: "I don't need you to admit my love, I just need you not to forget what I told you."

Mu Feng thought for a moment and said, "You mean, let me help you find Uncle Feng's reincarnation?"

Bai Ze said: "If you leave the place, go find him. You need a counselor to help you plan everything, and I also need an opponent, otherwise this war will be too boring."

The monkey sneered and said, "Boring, Bai Ze, no matter how smart you are, you are just a pawn in the hands of a sage. Strength is what determines everything. You have lost all your mana now, and you don't have much life left. What else can you do?"

Bai Ze's voice was still calm: "Those who know me say I am worried, those who don't know me say what I want..." His voice gradually weakened, and finally disappeared completely.

Following Bai Ze's instructions, Mu Feng walked three steps toward the dry position, and suddenly the scenery around the sword kept changing.He returned to the battlefield in the Netherworld just now.

The monkey followed closely behind. He looked around and said, "Let's go quickly! Before the others come out of the formation. Otherwise, we won't be able to leave."

Mu Feng knew that the monkey was also worried about the Bull Demon King and his 70 demon soldiers who surrendered to Lu Ya. These people had great enemies with the two of them, and they might appear outside the formation at any time!Mu Feng nodded and said, "Go, hurry back to the human world!"

The two turned into streamers, one set up a somersault cloud, and the other used the heaven and earth escape method, directly passing through the six circles of reincarnation, and went to the human world.

(End of this chapter)

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